You are very right in what you say about "inner beauty"....its a very old cliche but beauty is only skin deep and must fade in time.
Sadly, I have a bit of a problem with CHNLove attitude to this sort of thing, and that is reflected in how many of us have felt that the exposure of a totally photo shopped Lady was a show stopper. Arguably, any of these photoshopped Ladies could well have been wonderful people on the inside.
BUT....when you begin a correspondence with a lady from CHNLove, the appearance plays a large part of your decision to begin. After all, it is difficult to see that a Man would begin a correspondence (at some cost to him) with a Lady he personally found un-attractive, or downright ugly...despite her possible internal perfection

What CHNLove have not got their head around is the sense of betrayal that most guys will feel when the real Lady eventually shows herself and is nothing like the original photos. How then is it possible to say..."OK, I know you have totally decieved me over your appearance, but I will persist with this relationship in case you are attractive on the inside " From this point, most potential for any relationship has evaporated, because it began with a lie.
Again it illustrates that CHNLove has zero interest in relationships, just use any trick in the book to get you to part with EMF money, knowing full well that for every man that gets sucked in, spends some money, finds out the truth and bolts...there are always many more waiting in the queue for their turn at the fraud machine.
So they must be laughing like crazy at us poor fools......they cant lose !!!!
But the men and the women in this saga are the losers, because I would almost certainly suggest that most of the women go through this deception because they are advised to by CHNLove.."it is the best way for you to get a Western Husband" etc etc etc