Author Topic: re confusing willy please help me  (Read 2044 times)

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Offline joeswuhandream

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re confusing willy please help me
« on: October 16, 2010, 01:42:53 pm »
I am going back to Chengdu  in January/February all being well to
get married ,  i shall have my certificate of no impediment and  my  divorce paper ,
all will be legalised by the FCO ,and the Chinese embassy in Manchester .
but do i still need to do a self declaration and witnessed  by a notary ? and legalised to ?
as i am reading different points of view from the internet in general
all my documents will be translated in Chengdu 
look forward to your feed back with regards joey :) :) :)

Offline Jason B

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Re: re confusing willy please help me
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2010, 06:18:17 pm »
Best advice is to get your fiance to talk to the place where you are going to get married for from what I understand this can vary from place to place.  They have a list of all the documents that you need for that particular area/marriage place, both your lady and you.

Xia is doing this for us and they are sending her a fax on Monday outlining exactly every piece of paper they require to enable us to get married.  So if there is any discrepancies to what I think they need and what they require I will have the official word from them and be able to bring exactly what they require.
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Offline mickw

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Re: re confusing willy please help me
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2010, 08:01:23 pm »
Hi Joey

I was married last month in Fujian province,in the capitol Fuzhou .

Ill tell you of my experience

I got my cert of no impediment from our local registry office after the statutory 21 days display there,I actually used a company in london to get the legalisation at the FCO ,and the authorisation at the chinese embassy.whilst they were at it i let them get my visa too,very professional and quick too,the cert was back in 4 days.In previous visa applications i too have used the Manchester Embassy when i used the express same day service for an extra £20,saved going back the next day.but i understand they have moved the visa application section to another premise in manchester  and no longer do the same day express service.I assume your in the north of england using the Manchester Embassy,im in Huddersfield just 40 mins away.

Anyhow i did email Lin Fang both sides of my cert ,which she copied and took along to the marriage office in Fuzhou,and this was all they needed on my part to marry.I did take my decree absolute along with a self certified single certificate ,which i got signed by a solicitor friend locally for a fiver (actually he said i owed him a couple of beers ;D )but i beleive a fiver is the norm.

They wanted photo copies of our relevant passport pages,i paid 200 rmb and we were told to return next day with 3 pics of us together,one for each red book and one for their records,they were not interested in my decree or single cert ,but as the other guys say things do differ from province to province and forearmed is forewarned, they didnt want any translation done of the cert of no impediment ,they actually kept it for the records and we didnt take any oaths or have to swear on anything either.

We went to a local digital photo shop and had the pics done that afternoon,30 rmb inc the guy to photoshop a red background onto the pics,next morning we returned they printed out the red books stuck in our pics ,i paid 9 rmb for the books and we were married simple as that !!

I trust this help Joey,if you want any further help feel free to PM me ,and leave your number if you want a chat sometime OK



Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: re confusing willy please help me
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2010, 11:34:01 pm »
When I first came here June 2009 I had my 'single certificate' also the self declaration witnessed by a notary.  BUT i used neither.   In December 2009 I did my single certificate through the Consulate in GZ.  They gave me all the papers that I needed.    I used them to marry in Changsha I signed a declaration at the marriage office.

So as Mike said get your lady to contact the marriage office.  Make sure that they have the facilities to marry foreigners and ask them if you have to have the self declaration signed by a notary as many marriage offfices do not need it.

Do not forget to buy the staff gifts before you go to the marriage office.  Candy for the ladies and some ciggies for the men.   Ciggies cheap here 4 rmb a pack 20  (40pence) not the 5 or 6 pounds they cost in UK.


Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline Irishman

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Re: re confusing willy please help me
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2010, 02:51:50 pm »
I am going back to Chengdu  in January/February all being well to
get married ,  i shall have my certificate of no impediment and  my  divorce paper ,
all will be legalised by the FCO ,and the Chinese embassy in Manchester .
but do i still need to do a self declaration and witnessed  by a notary ? and legalised to ?
as i am reading different points of view from the internet in general
all my documents will be translated in Chengdu 
look forward to your feed back with regards joey :) :) :)
Joe, I read a lot of conflicting information online - the advice does appear to vary by country of origin, the Chinese embassy in Ireland here gave good advice and we had no problems marrying in Wuhan.
My advice - ask the Chinese embassy in the UK by phone or email for their advice.
Are you getting married in Wuhan?
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Offline David E

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Re: re confusing willy please help me
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2010, 08:34:14 pm »

I got married in Chengdu. The Marriage Office only required me to get a single Cetificate from the Australian Embassy in Guangzhou which had
to be translated and Notarised by a local Notary (next door to the Marriage Office).

They were not interested in all the other documents I brought with me. The info I got from all the websites seemed not to be relevant.

I think you can only be certain what they want if you go to the Marriage Office in Chengdu and ask them !!!
