Mr. Shaun, please tell Mrs. Peggy, I would love to go to China again, I've been there once in zhuhai ( spelling? ) just because it was there and I wanted to see if China was like what my mind thought it was when I was a kid, it wasn't, it was better, anywayyyy.... I can't take anymore time off from work until maybe July and then I can have the full month off.

Mr.Sylvain D., Thank you sir, I will always follow my mind and then my heart, I want to be smart about this little adventure, I want to make sure it will last the rest of my life.
the rest of you guys are a riot

Okay, l;last night, Hui and I spent a few hours talking, I have " meet her mama and Baba" on Skype and Mama was extremely happy to talk to me ( okay she talked, Hui translated and I listened ), her Mama said when I come I must stay with them and she will make me dumpling

( I love dumplings ), I then spoke with her baba ( again He talked, Hui translated, I listened and answered questions ) between her Mom and Dad i felt like I went through the most intense interrogation of my life

, but it was cool

This morning we talked some more for about three hours, Oh before I forget, Baba said this morning that I could visit with his daughter ( I think I know what that means, no not that

), I think he approves of me, okay, so we are talking and she stops and says I am her man and I am not to see anyone else except her, and then she says if that is okay with me. ( it is )

Sorry I'm a little long winded today but I'm excited about this whole business.

I did forget to say that she sent me some very provocative photos of herself, all dressed up sexy and the whole time watching for my reaction and blushing profusely, so I gave her the reaction she wanted and she really blushed

( what great fun )