All About China > Your trip to China

End of the road

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RobertBfrom aust:
Congratulations , to both you and your lovely wife , regards Sujuan and Robert .

Vince G:
Congratulations! Wow that was fast.  ;D

That's quite a story, from so much uncertainty and confusion a couple of months ago, and now you are married.  Congratulations!

Paul Todd:
Well done  ;D Now the fun starts! May you have many many happy years together.

Pineau, Congratulations to you and your new beautiful bride,
 Minying and myself will travel the same road in January, I have all my documents and they are all stamped and notified by the authorities and i am ready to take the plunge again but i am 100% certain about this one, Something about these wonderful Chinese women, They all seem to be such beautiful creatures.


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