Author Topic: Does the United States Government Have a Heart.  (Read 4164 times)

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Offline Sylvain D

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Re: Does the United States Government Have a Heart.
« Reply #15 on: October 13, 2010, 04:34:04 am »
Bad news but well, with all the good advices from the brotherhood here, and from what I can read from you, you're still on the ride to do everything you can to solve all that.
I don't know anything about USA laws and immigration, but well, anyway, as you say, someday someway, you will go home, together.
Good luck also for everything you will do, and I cross the fingers for both of you.
- Let's Rock -

Offline Bee964

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Re: Does the United States Government Have a Heart.
« Reply #16 on: October 13, 2010, 09:38:35 am »

Sorry to hear about your denial but really glad to see you have calmed down now. (at least somewhat) I hope that this lawyer you have now gets on the ball and fixes this denial for you. Like Maxx says, keep applying untill they relent and give you the visa. I hope that this all gets fixed in short order for you.

Dave C
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Offline Jimmy

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Re: Does the United States Government Have a Heart.
« Reply #17 on: October 13, 2010, 07:43:07 pm »
You know besides being screwed you might say, I have made another observation.
Most of the people in my life are female including doctors and things.  And as you can guess I made a lot of phone calls to the US yesterday.

Knowing most all of these people pretty well.  I really noticed an attitude.
The ones that are a little older say over 40, and have husbands for several years.  They were all very supportive and you could tell it in their voice.
The others were more of a serves you right kind of attitude, naturally they didn't say that but you could tell.
And the Males were pretty much like you guys, they were like well what are we going to do now. You can't quit you have to much to lose.
What can we do to help you just say the word. And this was not attitude these guys said this.

I have always noticed this but before ignored it figured it must be my imagination. But it's not.
For instance there is this one woman she is about 39. she is the receptionist for my doctor. She is fat and ugly and a real bitch. Doesn't even qualify for the good personality term. Every time she talks to me she tells me " I don't know why you went to China anyway there are plenty of us nice girls right here"
And I really want to tell her yes I know there is and that's why I go to China. 

So new guys especially Americans.  Beware these local women are very jealous of what you are doing. Even family members my own sister is the worst of them all. But I knew that 2 years ago.
Jimmy Henson


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Re: Does the United States Government Have a Heart.
« Reply #18 on: October 13, 2010, 07:55:55 pm »
Jimmy , I think the same about local Women and it really saddens me ... that I feel that way . But these Women put sooo much Make-up on themselves , they can not "See" themselves looking straight into a Mirror .

Offline Jimmy

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Re: Does the United States Government Have a Heart.
« Reply #19 on: October 17, 2010, 04:28:47 pm »
Well since I have calmed down thanks mostly to my sweetheart. I was so angry and she didn't understand why, she had this sad confused look and I was immediately good again I didn't want any additional stress on her too. All the woman does is love and care for me day in and day out. That's a big job.
I talked to the lawyer again, that was a wasted call. And then I started in on USCIS and now I am being sent a request for evidence. So all is not lost, had a nice talk with maxx and feel very confident again. I was a bit surprised all you guys that jumped right in with all the good ideas and advice. I never thought anyone ever really paid much attention to my thoughts.  And I must say relax and get my sh*t together was probably the best advice I could have gotten at that moment. So thanks guys I really appreciate every bit of it.

Willie posted a thread because of this even happening. Everyone should make sure they read it. Especially guys just starting out. Some very wise information in it.
Jimmy Henson