All About China > Your trip to China

End of the road

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On the road again.

It was cold and windy yesterday and it is predicted to be 12 degrees. In Guangzhou it was 61 degrees this morning and the high will be 80. Guess where I am going to be at Christmas?

I am headed out of Denver to Guangzhou on Friday morning. My plan is to get married  and file for Spouse VISA during this trip.  I plan to stay indefinately.

I have my divorce decree. My “non Criminal” affidavit from Colorado bureau of investigation. Last three years of tax returns. My birth certificate.

Any suggestions for other things I will need while I am there?

So move my Google peg pin on the map from Longmont to Guangzhou.

David E:
Just a thought...

Have you got documentation to prove your relationship over the past period ??....QQ records, air tickets, reciepts etc etc ??

My congratulations and blessings to the both of you Pineau. Kind of got scared reading "My plan is to get married  and file for Spouse VISA during this trip.  I plan to stay indefinitely."
Sounded like you where staying in China while moving her to the States :o  but then I read it again ;D
Wish you both a long happy life together. James

Hey thanks David.

I went looking at the QQ records and found our very first conversation after we first met on CLM. 7-23-2010. That was great browsing through the progression of our relationship. There are 79 pages on this computer and as many more on my two laptops. That was fun. I am smiling.

That makes me think. It may be a good Idea for everyone to make a post on this public forum occasionally to updated his status. That would provide a record to refer back to when dates, places and events slip you mind. You never know when you may need it.

 it would be a big help if the documents were already translated to chinese.  Other than that.  Best of luck.  Will be thru Denver this February, doubt if you will be back by then,  buzz


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