Hi All
Firstly, if I may reply with equal humour to Kiwi303...........Us Aussies may have to prove evidence of previous criminal activity to the Immigration Dept...
but we dont have to provide evidence of previous intimate relations with a sheep

Now...back on topic !!
Today is Ming's birthday and we are going shopping....for clothes (UGH).....will be a gruelling experience, but I gotta grit my teeth and bear it because thats
what she wants for her birthday present !!
I have booked dinner at an "English" restaraunt here, but I have no idea about the type and quality of the food.......Just hope it is not roast dog and
Yorkshire Puddings....(you Poms will understand this

Yesterday we had an experience that can only be described as " Only in China......"
We went to the Bank of China to change some Aussie dollars to RMB. The Bank rate was 6 . 42
Ming filled in the usual mountain of paper, took a ticket and got into the large queue.....there is always a large queue in a Chinese Bank, the smell of money
must attract them !!!
I dont like standing in queues so I sat down and watched all the action from a distance.
After about 10 minutes, a Bank Security Guard and a bloke in a suit went over to Ming who was waiting for her turn at the cashier window. A lot of arm waving
and noise and shouting was happening, so I went over to use my 6 words of Chinese...and my Aussie aggression (!!!!) to sort it out...nobody shouts at MY LP !!!
Apparently, all was well, the guy in the suit was offering to buy our Aus dollars for a better rate than the Bank !! He was offering 6.52...cash. Ming was just
trying to negtiate him up !! I told her to be careful because it maybe a set up to trap us into an illegal currency deal and get us into trouble with the cops.
So she called over one of the Bank officials and told him what was going on....he apparently said "no problem" but you should also talk to my friend here and
introduced another bloke into the debate....he offered a bit more than the first bloke !!!!!......6.59
I wandered off in total confusion and left them to it. Now there was serious noise and arm waving as they all set to with a vengance....Ming in the middle of
all this waving Aussie dollers about like a weapon !!!!!
Eventually she did the deal at 6.72 !!!!
So we got 300 extra RMB over the Bank rate

...bizzare !!!...and all this IN A BANK !!!!
Now 300 RMB wont keep us in Champagne and Caviar...like its about $50 Aus.....but when you consider that we can eat for 4 days on this, she was justified in .
feeling very pleased with herself.
But the whole process was so weird....only in China
Now I gotta fight my way thru the various bits of female flimsies hanging in the bathroom and get a shower and prepare for another day in Paradise !!!