Lao Gong means husband? holy sh*t!! she called me husband? after only6 hours talking? wow, do all these women make up thier minds this fast?
Thanks Mr. Niel I'll try that tomorrow night when we talk again.
Mr. Mike, she did say that a couple of times when we were talking, and Mr. Dave E we did talk and type about everything you could think of but not anything about soft bones.... what the hell are soft bo..ooohhhh.... never mind hehehe, I know.., although she did at one point ask me if I was a strong male, and told me she was a warm woman, but that we would have to see how we got along.
Lao Gong, wow, I'll tell you all the truth, I am starting to have some feelings for this lady oh her name is Xu Hui.
Thanks for the advice, hints, laugh and the answers, you guys are a fountain of info.
Thanks Buzz I'll give this a try also.