Author Topic: End of the road  (Read 219359 times)

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Offline Pineau

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #150 on: September 25, 2011, 09:18:09 am »
You know something? You have a knack for pointing out the obvious and the trivial then making a big deal of it.  Many of the guys here are under a lot of stress. Dealing with government bureaucracy and separated from their loved ones by thousands of miles. Not to mention most are still recovering from bitter divorces, vengeful ex-wives, separation from their kids and suffering from financial meltdown. We come here for a lot of reasons but most of the active members are here to ask for support and to lend support to others in this very complex shared experience.
So maybe I exaggerated a little when I used the word “promised”. But I am not in the habit of making shit up.  I assure you I would not have written it here if the lady on the phone did not say something to that effect. So if you want to nit-pick my every word rather that contribute then do it on your own thread and stay off mine.

Did you wake up in a bad mood? What’s this with Vince? So what…? He said they tripled the price. So you had to demonstrate your math skills and embarrass him by pointing out the price per credit had increased to $5.00 per credit. Then you insult him by telling him to “do the math”. Well I did the math and discovered you are wrong. If the numbers you posted are correct the new price is $4.983333333333333 not $5.00 .  How could you make such an error being a math whiz and all. 

What possible difference did it make to his message?  Vince was off a little. It was obvious to me that he was not trying to be politically, clinically, or scientifically correct. He was just pointing out that the evil empire had increased their prices and that he was pissed off about it. He is under a lot of pressure and needed to vent his frustration.  That’s something that I wholeheartedly support. 

I don’t need or welcome heckling.  I am here because I need real help, support and advice. And while I am here I hope that in a small way I can help someone else travel the path that I have already walked. 
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #151 on: September 26, 2011, 04:31:29 am »
Well like I said many times.

This forums needs livening up. 

It sure is getting that way thank goodness.

Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #152 on: September 27, 2011, 02:37:16 am »

Sorry to disappoint you Willy, but it's over.  I'm done.
Agh Damn.  Now its back to watching the beauties in short cotton dresses wander my.
  Thinks!!! how much longer is the sun going to last this year?

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline shaun

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #153 on: September 27, 2011, 05:24:04 am »
CB, you're not next and there is a very good reason why.  You didn't directly attack a person but stated your concern about an idea or a concept.

In all of the cases where individuals were banned from this site they were viciously attacking other members.  They were repeatedly warned by the mods to stop but they continued so they were banned.  When you read through some of the comments that led to people being banned realize that some of the comments have been altered or in some cases removed so you won't get a complete picture.  But they were banned for attacking another member even after being warned more than once.

With reference to what Scott said, I think his approach was not the best choice.  He started out by saying that he had 2 bones to pick with Vince.  I think if he had said there are two issues that cause me some concern...  Then I think if he had asked Vince why it has taken so long to go to China, Vince would have answered differently.   

Before I went to China the first time many of the guys were all over me about my need to go very soon.  We argued about it but I didn't feel threatened.  It is all in how it is handled.

Finally both Scott and Vince are great guys who just got a little crosswise with each other.  It happens.  They'll get over it.

But it has been a little exciting around here and I've been tuning in more.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2011, 10:02:52 am by shaun »

Offline Martin

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #154 on: September 27, 2011, 10:27:01 am »
That is were this forum would do the most to help people. Not trying to convince people that there are absolutely no problems with chinese
women. Based on the population i would venture to say there are more bad than good out there. Just need to find the good ones as you
try your hand at this. I fell in love with the country when i first started to travel there and it has brought me to maybe finding a wife to
share that with.

You had a well written post, and to suggest that you are next, would suggest that nobody can disagree with things said here.  That is far from the truth.  Yes, another member was banned over this argument.  And it was not Sameldrum, or Vince.  The person banned posted an offensive post to Vince.  I deleted it, and warned the member.  Within a few minutes, he posted the exact same thing again, only this time, insulting me as well.  So again, I deleted the post, and warned him again.  He then signed out, and came back under another account that he had.  I was not aware that he had a second account, which is something that we don't like.  He then posted an attack on Vince for the third time.  Another Mod caught that post, and deleted it.  At that time, I suspended the members posting privileges, The mods reviewed the posts, and the impact that this guy was having.  One of the rules of this forum, is to not attack or "flame" other members.  The 4 mods had a vote, and 3 of the 4 voted to ban both accounts of this user (1 voted to only ban one account).  So this member is gone.  It was not about disagreeing.

As far as your concern that you will only hear the good sides of Chinese women...yes, there is more good on here than bad.  But there is also bad on here.  Not all of us have had success at marriage.  It's no different from chnlove...we dont just post good stories about them.  We cover the bad as well.

Vince G

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #155 on: September 27, 2011, 10:48:31 am »
I will try not to write a chapter from a book here. There is one subject maybe I should make clear? for a few. My problem is unique. Some even think I'm making things up? But unfortunately I am not. The only reason I have wrote any of this is to make men aware of marrying a woman (any culture) that is after your pocket and not your heart. There are many details with this which you'll have to wait for the book to read. I will answer questions about it outright or in PM to help some. But what always gets to me is when said that I am sitting doing nothing? I should go to China. I can not understand where this assertion comes from?

If I could travel to China to meet these women, don't you think I would have? It doesn't take to much brain power to understand. Some think I make excuses? Ah! I'm not making any, I just don't want to get into this whole concept at the time. There are times when I start thinking about it, I get to upset and bad things come from it, like depression for one.

I will say parts of the government, federal, state and local, the family laws, and I'll include immigration need a Colonic. The problem extends from people with small lives are given some power. They over extend that power that they believe they are judge and jury. An example of this is going down to the dept. of Family Services (right over here, I walk there) and waiting to talk with someone about the problem (money paid but not credited) I'm told by this clerk "I'll have you put in jail" calling his bluff and waiting to belittle him I said... "You" You'll put me in jal... your just a little f****ng clerk that types into a computer, go ahead do it. I get to sit and watch tv all day and have meals served." Maybe I created a problem with this?

I'll rap this up with "I will travel to China as soon as I am able". It's not a money issue (none to travel with), i's not a time issue (have to ask time off to go) it is a government issue. ALL STATES have a certain amount that if a parent owes more then (most states) $2500. their Passport is taken, along with their Tax returns, drivers license, auto registration and any money in your bank accounts. THAT'S THE LAW!

Meanwhile... I have my file and have an appointment at 2 pm with one of the new lawyers. Throwing this in as an afterthought... With all of this child support issues, fact is my "children" are adults in their 20's.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2011, 11:05:24 am by Vince G »

Offline Scottish_Robbie

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #156 on: September 27, 2011, 03:11:49 pm »

I'll rap this up with "I will travel to China as soon as I am able". It's not a money issue (none to travel with), i's not a time issue (have to ask time off to go) it is a government issue. ALL STATES have a certain amount that if a parent owes more then (most states) $2500. their Passport is taken, along with their Tax returns, drivers license, auto registration and any money in your bank accounts. THAT'S THE LAW!

wow vince we in the uk think our laws are bad... :o :o
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts" Winston Churchill

Vince G

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #157 on: September 27, 2011, 04:09:24 pm »
Well just got back from the one lawyer who I ended up hiring and I'll tell you why. This is strange and funny. My old lawyer was Florida & New York bar. I preferred this for the problem originates from NY. OK got to the appt. met with this new lawyer and within the first minutes or so I mention about the NY bar. He says he's from there? Alright this should be fun now, "Where from NY?" North Bellmore.. my jaw drops and give my reply I'm from Merrick. (Next town over, and the same school district). Turns out he went to one of the other high schools, we had 3. This one I help set up the forum for. We graduated the same year, went to the same college (Miami). He stayed down here and I went back to NY. Our paths must have crossed a few times.

Is in a wonder why I'm writing a book?

Offline Pineau

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #158 on: September 27, 2011, 10:24:06 pm »
A funny thing happened on the way to Hong Kong.
It was time for the quarterly exodus to get your passport stamped and renter China. I have not had to do this so far this year  because I have been traveling back and forth to the US and this is the first time I have stayed for more than 90 days. For those using Lou Hu for this purpose it is not the quick turn around that it used to be.

So I went to Lou Hu station,  went through immigration and crossed over to Hong Kong.   I remembered  there was stairs that would lead you back the other way to re enter China. The stairs are still there but there is a "Do not Enter" sign and a security gard posted there. When I asked where is the route back to China immigration, I was told that I can't do that any more.

Now you have to buy a train ticket and leave the station and then return through the arrival hall. How inconvenient. I had to go to the money changers and convert RMB to HKD then to the ticket counter and purchase a train ticket to the nearest town. Take a trip to the next town,  purchase another ticket back to Lou hu

So a 10 minute task was turned into an hour and a half frantic where am I and where do I need to go next. Meanwhile Fiona is back in Lou Hu waiting, wondering what has happened to her husband. We finally got home after dark last night. Anyone have an idea how to circumvent this requirement?

Here is a suggestion for the Chinese immigration. If you want to know where someone is located every 90 day then require them to go check in at the local police station.  Far less complicated and troublesome, and they would get a much better fix on your location. Maybe they couldn't handle that much traffic at the local police department.  But there must be a better way. 

« Last Edit: September 27, 2011, 10:42:29 pm by Pineau »
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Offline Rhonald

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #159 on: September 27, 2011, 10:57:53 pm »
Last couple of times I went through Lok Ma Chau instead. It's less busy through that gate. But as to being able to not need taking a train to the other town I don't know. Also every time (but my 2nd trip) I left by catching my plane in Hong Kong, I went by mini van that also crossed the border at Lok Ma Chau. The mini van ride cost 160 rmb.

To catch the train you do walk across a bridge that spans the river to the Hong Kong side to catch the train and I believe that this bridge is for both directions so it might be possible that once you clear customs on the Hong Kong side, that you can return to the Chinese side. But I can not be totally positive if this is true.

Of course you rather stay in your city and just visit the police station, but when does the government ever worry about the better way?
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Offline maxx

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #160 on: September 27, 2011, 11:16:35 pm »
If it was me doing it.I would do just like Willy doe's. I would go to Zhuhai.Then walk across the border to Macao.Spend a couple of hours gambling and checking out the sites.Then walk back across the border.If you go to the Gombei mall in Zhuhai.You can cross the border there I think.If not.There is a border crossing 200 yards from the front door of the mall

Offline Pineau

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #161 on: September 27, 2011, 11:45:10 pm »
If it was me doing it.I would do just like Willy doe's. I would go to Zhuhai.Then walk across the border to Macao.Spend a couple of hours gambling and checking out the sites.Then walk back across the border.If you go to the Gombei mall in Zhuhai.You can cross the border there I think.If not.There is a border crossing 200 yards from the front door of the mall

Although it is a 4 hour bus ride, I think I will try this next time.  It would be fun rather than an ordeal.  I had intended to spend the day in Hong Kong shopping and dining with Fiona but at the last minute we discovered her Hong Kong visa was no longer valid. We will be ready next time (if there is a next time).
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #162 on: September 28, 2011, 01:11:26 am »
 Do I read you right Pineau. That you have to leave China every 90 days?  I am registered with the local police and I can stay here until my visa ends in 12months.  Have not left china since the new one was issued in Feb this year and haver no intentions of leaving before it expires.

Can you not get a longer visa and stay until it expires?

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline Pineau

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #163 on: September 28, 2011, 02:37:40 am »
I didn't know it was possible without immigrating here. I am also registered with the local police.  I have a one year, muiti-entry  VISA but it states on the VISA that the maximum each stay is 90 days. Hopefully I am not here another 90 days. That will be the case unless Fiona's application is denied. If it is I am seriously looking at putting down some more permanent roots (north of here).
« Last Edit: September 28, 2011, 02:40:08 am by Pineau »
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Re: End of the road
« Reply #164 on: September 28, 2011, 08:47:55 am »
Living in Hong Kong, I am used to the Lo Wu/Luohu border. This month, I had to meet my wife on the Hong Kong side, then return home. She had the right paperwork. I only have a double-entry six-month Chinese visa, so I have to ration my Chinese visits. Before meeting, I went up the stairs that you're not allowed to go down, met her at the Starbucks, then found out that, yes, she couldn't go down where I had come up. So I went with her on the train as far as the next stop, Sheung Shui, then she got off and took the next train back towards Lo Wu and across the border. She used her Octopus railcard, so it wasn't too inconvenient. Hopefully, Pineau, you and Fiona will be able to spend a little time in Hong Kong next time (if there is one)