Maby i tell abaut my sytuation allitle bit

i live in Poland in small city near capital
i have land "700m2" with one family house i live there alone... my parents live 1 kilometer away in blocks... they buy this house when comunism fall down in europe then prices was crazy abaut everything.. and no1 live there 23 years and my parents see im becoming more adult then they decide renovate this house and i live there and learn responsobility to take care of home and land im own
and im searius to find a girl/wife for me not type of adventures like disco,drugs,alcochol meet many girls in my live ect
i wana find one woman who will be suport me in me whole live... i dont search for a girl who today love me and tomorow hats me
abaut money... i have saved 3000$ and my month salary in work is 438.52 USD maby it is funny for you guys but that is real salary in my country... poland just escape from comunism and it is very hard to get well pay job like in usa on western europe
but i speak with my friend they say to me "if there is chance you will find your love there then money is not big deal... money comes and go but love, memorys and expirience stays forever"... i will take my chance and try find woman here for me if i dont find anything then i will just simple quit

and i will take precius expirience

but if i find woman who will really love me then i will be determinated to do everything

question abaut "child rearing obligations" i have two sister one have kid and husband in 17 years old other have in 20 years old and they both live very well with them own familys so question abaut "child rearing obligations" is no matter of age but a person who take care of it... personaly i know a guy who is 55+old and he second marry with a very young girl who is 30 years old they have 5 years kid and he dont have any green idea how deal with kids he is more tyran for his own kid than a father
and Ronald what you meen "There are many schools that cater to students wishing to learn Mandarin in China" you maked me curius what you say here
