Well guys
Again I am in the last stage of preparation for my 9th visit to Chengdu !! I leave on the 1.10 am flight on Friday and in 12 short hours I will be with my LP again, if only for 12 days.
This time, we will be together for our 1st wedding anniversary (4th June) and my Birthday (8th June)...so I guess there will be many celebrations.
I look forward to the endless round of delicious home cooked dinners with various members of my new family, and I know that again they will make me feel very special and it will all be yet another memorable experience.
There will be a few drinking sessions with my favourite Uncle, and I already learned not to compete with him....cant cope with the hangovers !!!
I will stumble through conversations in Russian/Chinese/English mixture with her Dad...somehow we seem to understand each other...and I will have to do endless card tricks for the multitude of nephews, neices and grandchildren !!
But of most importance, my days and nights will be filled with the gentle, warm and happy smile and laughter of my dear LP....worth gold !!
Yeah...I know its a tough life...but somebody gotta do it

I have to travel light this time, because Ming wants me to bring back a suitcase full of her stuff...it will be strange to , once again after many, many years to have female dresses and such hanging in the wardrobe....patiently waiting for her arival here when Immig Dept finally get round to giving her a visa

Cant wait !!!...David