I know each of us does things in our own way...win , lose, or draw !!
I just wanted to contrast my own experience with the "grind" you are going through with the CHNLove saga.
I too spent heaps of time (and heaps of money) prospecting in CHNLove. I too had much the same results as you and others describe here.
I went to China on several occasions and was horribly disppointed (and ripped off !!) with the outcome. I did not know at that time to be more aggressive with requests for contact outside EMF's or for natural photos. I was stupid enough to believe that CHNLove was ethical and honest

....more fool me !!. Only when I found this Forum did I get some real ideas as to how the whole thing worked and what I should be doing to protect myself .
Quite by chance, I signed with Blossoms and China Love links....mainly due to some info I got from Shaun, another Bro on here.
Out of the blue, I got a request from a lovely Lady to correspond with her...so I did.
After 2 emails, she sent me heaps of natural photos and SHE asked me if I wanted to meet her on QQ the next day.
I learned over the next few weeks that she had previously been a CHNLove client and had left them because she was not happy with the way they did Business....she only ever got vague messages from them, never saw them face-to-face and felt it was all a waste of money and time.
There are no EMF charges on Blossom or CLL, only a very modest joining fee. What you see is what you get !!!!
Of course, there are many REAL scammers on these free sites, but if you NEVER send money, you cant get scammed.
Long story short...we were married in June this year....it does not get any better than that !!!
I am not touting that anybody should leave CHNLove and try somewhere else, but what I am trying to illustrate here is that until you get on QQ or similar, you are in dangerous Country...you will never be sure what is going on. At some point in time, before you have spent a fortune on a myth, either get tough about a better contact situation...or move on. Sometimes it is hard to do this, but ultimately to keep feeding the EMF machine is pain, pain, pain.