Very nice Rhonald but heresay.
One says " My husband told me" heresay not in the hearing of the writer!
'I have heard that they will check the bedroom" heresay heard by another and passed on.
"The ownerof a video store I know" heresay not heard directly by the writer.
What I was looking for is people amongst the 400 here on this forum whom themselves had been asked Intimate questions.
Of course I was not present during the interview so I do not have direct proof. The part of the home visit is not from any person but the official Canada document for Visa officers to use. the part ,"
In some instances, home visits may be used to establish cohabitation in the case of a marriage or
common-law relationship." makes me ask you, what purpose would the visit make if they did not look around the house for evidence? Of course it makes sense that this could only be done with applicants that currently live together in Canada and not abroad.
Now the woman
bowere is from another Canada immigration blog site I follow and I have read other peoples response that had personnel questions revelled but hers was the first I found. But since they are not members of this site, I just finished asking my wife.
Rhonald 6:32:01 AM
in interview last year
Rhonald 6:32:15 AM
visa officer ask any personal questions?
Zoey 6:34:17 AM
same for us questions
Rhonald 6:34:37 AM
I mean any questions on how many times make love?
Zoey 6:35:56 AM
visa officer ask you and me
Rhonald 6:36:07 AM
you and me what?
Zoey 6:36:26 AM
what time make love
Rhonald 6:36:42 AM
when first sleep together?
Zoey 6:36:47 AM
evryday make love too many time
Rhonald 6:36:57 AM
ask how often make love?
Zoey 6:37:00 AM
you what said
Rhonald 6:37:10 AM
never ask me question
Rhonald 6:37:20 AM
You remember Willy
Zoey 6:37:26 AM
Rhonald 6:37:38 AM
he say England visa officer no can ask that kind of question
Rhonald 6:37:46 AM
I say Canada visa officer can
Rhonald 6:37:51 AM
he no believe me
Rhonald 6:38:08 AM
so I want know if visa officer ask you
Rhonald 6:39:26 AM
so what was visa officer question
Zoey 6:39:39 AM
do;t interview so dolt worry
Rhonald 6:40:13 AM
you no understand: did visa officer ask question on us make love?
Zoey 6:40:43 AM
veryday 3- 4 times make love
Rhonald 6:41:07 AM
he ask you and your answer this: veryday 3- 4 times make love ?
Zoey 6:41:17 AM
Zoey 6:41:25 AM
Zoey 6:41:44 AM
sometime too many time somtime 1 time
Rhonald 6:41:58 AM
that was your answer to visa officer?
Zoey 6:42:11 AM
Zoey 6:42:33 AM
Rhonald 6:42:42 AM
what no
Zoey 6:42:55 AM
said rmemeber ,said too many times
Rhonald 6:43:24 AM
oh you mean that was your answer: said too many times
Zoey 6:43:41 AM
Now I wasn't in the room when they asked her the question, and it would have been in Chinese anyways so I still do not have first hand knowledge. I am trying to remember that after the interview if I did ask her if any personnel questions was asked. I think I remember also asking then, and that she did say the question on how often love making was done was asked of her.
You are right (as usual) it is very scary to present potential applicants with fears about intimate questions that will never be asked.
I say David that before saying Willy is right and I Ron, I would say it is better to be slightly paranoid and be better prepared. So please David, do not Condemn (this Boy Scout) for having a Condom ready incase he passes first base.