Just a brief update...and a small example of "tear your hair out "itis" !!!!!
We are now 5 weeks into the long wait for Immigration to grind away at our application for the Spouse Visa.
Ming is consumed with impatience and every day asks if there is any news...that is understandable, and I hate the disappointment in her eyes when I say "no news yet , honey...it will take time"
But....surprise, surprise, I got a call from my Lawyer on Thursday asking for me to get Ming to arrange her Medical Examination...this is MUCH sooner than expected and is really good news, things are moving faster than I had hoped before. As you can imagine, Ming was very excited with this news.
I immediately emailed her the details of the Doctor she must see to get the Medical done (there is only one Doctor in Chengdu who is approved by Aus Immigration).
Next day I enquired how she went with the appointment and she told me that she will go for the medical on January 18th !!!
My comment was "WOW, they must be busy, such a long wait for an appointment , the 18th is almost 3 weeks away??
Here is her reply.......
"No LG, I could go for medical on any day, but my fortune teller told me that the best day to go for medical is 18th...so that is the day I will go "
No...I did not blow up, I kept my cool and said "yes dear, if thats what you want, its up to you "
Only in China