All About China > Your trip to China

End of the road

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I have been home a week now and still a little jet lagged. I was gone a total of 40 days. I think the swollen ankles are from all the walking I did.  Seems like I walked a hundred miles or more. I am in better shape than when I left and I lost another 10 pounds while I was there. The ear infection I got was pretty severe. The doc said that if I hadn't come in when I did I would have ended up in the hospital. But the cure was simple enough a couple rounds of intravenous antibiotics and some pills and I was OK in a couple of days. All for under a hundred bucks. I can't stop thinking about the woman I left in Guangzhou. We talk twice a day and are still excited to chat for an hour or more. I am going to get my things in order and head back to Guangzhou as soon as I can. And to think I almost canceled my trip to see her because of my first impression.
Here is my girl.
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Nice pictures and a beautiful woman Gerry.   She looks very happy.  I am sure both of you are.  I expect to hear many more good reports.

Thanks Shan. She does look happy doesn’t she. She smiles almost constantly and she laughs at even my worst jokes. The smile and the laugh are infectious. I am constantly smiling when I am around her.

I am ready for round two.  I already have my tickets for my next trip. I am leaving December 3rd and I am staying as long as it takes to get married and finish the VISA application. If I am not needed back in the USA I may stay indefinatly.

My house is not sold and I don’t expect it to sell until next spring so maybe I hibernate in Guangzhou. The only thing I will require is my blood pressure meds and I am set for the winter.

About the swollen ankles....

--- Quote from: David E on October 29, 2010, 03:07:47 am ---I think you have properly explored your various oiptions and so happy that you got a wonderful result............well done !!

One thing you mentioned that leads me to comment....your rock hard calves and swollen ankles.

For those of us "mature" travellers, whose circulation is probably less than 100 % nowadays, it is always a good idea to invest in a good pair of pressure socks for long distance flights.
They are not expensive and prevent this pooling of blood in the legs and feet which is a major risk factor for Deep Vein Thrombosis.
--- End quote ---

This brings to mind the events that lead up to my troubles in the first place. I am hypothesizing here, but remember I returned from a business trip and suddenly fell ill with depression and anxiety. I remember vaguely  I flew home from Singapore, a very long flight and slept all the way. Three days later I found myself crawling on the bathroom floor trying to get back on my feet. That is when all my mental problems began. Could it be possibly,  I developed a blood clot in my legs and three days later it caused a stroke and some brain damage? Maybe that is why it did not respond to medication. It has been 8 years and I still have not regained my short term memory and my mental capacity for solving problems is nowhere near what it was before that fateful trip. Something to think about. Would you agree?

So David E. Where can I buy those pressure socks?

by the way....someone deleted one of my post on this thread between October 19 and October 24th. May I ask why?

David E:

DVT has been the culprit in many, many strokes, sometimes months and years after the formation of them.

Often they sit unnoticed except for some pain in the first instance that feels just like a muscle strain...then it goes away.

If and when the clot breaks up, usually it is nabbed by the kidneys and dealt with. Sometimes micro pieces can travel around and do further damage....obviously if any get into the brain.....high risk.

I could not say if a DVT caused your original problems, but there is a test that the Doc can do to find out if a certain enzyme is in your blood which is a marker for DVT.

Pressure socks in Aus can be bought in any good Pharmacy...they measure a few points on your legs, feet, calves and ankles and order in the correct size.....dont know about USA.

The only medication I am aware of to deal with DVT is a long term course of Wafarin (yes,,,rat poison) which is an anti-coagulant agent and prevents the full clot from moving and killing you, rather it slowly dissolves and no damage is done.

If your original medical condition did not prompt them to give you Warfarin, then if it was a DVT, it basically went untreated...and that aint good !!!

Hope this helps...David


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