Author Topic: Re: Does the United States Government Have a Heart.  (Read 1739 times)

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Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Does the United States Government Have a Heart.
« on: October 13, 2010, 09:31:32 pm »
I think this sad tale must be a warning to all embarking on this Great Journey in life.   
Since living here I have come across several cases where the man has got through the trials and tribulations of finding the woman he has been talking to is real and then get over all the difficulties that come up when a foreigner is in a country like China. But we all know that when you finally marry it is not over by a long shot.   
For those who want to get her to their country, then begins another round with Governments.
The governments of any country,  look at anything that they can use to reject an application.  Remember it is probably easier for a civil servant to find a small point in hundreds of pieces of paper sent in than to find something positive to eject an illegal immigrant form a country.  The point they get on statistics counts the same.
Just give them the smallest point to go on and ‘Application Rejected’ is the one they will use.
There are many reasons ranging from whether or not they think it is not a true marriage in love fight through to the older guy marrying a younger one and then they add the consideration of whether she is likely to become a ‘widow’ and need to be supported by the state in the long term.
Make sure they know that your love is clean and also keep your medical records spotless.
Sometimes a man will get desperate and says things to Civil Servants that is maybe best unsaid.  They civil servants job is to be ‘civil’ but they note everything and there goes another reason for rejection.

Failing that a man can decide like me to live long term in China.  I am slowly adopting there ways.  I have no intentions of returning to the UK.  Even if the RMB drops to half it current value I will be able to live here OK.
But for some that is not possible.  They come here thinking China is just slightly behind the western world.  On some matters they are ahead but usually below. 
Western men do not like holes in ground to piss in.  They do not like bottled water.  They do not like seeing live creature running around their kitchen waiting for the knife.  They do not like being stared at wherever they go. They do not like learning Mandarin and finding they use a different dialect where they are going. etc ,etc.   (Me, I feel movie star  when I am out- stares are part of the job!!!)
They have family and friends in their own country which they miss and they miss the food they can get down the street.  All these things and more should be considered before embarking on this Great Journey but top of the list they should consider is what will I do if I cannot get her back to my country after marrying a Chinese woman.
If you cannot live in China a lot longer than you have anticipated them maybe reconsider whether finding a bride here is right for you or not.    For some China is a difficult place to live unless you are of the right frame of mind. 

I wish Jimmy the very best in his endavours.  It could be long term as he is stuck between a rock and hard place with wife in China and kids in USA but hopefully he will succeed.

But these points need to be considered before you start as I have heard another on here say that he wants to stay here long term but misses his grown up kids. 


ADDITION.  How come this gets a thread of its own.   OK Maxx understand now - better tell Shuan this oldie maybe talks sense sometimes.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2010, 11:54:48 pm by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline Bee964

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Re: Does the United States Government Have a Heart.
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2010, 12:17:56 am »

You always talk a lot of sence. We all know this. This post is just another example of some good fore thought by you about looking for a chinese wife. You have to concider all the possibilities of what may happen when you embark on this endevour and be prepared for every event. ;)

Dave C
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Offline Jan

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Re: Does the United States Government Have a Heart.
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2010, 07:43:50 am »
Failing that a man can decide like me to live long term in China.  I am slowly adopting there ways.  I have no intentions of returning to the UK.  Even if the RMB drops to half it current value I will be able to live here OK.
But for some that is not possible.  They come here thinking China is just slightly behind the western world.  On some matters they are ahead but usually below. 
Western men do not like holes in ground to piss in.  They do not like bottled water.  They do not like seeing live creature running around their kitchen waiting for the knife.  They do not like being stared at wherever they go. They do not like learning Mandarin and finding they use a different dialect where they are going. etc ,etc.   (Me, I feel movie star  when I am out- stares are part of the job!!!)
They have family and friends in their own country which they miss and they miss the food they can get down the street.  All these things and more should be considered before embarking on this Great Journey but top of the list they should consider is what will I do if I cannot get her back to my country after marrying a Chinese woman.
If you cannot live in China a lot longer than you have anticipated them maybe reconsider whether finding a bride here is right for you or not.    For some China is a difficult place to live unless you are of the right frame of mind. 
I liked this part.

At the start when I started writing with a few girls and now just one. I kept thinking that there is no way that I'd move to China. But many months have passed. And now I don't find that thought strange at all anymore.
I think I could even move to China permanently if I am to find my love there. Of course living at my home country is better and more safe. But if the girl would refuse to come to me I think I would go to her.

And I think I've changed as a person to be a lot more open too. I used to be quite open minded with people. No matter if they had some disability or immigrants or just a normal person. I would usually find something in common to talk about. And watching documents/films about different kinds of people just makes one realize many things.

But back to the topic. I might even like China more than I do here at Finland... My family is quite cold. Only two persons I still think of my family are my mother and grandmother. Relatives... No.
So that way I think I would be able to get a really warm family from China. Something that I'd like.

But in the end as long as there is true love. I think I'd be able to take anything anywhere for it.

Offline Jimmy

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Re: Does the United States Government Have a Heart.
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2010, 08:01:47 am »
You are exactly right my Friend.
If it were not for those 2 little girls, I would just stay as long as it takes.
I am still a bit baffled All of the things that you mentioned they would turn us down for. Even my health. They don't know yet.
They have not ask for the evidence yet. And the stuff on my health. They had no idea what it was when they Made this decision.
They got those documents 2 days later. for all they knew the health reason was a broken arm, And people don't usually die from that.

Before they made that decision the only information they had was the original application. I even looked in the bank make sure the check had cleared.
And they are fast with that, It cleared my bank the day after we filed.
Jimmy Henson