Author Topic: End of the road  (Read 217389 times)

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Offline shaun

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #345 on: June 12, 2012, 06:43:30 am »

Sorry to hear you are in the hospital.  You need a cast iron stomach for that kind of food.  I am happy to hear that everything else is progressing well.

Good Luck, Shaun

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #346 on: June 12, 2012, 01:05:59 pm »
Shaun. i did have a cast iron stomach. back home i can eat most anything. peppers and all kinds of food.that all changed after being here for a while.this is my third trip tp the hospital to repair busted anurisms. Fiona got to watch the proceedure on camera.she said i had two veins/arteries that were spewin each heart beat and afterward they foun an ulcer to boot. dont take for granted your abilities to eat spicy things back home. there ias somethin else in the food and water than just spice.
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Re: End of the road
« Reply #347 on: June 12, 2012, 07:47:16 pm »
Then it sounds like you're having too much of a good thing.

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #348 on: June 13, 2012, 09:52:04 am »
Ok. I escaped. I just go home about 30 minutes ago and I am setting at the computer looking at the letter I received from the NVC and all the forms that they requested.
The asked me in the same email to download and complete DS-230 Application for Immigrant Visa Application.
AND the I-864 Affidavit of support .   So i am guessing that I can send them both back to the NVC at the same time if I feel confident that the AOS is going to be approved. Do you think this is a reasonable guess?

I went to download the I-864 and found that there are three version that you can use depending on certain conditions about the sponsor-immigrant- and how many are coming at the same time.

Has anyone ever used the I-864EZ form before?
to use it  all three of the following are true:
You filed a Form I-130 petition, for your relative.
There is only one applicant on the Form I-130 petition, and
All your qualifying income comes from a salary or pension and shows on one or more W-2 Forms that you receive

Here are my conditions.
Fiona's daughter is not an applicant ,only Fiona will be coming to the USA (her daughter will follow her in a few more months)
I make more than enough to meet the income requirements from my pension alone BUT... the taxable income on my federal return is less than zero because I claim a depreciation loss on my rental property.

Any opinions on using the 864 or the 864 EZ?

OK I JUST GOT AN ANSWER FROM MY COUSIN who worked at the NVC a few years back. Her advice is don't risk the EZ form. The EZ form is not that much EZier than the long form.  Just go the long form and supply as much information about your income as you possibly can.  If you mess up on the EZ and dont supply enough information it could set you back a week or two.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 12:33:32 am by Pineau »
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Offline shaun

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #349 on: June 14, 2012, 06:25:28 am »
Glad you're back home.

Offline Pineau

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #350 on: June 16, 2012, 11:45:13 am »
I am busy, busy ,busy, getting my AOS finished and finishing up  DS230. Her are a couple of pointers for problems you may run into.

Beg them to let you use Electronic filing. It is so much easier. ( if all your documents are available or can be scanned).
Dont bother zipping your multiple PDF files into a zip. PDFs must be very compressed already because the zip file was larger that the sum of the individual files.
you may run into size limit with your email client.
 I use hotmail and discovered this. You can send up to 200 attachments up to 50 MB each (9.8 GB total) per email.
 Large files and photos will be uploaded to SkyDrive so recipients are not restricted by their email service's size limits.
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Re: End of the road
« Reply #351 on: June 25, 2012, 08:21:38 pm »
Well it never ends. I am getting really tired of this.
 I may be looking for a retirement home here.
My AOS got rejected.
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Offline shaun

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #352 on: June 25, 2012, 08:30:57 pm »
Gee Gerry I'm really sorry to hear that.  Did they tell you why?

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #353 on: June 25, 2012, 09:27:10 pm »
That's really shitty Gerry.  I do not ever think I will understand the policies of the USA.  God you have been living here for such a long time.  Do they think it is still not a genuine match or what?  I think that maybe in the USA, there is a hidden undercurrent against Chinese Immigrants, thats if they are not super rich. 

At least in the UK my wife could get a visitors visa and live in the UK for up to 6 months at a time (which would be too long for me anyway) without any problems. Last one was issued in less than a week for that purpose.  But I do not think I could cope with the stress of going through a 'permanent leave to remain' application.

You are well acclimatised to China now and I have visited many other countries that I would not want to retire to. So if it comes to that take it.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #354 on: June 25, 2012, 10:12:16 pm »
Sorry to hear that Gerry.  This has got to be frustrating!

Offline maxx

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #355 on: June 25, 2012, 11:53:45 pm »
I'm sorry to hear that Gerry.What reason did they give.

Offline Pineau

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #356 on: June 26, 2012, 12:05:16 am »
No reason given yet but I suspect my income listed on my Federal tax return.

My income tallied with the depreciation expense I claim on my rental property turns out to be a negative number. The result is a net loss on my federal return. In years past this has helped me tremendously in lowering my taxes. Now it is killing me because I cant show any positive income.  There money is there- in my pocket- but on paper is shows that it was all spent on depreciation of my rental property.

All this is speculation so I will just wait before trying a new angle. 

About retiring here. If I go home and liquidate everything and come back to China I could live like a king but ... the medical treatment,  the hospitals, the food and the hygiene, the fake grocery products that will kill you and the scams...I DONT LIKE IT HERE.  I would rather live in Mexico. A quick trip across the border to civilization.
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Offline maxx

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #357 on: June 26, 2012, 12:55:11 am »
Gerry I think your gonna need a immigration attorneys.I Just posted the name and number of a real good immigration attorney On Skip's thread.I think I would give them a call.And see if they can't help you out.The first consultation is free.Or you mite resubmit your application with a cosponser.If it is money immagration is worried about.A cosponser would fix the problem.

Allen Lolly 1-888-483-0311. This is the attorneys I used.And Jimmy in California used.After his Chinese lawyer screwed his application up.

Gerry Do you think that.Or do you suspect that.Maybe immigration is messing with you.Because you have already sponsored one Chinese national.And it didn't work out.The reason I'm asking is because I have a friend who lives in China.And she is married to a American.Back In the mid 80s her husband married a couple of different French girls and brought them to the states.After a couple of years he divorced them.Now he says that immigration won't Evan let him submit a application.So I'm kind of wondering if immigration is pulling your chain.Or my friend's husband is just full of it.

Gerry I know how you feel about Colo.I'm in love with the place to.But if this doesn't work out with immigration.Have you got a back up plan.I have heard Singapore is a nice place to live.I have heard that Thailand is nice.Your money will go allot further in Thailand.Then it does in China.These are just 2 countries that your wife doesn't need a visa to live in.And they still except immigrants.So you mite look at going this route.If your looking for something with  more American flare you mite look into.Guam,Siapan, or San Jon.They are all American territories kinda of close to China.With allot less strict immagration policy's.I would defiantly talk to a attorney before I made any more decisions.

Good luck

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #358 on: June 26, 2012, 03:48:45 am »
Gerry, just how are you finding so many scams?   Is it looking for Western food?

Living in China is not for everyone I admit but I would rather risk an upset stomach here than a bullet in Mexico. Or even L.A come to that!

China may look nice in small doses but is not to everyone's taste for long term living.  For me it is the one place I am happy in.  I have lived in the back streets of Lagos, Nigeria - now that is a scarey and dangerous place.  The slums of Mumbai were better but I must admit that I have not tried the back streets of Rio De Jiandero. 

Maybe it is just this latest setback that has caused your current loss of faith.

But it is a lesson for all starting on the process of seeking a Chinese Wife.  It is not as easy and simple as one thinks it may be.   Besides the problems with the immigration process that continually look to get harder you have to learn to live apart or spend long periods of time living somewhere which may not be your first choice.


Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline Pineau

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #359 on: June 26, 2012, 04:45:21 am »
Willy, the scams are everywhere. I am so used to them now that being skeptical in every transaction has become second nature to me. 
There is prepared meat that should be seasoned beef but turns out to be pork.  The meats are injected with water to make them weigh more. There is additives in milk to increase the volume but are actually lethal. Do you remember the melamine in the milk that killed so many babies? Well justice has been served. since the dairy farmers supplied the volume of the milk and the factory only supplied small amounts of the chemicals, the culprits behind the scam paid a small fine. The dairy farmers went to jail. After all it wasn't that many babies that died.  And then there is that second hand cooking oil. The recycled stuff that is sold at the back door of large restaurants by the kitchen staff. Or it is dipped from the sewers behind the restaurants, and sold to unscrupulous oil recycles who don't care where it comes from.  And the fake eggs. Last month I saw a company get busted for selling fake salt (very nicely packaged industrial salt packaged as regular iodized cooking salt) it killed several people before they tracked down the source. There is not a week goes by that the government is in some brand name supermarket pulling some brand named product off the shelves because it is either fake or contaminated with something deadly.

I have been swindled so many times in the market and retail shops that I don't trust anyone. Not a cute little girl with rosy cheeks and pigtails, a monk, priest, not even a Mother Teresa lookalike! The fakes are good fakes. The packaging is identical right down to the hologram logo. But they are in fact, fakes or factory seconds that were retrieved from the dumpster behind the factory.   I have many times purchased something, and the merchant on the pretense of getting me a box or bag to carry it in will turn away from me obscuring my view and swapping out the item I just tested and OK-ed for either an inferior or broken item.  I have gotten to the point that when they hand it back to me, I will remove it from the package and inspect it to make sure it is the one I paid for.  Some are offended but I don't care. If the don't try to cheat me they just won a repeat customer otherwise they get a good scolding and a scene in front of their shop. It takes the enjoyment out of shopping to have to watch the merchant every second to make sure you are getting what you just purchased.

Maybe you have gotten used to it or after being here so long you have a trusted network of retailers where yo do most of your shopping and don't nee to be worried about getting cheated.
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.