All About China > Your trip to China

End of the road

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Back in Guangzhou now. Somewhat jetlagged but having a good reunion. My arrival card said that if I am not staying at a hotel then I should register with the local police within 24 hours. I tried that and they dont know what the hell i am talking about. They sent me to another department which referred me to a different office. Seems like no one knows what to do but they all want to charge me sort of fee for helping me out. Anyone with some experience can send me to the right authorities? I never had to hunt for the police in  Shenzhen. The police found me.

Know of and American resturants besides KFC and Mcdonalds?

I never registered at the police on all my trips. Only this last trip did I stay the whole time in a hotel. My wife moved to a new place with her son and the accommodations were quit small. So she and I stayed for 254 rmb a night in Shenzhen. My take is if the Police don't know what you are talking about, it probably doesn't matter.

I have never registered with the police.  Even in a small place, 3.2 million, like Shaoguan no one bothered me except the bad pick pocket who didn't get anything.

I don't think I would worry about it but you didn't hear that from me.  ::)

Paul Todd:
If your planing on staying in China for any length of time. Such as getting married and changing your visa to a long stay L type valid for 6 months to two years. The PSB will have everything about you on computer records, They will know when you arrived in the country and if there are any gaps as to where you have been staying up until now they will want to know why. This happened to me when I went up to Inner Mongolia with my wife. We stayed free of charge in a hotel there as "guests" and where told not to register, on my return I had to renew my residence permit and the PSB wanted to know where I stayed for those few weeks. A couple of swift phone calls and we had it sorted out, but they do like everything to be in order.Of course if your just visiting then you don't have to be so concerned. Long term it's a different matter completely.

Its strange, when we were in Changsha the hotel didn't bother with the foreigner form and in Wuhan  they insisted on it. In Gong'an we had to fill out a foreigner form in the hotel as well as the local police station! One extreme to another. Like everything else, in China just go with the flow, the rules seems to change place to place.


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