Author Topic: End of the road  (Read 217218 times)

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Offline Pineau

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #585 on: January 02, 2014, 11:33:18 am »
Neil, I have a book on colloquialisms and slang that I sit on the coffee table. It is a funny conversation starter. There are many Americans that have no idea about the origins of many of the things they say.  Amusing and informative.

As far as Katie goes, her English is ok for be because I have been speaking Chinglish for 14 years.  I think here English is also ok in most situations but ther are portions of the literacy test that she did not do well in. So instead of paying for another ESL teacher or time sharing the one they have, they opt to pay for a school bus and driver to bus her elsewhere in the school district. It doesn't make sense to me. And in the end I don't think it is the best thing for Katie.

I know how the English instructions for immigrants works here and it is completely geared toward the Mexican immigrants.  The biggest problem I see with the school district's program is that the instructors are bi lingual  (English-Spanish)  When a student needs more information or better directions he is given it in SPANISH.  I Dont see how a Spanish speaking instructor is going to help Katie and in fact will slow here down making her learn yet another language in order to understand the instructors.  According to the education legislation this is illegal. It discriminates against all foreign languages immigrants(French, German, Vietnamese, Indian, Chinese et all)  and favors those that speak Spanish. Further it is illegal to provide bi-lingual instructor to only the Spanish kids. Paraphrasing , It is discrimination to provide any service available in the program to any recipient in a manner that is different than provided to any other recipient.  Meaning that if you provide bi-lingual Spanish-English instructors then you must provide bi-lingual Chinese-English  instructors as well. 

I have already retained a lawyer. Katie will not be bused out of her home school district without a fight.
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Offline shaun

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #586 on: January 02, 2014, 05:08:01 pm »
Gerry you might have a real fight on your hands with this.  There is big money is bussing children to a special English teaching program in a school district.  It is Federal money and school systems all over the country fight for this.   This is a large part of my income.  I transport 15 children everyday to and from school to a special ESOL program.  I have an aid that rides with me to watch the children.  Between the two of us we make almost $30.00 per hour at approximately $180.00 a day.  That is just our wages.  Then you have the expense of the bus. $80.00 in fuel everyday.  Maintenance on the bus monthly.  There are 4 busses in the school I serve that do this.

Out of the 15 students I carry everyday only 4 really need it.  The others do quite well.  They could use a little tutoring is all.  We even have programs for that.

That is just transportation.  A first year ESOL teacher begins at $60,000.00 a year.  The school I serve has 3 teachers.  The one I that teaches my kids is a 20 year veteran.   My guess is that she is drawing $72,000.00 a year.

There is huge money in this.  You are treading on a cash cow.

I'm not telling you leave this alone I am just telling you what you are up against.  The school system has lawyer for this too.  The money is too important.

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #587 on: January 02, 2014, 07:08:37 pm »
My attorney believes that the funding for the ENTIRE  ESL program (provided by the US department of education) is a much bigger cash cow than local contracts for school busing. And if there is no ESL funding there is no need for busing and there goes both cash cows.

  There are legislation and rules within the education act that prohibit discrimination based on race or national origin.  The act describes discrimination in detail. Providing a service to one receiver of a benefit that is provided differently to another receiver of the benefit is considered discrimination.  My attorney believes that providing a bi-lingual instructor to a Spanish speaking student and not providing the same to a Chinese speaking student falls under this definition. 

The question is this.
Does the school and school district want to to fight this at all? Do they want to go to court? Do they want to risk loosing funding for the entire ESL program ? ( believe me, with the number  of Mexican immigrants here,  it is HUGE).  All for the sake of sending one single Chinese girl out of the school district.  If I was the superintendent of the school district I wouldn't. I would stop it before it got started.  And if it ever got to court I would ream the ass of the school principle that made it that big of an issue.

We will see. I think all it will take is a well worded letter from my attorney.
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Offline shaun

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #588 on: January 03, 2014, 07:15:59 am »
Gerry logic would say that you are right but you need to remember you are dealing with an government agency.   They think they are smarter than you and your attorney.  They think they know more of what you need than you do.  It wouldn't surprise me to see this go to court because in their mind they are right.

Your attorney is correct in his thinking that this cash cow is much larger than the local school system.  I only gave you one angle of this.  The one I know the most about.   The whole special needs program in the school system is like this.  It is sickening but while it continues I work for it because it is good money for me.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2014, 07:21:09 am by shaun »

Offline Pineau

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #589 on: January 04, 2014, 12:13:11 pm »
I politely disagree. 
It is like saying that it is OK to force some blacks to ride on the rear of the bus as long as somewhere in the state you allow at least one black to ride in the front.  There is no loophole. The wording of the law is very clear. If the state provides a service to one individual that is different than the service provided to any another, they are in violation of the discrimination provisions of the education act.

If they have a program ANYWHERE in the state then they MUST provide the same program to any others EVERYWHERE in the state.  And most certainly if everyone is in the same school district.

I am not trying to bring down the establishment. I am trying to prevent my daughter from being transferred to another school.  To do that I am trying to think as though I were the superintendent of schools , not the local school principle. The superintendent did not get his position by displays of his ego and testosterone. He got there by using his head in problem resolution to better his career. I don't think for one minute he will allow this nasty little accusation  to see the light of day.

« Last Edit: January 04, 2014, 01:24:18 pm by Pineau »
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Re: End of the road
« Reply #590 on: January 05, 2014, 11:04:57 am »
Opinion withdrawn.

Offline Pineau

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #591 on: February 12, 2014, 10:46:51 pm »
I went to a school district meeting tonight. The topic was English learning program. After the meeting I pulled aside the superintendent of the ELL program and had a talk about federal budgets and if all schools received the same funding for ELL programs.

The answer was a big yes. Then I asked why then did Katie's school claim that they did not have budget to teach her English. And why did she need to be bused to another school where they had an ESL program. She was appalled. She said they can't do that ! The federal government provides funding for every student that requires ELL. She said I should tell the principle of the school that I wanted her to hire an ELL instructor just for Katie. If there was any push back what so ever that I should call her and she would handle it from there.  I think I will just copy her on the email that I write to the principle and skip the part about the push back.

opinions welcome.
should I send it as-is?
should I copy the superintendent?
I have given a considerable amount of thought to your suggestions and what, [ I think ] is the best decision for Katie. I have done some research on Federal Funding for ELL and also the ELL program in the SVVSD.

Let me begin by saying that I chose Imagine Charter school because of the school’s size and the small town atmosphere associated with Firestone. As a parent of two Chinese immigrant children I know that it is the best situation for new immigrants.   Her grades show me that she is doing excellent work and her report card was much better than I hoped for (As and Bs) . Her math skill are levels above what she is being taught now and she has received special recognition from her English teacher. And her science fair project was judged near perfect.  This shows her dedication to push herself forward to achieve.

I don’t believe that moving her to another school within the District simply because they have a higher ELL population would serve Katie’s education or our family's needs well.  At Imagine she is immersed in English and is surrounded by English speaking students and English speaking friends.  I think that moving her and putting her in an environment where everyone speaks a language other than English is not a step forward in her English acquisition, but in fact may slow her progress. 

She is already fluent in two languages and is well on her way  in English.  Her progress is excellent and I believe that it is because of my decision to place her in Imagine school as well as the friendships she has made with the other students there.  I know learning a new language is difficult and at times she will struggle but she is a remarkably fast learner and I am sure that by working with her myself, and leaving her in Imagine is the correct decision.

I want to thank you for your concern and alerting me to the programs that are available for her but I will, at this time, decline the offer to allow her to attend the ELL program in another school.

I do however, request that you apply for what ever Federal funding that is available to implement an ELL program for grades 6-8  that would provide for Katie's ELL needs. And not just the "younger grades".

Respectfully,  Gerard Pineau
« Last Edit: February 12, 2014, 10:54:33 pm by Pineau »
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Offline kenny

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #592 on: February 14, 2014, 09:38:09 am »
I think it sounds very good as is, at least for now. I dont think that pitting the superintendent aganist the school princple would be the best for you or Katie. I would see what their response is and go from there.

In my experince butting heads with school officals, and mine alone, is she might be telling you what you want to hear and allready be in contact with the school to try to resolve this matter. I assume she is the superintendent of the school your kids attend? I would give them a chance to respond and see what they say but you cant be jerked around for long buy your EMPLOYEE'S. If they dont tell you what you want to hear then go to the next level.

Just my opinon I am curious to see what others say and how you come out.

Offline Pineau

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #593 on: February 14, 2014, 10:36:12 am »
Thanks Kenny.
I just sent it after reading your reply. I removed the supers email from the cc list and replaced the word "you" with school to make it less personal for her.

A word about English instruction in China. Terrible!
If you are going to pay for ESL classes for your kid in China, make sure the instructor is a native English speaker or at least been immersed in the English language. Katie was taught many wrong pronunciations and also flawed grammar and in many cases just plain incorrect English. Chinese teaching English to Chinese students is just not right.

Katie arrived here full of confidence and when placed in school she was surprised and distraught that she was so  deficient in her English skills. I have been working with her and engage her in conversation whenever possible. When she gets home from school she comes to me and tells me all about her day and what was her favorite event at school. She reads to me 5 pages from a book containing short English phrases used in conversation and I correct her mistakes. It is amazing the change in her since she first got here. Her confidence is back and she is not afraid to engage in conversation or read out loud in the classroom. I am very proud of her continued hard work.

oh! And she eats like a horse and she grew another foot! Puberty is accelerating :-(
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Offline shaun

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #594 on: February 14, 2014, 02:09:32 pm »
Good luck Gerry.

I disagree.  I have worked for 7 different superintendents.  I don't trust one of them.  They are politicians.  They will lie to you in a heart beat.  It wouldn't surprise me that you will be denied.  I've seen things go well for parents but I've seen more, many more things go wrong.

You need to remember they think they are smarter than everyone else and they know what is better for your child than you do.

One short story.  I moved to the community that I am in now several years ago.  We selected the school we wanted our children to go to.  I called the transportation department to make sure we knew where we needed to live for that school.  They gave me a map.  I found a house, enrolled my children and on the first day of school the bus took my children to another school.  My daughter phoned me from the new school.  I went to the school, took my map generated by the transportation department and talked to the principal.  The principal told me that I would have to send my daughter to the new school.

I met with the superintendent and showed him my delemia and he agreed with me.   Then......

I asked for a meeting with the superintendent, the principal and the head of transportation.  I was surprised because they agreed to it.  We met, the transportation official presented a new map, I pulled out my old map, she denied it and said she gave me the map she had in her possession.  I asked her where my map came from with the school system logo on it and she said she didn't know.  The end result was that I could let my children ride the school bus to the newer school or I could take the children to the school we chose by myself.  Ironically a bus drove by my house into a subdivision behind me for the old school but they would not allow my children to get on it.  So for 6 years I drove my children to school except when they began to drive themselves.  And I work for that school system.

I hope you win but I have serious doubts.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2014, 02:12:15 pm by shaun »

Offline Pineau

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #595 on: February 14, 2014, 03:05:46 pm »
Shaun, it is tragic what they did to you. I am sorry for that and it makes me suspicious of all good news. But I have been like this for years. I am like you I don't trust anyone. I am cynical and mistrusting for good reason but when ever I let my guard down I learn again that I should not ever let my guard down. I never trust anyone and I bitch with a loud voice.

Well could be a trick but she put it in writing.

Just now received: From the principle.

Thank you for your kind email, Gerard. I very much appreciate your well thought out decision making process.

We certainly enjoy having Katie at our school and will continue to partner with you in her education.

Have a wonderful weekend.

And from the English teacher::

Katie is doing very well. I am, of course, modifying her independent work, but I'm still impressed by her work ethic and the rapidity with which she is learning new material. I will continue to do my best to help Katie move forward in her acquisition of the English language.

Thanks for your support,
Teresa xxxx
7/8 English

Maybe it's because I am always in bluejeans and sneakers, she thought that I would listen to her every word and believe it. I think the principle realized that I am not a stupid man that didn't finish school.  Now she knows that I can read and research the education act and I know more about the federal funding available than she does. 

I now think that I have won this battle but I will not relax for a while. Maybe at the end of the school year.

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Offline Pineau

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #596 on: February 14, 2014, 10:52:56 pm »
On a lighter note....Today is Valentines Day.
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Offline Pineau

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #597 on: February 17, 2014, 07:23:32 pm »
This has been so long and costly. I am afraid to add it all up. But the filing fees, immigration fees, translation fees, medical exams, immunizations, paying for two households at once, airline tickets, and excess baggage, shipping and two years in China. 

Katie finally got her green card in the mail.
Now I think that was the last hurdle and the last check I have to write.

It was worth it.....Thank God.
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Offline IrishGuy65

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #598 on: February 17, 2014, 09:10:41 pm »
This has been so long and costly. I am afraid to add it all up. But the filing fees, immigration fees, translation fees, medical exams, immunizations, paying for two households at once, airline tickets, and excess baggage, shipping and two years in China. 

Katie finally got her green card in the mail.
Now I think that was the last hurdle and the last check I have to write.

It was worth it.....Thank God.

Great to hear!  Glad everything has finally come back to normalcy and all is done!
I-129F Delivered: 9/26/13
NOA-1 Received: 10/1/13
Request for evidence: 11/13/13
RFE evidence received by USCIS: 11/29/13
Approval of petition (online): 12/17/13
NOA-2 Received: 12/24/13
Lisa received letter from Guangzhou: 1/14/13
Interview on 2/25/14.  Visas approved.
Visas picked up on 3/5/14.

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #599 on: March 10, 2014, 12:42:03 am »
What's it like now days for getting a visitors VISA for a 40 yo Chinese lady? Last time I tried it (about 6 years ago) it was denied straight away without even an interview.

We have been discussing one of Fiona's best friends coming for a visit this summer. She is married with children, Owns two houses (one is rented out) and has a fair amount of money in the bank.

What do you think her chances are?
« Last Edit: March 10, 2014, 12:43:35 am by Pineau »
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