Author Topic: Something to think about ?  (Read 8244 times)

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Offline maxx

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RE: Something to think about ?
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2009, 10:40:24 pm »
Paul well written and well said as always. I agree with what you are saying.Preconcived notions and are own attitudes will wreck our relationships.If we don't have a open mind

Ed body laungauge laughing smiling being able to laugh at yourself  does go along way.To making this all a little easer.

Neil Thank you for the kind words.Neil keep doing what your doing.I think you and your lady will make it.Open eyes open mind honesty with yourself and your lady.

Martin yes most Chinese ladies do have a inferority complex.To some extint.But it is getting better as the women start to own there own buissness.And control there own lives.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2009, 10:56:44 pm by maxx »


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RE: Something to think about ?
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2009, 10:58:16 pm »
May I add to that ? When I called my Qing  " Sexy " for the first time , it was like she almost looked around to see if I meant her by that statement . She gave me a look , you can't be serious ... Me sexy ... no !!  Wow ... but they call us all those wonderful  word's , that we love to hear . Go figure ?

Offline Ed W

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RE: Something to think about ?
« Reply #17 on: May 26, 2009, 03:53:15 am »
Quote from: 'Arnold' pid='3826' dateline='1243306696'

May I add to that ? When I called my Qing  " Sexy " for the first time , it was like she almost looked around to see if I meant her by that statement . She gave me a look , you can't be serious ... Me sexy ... no !!  Wow ... but they call us all those wonderful  word's , that we love to hear . Go figure ?

ya, it does take a few days to convince them we do see them for more than dutiful spouces and actually find them sexually desireable.
Alright earthlings, what form do you want me to take?....How about a taco, ....that craps icecream?  My trip to china

Offline Peter

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RE: Something to think about ?
« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2009, 12:19:20 pm »
I must say that this is one of the best threads we had in a very long time.. I agree, after being in China, that Maxx and other are quite right about the whole thing. You will get what you put into it.. I went with an open mind about my lady, the culture and many things and all of my trip was a success.. I have learned a lot about the county and the culture before I went but being there it was a difference in what I leaned and the reality.. I guess that the people that write about China doesn't really know the country. One of the best things came from a Chinese woman living in Sweden, Ming Wang-Sonnerup, who wrote a book about being raised during the Communist era.. That gave me some things to think about before I went..
« Last Edit: May 26, 2009, 12:20:09 pm by Peter »
Better to be married to a wife from Changsha then have 7000 women in Chnlove

Offline Frans B

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RE: Something to think about ?
« Reply #19 on: May 27, 2009, 06:49:44 am »
I’m with Arnold and especially with Paul Todd who has like myself been kicking around the world for a good number of years, in my case 50+ years, the name is: “DIRECT CONTACT”.
The written contact from many years experience does not produce satisfactory results mostly due to the language barrier on both sides and even native speakers among themselves often there is misunderstanding. The fact is, you have to start somewhere and that somewhere 99.9% of the time is with initial written contact and then some follow-up written contacts and from then on it should be “direct contact”. Of course in my working years flying all over the world that was easy and the results also was not bad ±60%. It never got me married but that was not the fault of the direct contact, or maybe it was, because being face to face the ladies got a better understanding that my profession was never being home for any length of time. Of course now I’m retired and set in my ways and doing everything for my self this also does not go over well with the ladies I have been in contact with. In the meantime I enjoy my retirement life sitting here working with my computer and looking out the window at the golf course with all its greenery.

Take a look at today in my life and females:

26 May 2009 Hi Lek, How are you, fine I hope? It seems time flies. More than one year ago I did write with you. That time you said you would wait for retire 2009. It is now 2009 and I’m still here by myself and interested to get to know you. Please write to my email and tell me if you want to write to me and meet me. Waiting for your email. Receive this in good health and happy day for ever and ever. Sincerely, Frans

Below reply to the above:

hi thanks for mail to me. but i think u come to this mail for fun and not too interested in me. i am too sincere for men but i never got it back but now i found one man and will be marry in October this year. sorry for i still keep profile on web because i forgot. Lek

My reply to above BS:

27 May 2009 Hi Lek, Thank you for your email. I’m happy for you to see you are getting married October 2009. I wish you and future husband a very happy and long life marriage in the best of health for both of you.
I do not play games and I’m serious when I did write a year ago and I’m still serious – now with second thoughts.
Maybe you forget that you did write me that your mother was serious ill and had to take care of her not having time ….
I did write you back Hi Lek, Thank you for your mail.
I’m sincerely sorry to hear your mother being, should we say, seriously ill.
You giving loving care to your sick mother are commendable. But.
You waiting for your mother to die are representing life inaccurately.
In addition, it places a burden on your already sick mother, if she becomes aware of it. Remember, old people have a sixth sense and knows very well what goes on around them.
Again, I’m sincerely sorry for your mother, I’m sending the below photo out of nature hoping it brightens her day a little.

Area of Photo

After the above letter I did write to you, you never answered me back. With a serious ill mother I do not want to bother you and wait for you at better days to write to me again.
Yesterday I’m looking for information for a report I’m writing and I see your photo on the web and figured your mother had gotten better, or had passed away, in the second case my sincere condolences, and I send you a message.
Receive this in the best of health and happy day, always. Sincerely, Frans

My father drummed it in to his 3-children: “Tell the truth and you do not have to remember”.
Many ladies spin good stories, like Lek she did not remember she told me a story about waiting for her mother to die.
Like she says sorry I forget keep profile on web. This is BS because when I was searching the web I noticed her on chat. Here she is sailing toward October to marry and she still trolling the web/chat, obviously seeing if before next October she can rope in a better deal. This is not some low class toilet cleaning woman; this woman is a Ranking Govt. Officer the type with Gold Bars on the epaulets and of all things she is a Taurus and Taurus people are pretty straight shooters.
She is not the first one trying to BS me and I’m sure she will not be the last one.

Keep your experiences coming, they are of interest,
« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 09:10:22 am by Frans B »
“But writing itself, writing the truth is a privilege and joy.
It is worth any inconvenience, any hardship.” -Andre Vltchek