Thanks guys, nice to feel wanted...

I don't think there was ever any 'real' doubt that I would get back on the saddle again. I think it was just a case of 'when I was 'feeling ready'
At present I am 'still' taking the medications..(Vince hehe)

, and I am in cahoots with Willy everyday. Have spoken to DavidE and Willy, about setting up a 'criteria' and ''forward plan' for the next time I go. With their intel and my already gained knowledge, I am 'more' hopeful.
This I know (this time) is going to be a more 'prepared' trip than before. What is the saying 3rd time 'lucky'.
You know what guys, there is no way I would ever have 'imagined' that I would be going to China once, never mind for the '3rd time'.

Life sure is funny