AaaaH Willy....throwing l live hand-grenades again


I dont know how to reply to your provocative post........
But, You know as well as all of us that it would be morally and ethically wrong to force any changes on our Lovelies in a quest to "Westernise" them.
So I am sure it is a trick question

My answer.....It is my responsibility to expose Ming to all the different aspects of life in Australia..our customs, traditions, food, behaviours and such.
Some of them she will want to adopt, if she finds them more acceptable than her usual way.
Some of them she wont want to adopt because they represent too much of a clash with her own traditions, customs, background etc.
One thing is quite certain.....she will never be an Australian, she will always be a Chinese person, living to the best of her ability , in Australia...and I will support her in this whatever balance she finds. To think that I have the faintest chance of enforcing any level of "Westernisation" upon her is pure fantasy. I have not that right..or need...and I sure would not wish her to become some sort of a clone of some of the Women that claim to be Australian...I love her just the way she is, but I know there will be many subtle changes happening over time as she gradually assimilates into our life together in this new Country.
I think the more presing issue is the subtle ways she brings many of her own ways to our life together...and maybe she will be quietly working away to "Chinesefy" me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....I wouldnt be surprised at that. She is as determined and as tough as most Chinese Women are !!