im speaking with mhm "my lady" i exchange with her many letters like 20.. we speak like 3 weeks now.. she showed my her natural photos,photos of her brothers and sister and her best friend.. she told me abaut her childhood abaut her family... how she told me she is from simple farm family.. and she moved to city to work there and be independent from parents
we speak alot of topics.. she is also very open and dont afraid of private or intimate questions.. she asc me about how many kids i wanna have in future ect and about "virgin" i tell her yes im i never have any contact with woman.. she also told me she is a virgin and she says to me she will give "virgin" to a man who will spend all her live with her.. not just random seduction i will paste one think she says
"love first, sex first. I heard a lot of girls give their virgin to a man, but still broke up finally, if we respect ourselves, others will also respect us, right? the more easier someone get you, the more fast he will want leave you away. This is what my good friend told me.

so I cherish my virgin very much. "
im just suprise about that.. in america and europe womans like too sleep with all army of mens just for simple pleasure of sex and they dont care of this
i see in china "sex" thinks is very respectable and im very happy of this im also a man who dont like sleep with many girls just for fun i wanna have one woman who i will be love all my live i dont search for "adventures"
well sorry for "sexual" thinks i wrote here i wana share with you guys my feelings and know what you thinking of this
i speak with her honest and nothing hide from her we talk abaut many topics
you guys says many "girls" will steal my hearth.. and it is true im kind of interesting abaut this relationship
and i agree with you Ronald true love exist.. but i have something difrend in mind

and sorry for my english.. i dont write perfect grammar i make many mistackes in simple worlds ect
but in real talk i dont have problems with it.. i was in bulgaria and germany alone and i speak only english there and everything was fine