Let me just get my head around the scenario you describe, Peter...
You arrive in Shenyang and have a pleasant time with Lady A...
You tell her that now you must go to Changsa to meet Lady B...so you tell her "I'm off now to Changsha, and if the Lady B I am meeting there is better than you, I wont return, but if she is not what I expected I will be back in a few days to resume this relationship"......
In a pig's ear !!!!!! What makes you think that Chinese Ladies' attitude to two-timing is any different to any other brand of Lady

Were it me , I probably would scratch your eyes out, same as most Western Women would do. But these Chinese lovelies dont to that, they would just walk away with extreme dignity and once more believe that Western Men were all players.
You cant play with peoples emotions in such a cavalier way, it is cruel and mightily disrespectful.
Go to China and see as many Women as you want, but dont treat them as commodities to be used in this way. Getting a Chinese wife is not cheap, is not easy and requires you to be prepared to work hard at it, and spend some money doing it. As Maxx always says....."if it were that easy, everyone would be doing it"
If you are travelling to see ANY Lady that you only have EMF experience with, then be prepared for a shock...there are hundreds of posts here about the dangers of not having face-to-face contact on QQ or some such. So far, you have probably been corresponding mainly with a translator ?....the real woman will be virtually unknown to you. So be prepared.
As they say, "it's time to P**ss or get off the pot". Dont get many different women involved in your indecisions, as Mike said, you will most likely loose them all !! They have their dignity and pride too, you know. It is a bad thing to expect them to tolerate being played off against another, in fact, by Chinese standards, this loss of dignity/face is about the worst crime possible.