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Offline Pineau

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #255 on: January 15, 2012, 11:15:13 pm »
I think we are here for another 3-4 months. I don't want to buy a new machine if I can get by without it. I will keep trying but I'll just live with it before I buy another machine.

I think the lid switch is working. There is no selector switch for the cycles. It is computerized. 

It will refuse to even try if the lid is open. With it closed I can see the relays and solenoid release the tub so that it can spin but the motor never takes off.  I think maybe it is some other "unsafe" sensor preventing power to the motor. Maybe an out of balance sensor is stuck on. I fiddled with it the other day and it started working again after I tilted it on its side but today it has quit again.

« Last Edit: January 16, 2012, 04:49:55 am by Pineau »
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Re: End of the road
« Reply #256 on: January 15, 2012, 11:18:07 pm »
sounds like the relay

Offline Robertt S

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #257 on: January 16, 2012, 06:08:02 pm »
I have read the answer to this somewhere before but now I cant find it.

In regards to Katie's (stepdaughter) i-130 petition. Nowhere do they ask for the non custodial parent's permission for the child to immigrate...BUT! 12 years ago I was asked either by the NVC or Guangzhou embassy (don't remember which) my stepsons natural fathers permission.

So now I am scared about yet another surprise from the USCIS and another 60 day delay.

I have my stepdaughters petition with all the mentioned required documents ready to mail back to the USCIS.

Now my multi- part question. 
1a. Is it really required? by who? the USA or Chinese government?
1. should I wait until I get the natural fathers permission and mail it along with the petition or wait until they ask for it?
2. is there an official form for this permission?
3. He is Hong Kong. We will be processed out of Guangzhou. Should we get it notarized in Hong Kong or have hime come here to Guangzhou.

Fiona seems to remember that he should come to Guangzhou but she is not sure.

Just a side note. The document that they said they needed and that I have sent to them over 60 days ago. I looked at the original petition that I filed way back in March 2011, and guess what. It was right there in front of them but they overlooked it somehow. That mistake cost us another 60 days and another round trip airfare. (Im shaking my head and rolling my eyes right now).

          The father's permission will be required and presented to the consulate when she goes for the interview. The following is what is needed to be sent with the I-130 .

If you are a U.S. citizen and the father or stepparent of the child or son or daughter, you must file the following with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services:

Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative
A copy of your birth certificate or U.S. passport
If you were not born in the U.S., a copy of either:
      your Certificate of Naturalization or Citizenship or
      your U.S. passport
A copy of the child's birth certificate showing the child's name and the names of both parents
A copy of civil marriage certificate showing the names of both parents, or proof that a parent/child relationship exists or existed (if you are petitioning for a stepchild, your marriage to the child's parent must take place before the stepchild's 18th birthday)
A copy of any divorce decrees, death certificates, or annulment decrees that establish the termination of any previous marriages entered into by you or your spouse
Fathers petitioning for a child born out of wedlock must provide evidence that a parent/child relationship exists or existed. For example, the child's birth certificate displaying the father's name, evidence showing that the father and child at some point lived together, or that the father held out the child as his own, or that he has made financial contributions in support of the child, or that in general his behavior evidenced genuine concern for and interest in the child. A blood test proving paternity may also be necessary.
If anyone's name has been legally changed (if it differs from the name on his or her birth certificate), evidence of the name change must be submitted.

Here is what Guangzhou says about what evidence they require for the interview.

I'm divorced and applying for an immigrant visa. Do I need permission from my ex-spouse to take our child to the United States?

The Consulate generally accepts either a notarized copy of the custody agreement currently in effect, or a notarized statement from the ex-spouse giving the child permission to travel. This requirement can vary, however, according to the circumstances of each case, and is ultimately at the discretion of the adjudicating consular officer.

Best Wishes, Robert

P.S.    I would wait until Fiona received her NOA2 for her I-130 before sending the child's I-130. The reason being is you should be able to request an expedite for the child's petition based on the fact that the mother has an approved I-130 at this time. You should do a cover letter for her petition and write in BIG RED letters EXPEDITE PLEASE, MOTHER has an APPROVED I-130 already and list the receipt number of her mother's approved NOA2 letter. :)

One other item that I failed to mention, but WILL be required for the daughter is a passport. She will have her own visa inside her passport so need to be certain the daughter has one. I do not know how long it takes to get a Chinese passport, so might want to check it out now if the daughter does not have one already!   Robert

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #258 on: January 17, 2012, 08:20:53 pm »
Were going to get Katie a passport this week.

And some very good news. Katie's father totally agreed to sign any kind of document to allow Katie to travel to the USA,  I am going to see him in Hong Kong next week. He want to meet me for some reason. Maybe to make sure I am a good person. hahahahaha!  More about him later after I get want and we have VISAs in hand.


The washer is still broken. I cant find the relay. Everything goes back to the computer board.  I am still thinking there is some sort of sensor preventing the motor from spinning. The motor is good because it works ok during the wash cycle.

I almost snapped yesterday. I am really fed up with Chinese men and they way they treat the women. We were shopping in a very crowded clothing store and were shuffling along with the crowd. Some big guy comes around the corner and comes face to face with Fiona almost running her down. Then he yells at her to get out of his way.  I WENT BALLISTIC !  I yelled back at him. Something like Fuck you big man with a big mouth and reached over to grab him but he was out of reach. The crowd stopped and everything got quiet. I took my stance and tightened my fist. Tense for a moment. We just stared at each other.  I knew if he got the first punch he would annihilate me.  Then he opened his hands, palms out and backed away. I took a deep breath and could feel my heart pounding. I wish they wouldn't yell at the women....
« Last Edit: January 17, 2012, 08:49:08 pm by Pineau »
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Offline maxx

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #259 on: January 18, 2012, 01:04:31 am »
walking threw a hospital in Jiujiang China.My wife is in front of me.And are oldest son is walking in front of my wife.Some Chinese guy tries to shove his way passed me.He pushed me into my wife.And she ran into are son.I grabbed the guy by the arm and threw him into the wall.He bounces off the wall.And stands there and looks at me.He gives me his best mad dog look.I give it back to him.and I start calling him dirty names in English.He stands there for a couple of seconds then walks off.20 minutes latter I see the same guy in a different room in the hospital.He sees me and runs over to stand next to the 95 pound security guard..That is stationed in the room.

My first trip to China me and my wife are standing outside a tourist trap in Zhuhai.My wife is talking to the girl at the ticket booth.I'm setting on the rail smoking a cigarette minding my own buissness.Me and my wife.Are the only people at this ticket booth.This kid probably 19 years old runs up to the ticket booth and pushes my wife to the side.And starts talking to the ticket agent.I jump off the rail I'm sitting on.Go over and grab the kid by the back of the shirt.And throw him across the concrete out into the grass.So he slides across the grass.Gets up and stands there and smiles at me.He satands there and Waites until my wife leaves the ticket both.Then he runs back to the ticket window.

My wife is pissed.She says to me why you do that.I said the guy was rude.He needs to learn some manners.So my wife drags out her pocket translater.Looks the words rude and manners up.And says to me the man not rude.This is China this is the way they do that.I told my wife That what the man did was rude in any country.And in most country's he would of ben beaten.She lets it drop after that.She eventually got over being mad.

Last time we were in China.I was trying to get the kid's stroller into the train station in Beijing.Conner and Tristan were riding in the stroller.People were running into the stroller.Tripping over the stroller.One guy almost fell into the stroller With Tristan.I'm hollering at these people.Telling them to get the hell out of the way.My wife is hollering at these people in Chinese.It is doing no good.I finally make it to the entrance ramp.And I can't go any farther.People are coming at us from 2 different directions.Finally this big Europine and his wife walk up.He stops and blocks the crowed.Until I can get the stroller moving again.

I think the reason they are so rude is that there are so many of them.And when you got that many people in one place.If you don't assert yourself.You will always be at the back of the line.

I seen the same thing in Bangkok.Me and my tour guide were looking around a monastery.There was a bunch of Indian girls there.The girls were running back and fourth running into the other tourists.They were stepping on peoples feet.Some Guy from England got tired of it.And one girl stepped on his feet one to many times.He reached out and slapped her on the rear end.I seen him do it.And you could here the girl scream halfway down the block.You know for the rest of the tour.Nobody stepped on the mans feet.I thought it was funny.So when we got done with the tour.I bought the guy a beer.

There is allot of Indians in India.And allot of Chinese in China.So I think they get it into there heads that you have to be rude and pushy.Or your going to get ran over.The Indians I have met in the states and the Chinese I have met here.Are far from being rude.

Offline Pineau

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #260 on: January 18, 2012, 04:25:02 am »
"I think the reason they are so rude is that there are so many of them.And when you got that many people in one place.If you don't assert yourself.You will always be at the back of the line."

Absolutely you need to be assertive. Some days I wonder if I can contain it.
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Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #261 on: January 18, 2012, 06:38:46 am »
"I think the reason they are so rude is that there are so many of them.And when you got that many people in one place.If you don't assert yourself.You will always be at the back of the line."

Absolutely you need to be assertive. Some days I wonder if I can contain it.
It can only be rudeness if they do it with the intention of being rude or irresponsible.  Is a child a dirty little bugger if it pee's on the floor. No of course not. It is because it has not learned any different. 

The same with the chinese. It is something that they have been accustomed to for generations. Whereas in the west if someone behaves like that it is because they are a rude, ignorant sonofabitch because they would have probably been raised differently.

Willy The Lpndoner

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Vince G

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #262 on: January 18, 2012, 08:42:50 am »
I have to agree with Willy. It's not a rudeness. Though the train thing has always baffled me even here. Common sense, if the people can't get off the train car you can't get on?

Also in parking lots this is done. Years ago a few times I had to direct traffic in the lane so I could leave my own space.

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #263 on: January 18, 2012, 11:09:20 am »
Elevators.  Why do people insist on getting on before you get off.  You'd think logic would apply but it doesn't.  You know, limited space and all.  There is also the issue of people wanting to be first.  I see people all the time pass me in their car.  I'm going the speed limit, they pass me and slow down to go the same speed.  :o   Such is life.

When I was at the hospital with Peggy or at the train station at a window I would stand behind her.  If someone attempted to jump in and get their head in the window while she was talking to the clerk I would block them.  They would give me dirty looks.  I'd give them the look like, do it again and see what happens.  They would walk away.  Peggy on the other hand smiles because I am the man who takes care of his woman.  That's all I need to know.

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #264 on: January 18, 2012, 11:34:33 am »
I love the ones that push there way to be first in the elevator then is the same one that needs to get off first??? AH if you got in last you wouldn't need to panic trying to get off? Brainless.

If I really want to give them a hard time... I have the master elevator keys (full control of all elevators), I just don't carry them, but I could. 
« Last Edit: January 18, 2012, 11:38:30 am by Vince G »

Offline Pineau

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #265 on: January 18, 2012, 07:06:55 pm »
I like to carry my long over sized umbrella and use it for blocking assholes that try to get around me in the queue. I just hate it when I arrive first in the queue for the subway and by the time the train arrives I am number 4 or 5. so now I take the umbrella and jam it into the doorway so no one can get around that side of me and if the try to go down the middle the conductors will shoo them away.

Willy, your probably right. asserting yourself in this culture is not rude but the guy that almost ran over my wife was rude. All he had to do was side step her and continue on his way. A large man yelling down at a little woman is uncalled for in this situation. Women here need a husband or a boyfriend to to insure equal treatment. Otherwise they treat the women very rough and with disrespect.
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Offline john1964

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #266 on: January 18, 2012, 08:22:27 pm »
I always laugh at the Chinese in the elevator , They push the button to close the door straight away and try to open the door before the lift settles at their floor, Many times I have blocked people from getting in the lift before we get out, They look at me in amazement for doing this, I like the weight warning signs in  the elevators, 1000 kilos or 13 people, In Australia it would read 1000 kilos or 8 people ;D, Also at the train ticket stalls, Same as Shaun, I have blocked many people from pushing in front of my wife and she gives me a smile and they just back off, The escalators are another funny one, After they reach the next floor they just stop and cause a pileup, Many times I have had to push these people out of the way as they do not realise that they are about to cause an accident, John.

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #267 on: January 18, 2012, 08:57:51 pm »
Heh.  One time, the elevator door was about to close before we could get in, and I reached in and hit the door so it opened back up again.  everyone thought I was going to get my arm cut off or something.  It's like nobody ever considered doing something crazy like that. 

We saw a foreign man with his Chinese wife waiting for the train in Yunnan.  He was ahead of us in the line.  This young man and his pretty young wife decide to rush past him, but the foreigner wouldn't let her pass.  He kept lecturing her about shoving and queuing, like she could actually understand what he was saying.  The boyfriend kept calling his girlfriend to join him, but she couldn't.  I kept thinking how rude and ignorant he seemed about Chinese culture. 

Later, in the same line, a young man cut in front of me.  He accidentally stepped on my foot, turned and apologized.  I smiled.  Then the crowd surged and I ran into him, apologized, and we both had a good laugh, shrugged and carried on.  I was having too much fun to worry about someone getting ahead of me.  We had tickets.  It's not like the train was going to leave without us. 

I saw the foreign man a couple more times on different tours.  He didn't seem to be having a lot of fun.  I was having the time of my life. irresistible as chocolate

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #268 on: January 18, 2012, 11:00:38 pm »
I like to carry my long over sized umbrella and use it for blocking assholes that try to get around me in the queue. I just hate it when I arrive first in the queue for the subway and by the time the train arrives I am number 4 or 5. so now I take the umbrella and jam it into the doorway so no one can get around that side of me and if the try to go down the middle the conductors will shoo them away.

Willy, your probably right. asserting yourself in this culture is not rude but the guy that almost ran over my wife was rude. All he had to do was side step her and continue on his way. A large man yelling down at a little woman is uncalled for in this situation. Women here need a husband or a boyfriend to to insure equal treatment. Otherwise they treat the women very rough and with disrespect.

But are the actions you perform retribution for their actions or anticpated actions or just plain cussedness on your part because they do not confirm to ways you were brought up with?  I have been to somewhere between 35 and 40 countries and I found many things about each that apalled me. But it was never part of my lifes remit to try to change the world to my way of doing things. 

We joke on here about some of the things we see but I say to anyone if local ways, customs and traditions are likely to upset you then do not go. Be aware that even in modern cities here things happen that we consider belong to the dark ages.

As for the man who who nearly ran over your wife. There are loud mouth braggards in every place I have ever been too.  Do you think the people around you at that time were pleased to hear him loud mouthing a stranger. I doubt it. They would have done the same as you and verbally sorted the man out and as you know the Chinese can fit more loud sentences into the same space we fit a few words.

The biggest problem the foreigners get here are letting small things build up until they burst out then maybe a small thing becomes big problem in their mind.


Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: End of the road
« Reply #269 on: January 19, 2012, 12:18:34 am »
OK Willy I get what your saying.When in China do as the Chinese do.But what do you do when the Chinese are acting like dogs? You and your lovely wife have just exited  out of the cab.The cab driver is not stupid.He can see that you are a foreigner.And he knows you come from the land where the streets are paved in gold.So the schmuck doubles or triples the cab fare.Your wife tells the guy what she thinks of him.And tells him she is not going to pay.So your wife and cab driver get into a argument.The cab driver gets mad.And acts like he is going to hit your wife.Now do you hit the schmuck upside his head.Or do you let him hit your wife?

Also I'm wondering do you think the U.K guy was out of line.When he slapped that girl on the ass.After he told her not to be stepping on his feet.Remember this is a Indian girl In Thailand.And just FYI. (Thais do not like to be touched.Thais are very polite people.)So the Indian girl is not following Thai customs.She had ben warned many times by the man.And her Chaperon's.To stop running into people.And to stop shoving people.And yes The Indian girl spoke English.And Yes the UK guy spoke English well enough that I could understand him.

I understand what Gerry did.And I know Gerry doesn't need my approval.But I do approve of what Gerry did.If it had ben me and my wife in that situation.I would of took the guys head off before he got one bad word out of his mouth.I would of taught the load mouth some manners.And like Neil,Arnold, and Gerry, posted the ladies do appreciate it.

Contrary to what most people think.Most of the Chinese people I have met in China.Do have some manners.They just need to be reminded of it now and again.I seen my wife's  8 year old niece get a beating more then once.Because she forgot her manners.I have seen the boy across the alley from my in laws house.Get a beating because he forgot his manners.So the average Chinese person has ben taught some semblance of manners.But when they get grown.And out among there peers they seem to forget them.

P.S I keep saying Indian girl.But it should be young Indian woman.she was somewhere between the age of 18 to 25.The U.K. guy was in his fifties.