Author Topic: What influence you want a Chinese/ Western life partner?  (Read 4600 times)

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Offline chen yan

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What influence you want a Chinese/ Western life partner?
« on: October 23, 2010, 11:36:38 pm »
What influence you want a Chinese/ Western life partner?

It is autumn season, Shenzhen is still very hot. I really miss the autumn in Shanghai. When I walk ed on the road to home, the phoenix tree starts to fall leaves, Fresh breeze is very refreshing after the whole day working, And the atmosphere is full of romantic because of the trees and lights.
This is different from Shenzhen. Shenzhen grow tropic tree like palm. Sometimes I cann’t feel it is autumn now.

I live in an old bungalow with yellow wall and red roof , The bungalow has three floors, Each floor lives a family, neighbors are Local Shanghainese. But the around bungalows are all living international marriage couples. And they all own their whole bungalow. The bungalow is very limited in Shanghai, Although it is old, But it has many history, lots of people are looking for purchasing this kind of bungalow. Especially those bungalows are just located in the center of city. I guess because the bungalow I lived have many owners, that’s why it is still not be sold.

One of the neighbors is a Chinese Husband and a French housewife. They have 2 children, one boy and one girl. The French lady purchase another old bungalow and open a tea house nearby the community we live, the business seems run very good. I saw the magazine reports about her tea house. It is Chinese and French fusion style, the tea house located in a quiet street, When you sit on the second floor drinking your tea, You can see the green phoenix tree leaves from the  windows. We ever heard some story how she met her husband, She had a chance to study in Japan and visit China, Later she met her Chinese husband in Harvard MBA class, Then she moves to Shanghai with her husband in 1999,after she resign the China GM of VeuveClicpuot Champagne then started her own tea house.

Another bungalow lives an Austria husband and a Chinese woman. They open a small café shop in the first floor and the business are also quite good, editors and adman who work nearby love to gather there. Everyday I can smell the coffee spread from their shop. They have a lovely daughter and before I leaving Shanghai they have another daughter again. The Austrian husband can speak very good Chinese, and his wife is a very beautiful woman. Their daughter love to play with the French family’s kid after they go back from school. And the public courtyard is their playground. I love this girl at the first sight,she is very smart and she can speak three languages. She is the only girl can speak Chinse among the kids around.And later we become very good friends. Her parents have to come to our room to pick her up each time. I hope she is still studying in Shanghai, Then I can come to their café shop to see the little lovely girl again.

Another family is a British husband with a overseas grow Chinese. They have two cute kids also.
The British husband is a polite architect, he takes some Chinese lessons so he can speak some Chinese, And he always try to find opportunity to talk with people around in Chinese. After I move to Shenzhen and they move to Hongkong, I was invited to their house. They hope I can teach some Chinese to thier kids but
the visa is only allowed me to visit 8 time a year.

These neighbors impressed me a lot. I saw how these international marriage families live such a harmony life here. And their kids are so adorable. But those couples  all can community by a common languages, I haven’t got in touch with the international marriage families who donn’t speak common language unit now. I know both parties will try to overcome the language obstacle sooner if they really try hard to learn.

Here is my experience ,How about yours ?

« Last Edit: October 24, 2010, 12:04:14 am by chen yan »
Love ,Joy ,Peace~

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: What influence you want a Chinese/ Western life partner?
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2010, 12:18:47 am »
Yan , that is a most beautiful story , it makes me want to move there tomorrow , we have peace and harmony over here in Melbourne , Australia and never a sad word , when Sujuan's daughter starts university here in a couple of years we may even relocate partime back to China , depending on Sujuan's businesses , regards Sujuan and Robert .
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Offline ttwjr32

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Re: What influence you want a Chinese/ Western life partner?
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2010, 02:03:10 am »
Nice story Yan, You dont post much but when you do it is always a good read


Offline Neil

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Re: What influence you want a Chinese/ Western life partner?
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2010, 02:57:53 am »
I love reading your posts Yan.  You speak exactly like my good friend Yang.  I could listen to her speak for hours.  She wants me to correct her English, but I enjoy the mistakes sometimes. 

My friend has a Filipino wife and they are both bodybuilders.  She has strong arms, but still looks beautiful and feminine.  They make a real cute couple.  They have two young sons who are just adorable.  I completely agree, mixed race couples have such beautiful children. irresistible as chocolate

Offline Jason B

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Re: What influence you want a Chinese/ Western life partner?
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2010, 05:15:34 am »
Reminds me of a funny incident that happened in a noodle shop in Shenzhen.  Xia and I were having some lunch and an older Chinese couple sat down at the next table with their 6 month old baby gran daughter in a stroller.  The baby was half Chinese, half Western with the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen on a baby.  Anyway the baby kept staring at me and I was playing along smiling and laughing with the baby and Xia was completely taken in, and asked the lady about the baby.  It turns out the mother is Chinese and the father English and the baby was looking at me because I looked a lot like the babies father and she was probably wondering why I was not picking her up and giving her a cuddle.  God knows I wanted to she was so cute.

Xia is convinced our baby girl (if we have any girls) will be as beautiful and I have to buy a shotgun to keep the unsuitable men away.
I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.

Offline chen yan

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Re: What influence you want a Chinese/ Western life partner?
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2010, 09:44:30 am »
I love reading your posts Yan.  You speak exactly like my good friend Yang.  I could listen to her speak for hours.  She wants me to correct her English, but I enjoy the mistakes sometimes. 

Neil, beacause you are a good listener, I also like to listen more thoughts from my friend,the more they want to share with you,
the closer you will be . 

Nice story Yan, You dont post much but when you do it is always a good read

Thank you Ted, You always be the one who read and reply my post .

Jason B, the noodle shop must be the "面点王“,There are many chain restaurants.
No doubt, You must have a beautiful mix blood baby girl.
But I find some mix blood kids  have western face,some kids have Asia face.
Have you asked Xia what kind of look she prefer?
Cause my friend is very happy because the baby looks like her more.Haha
« Last Edit: October 24, 2010, 09:58:09 am by chen yan »
Love ,Joy ,Peace~

Offline maxx

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Re: What influence you want a Chinese/ Western life partner?
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2010, 01:05:35 pm »
Me and my wife Jinxia Have 2 boys.Tristan will be 3 in December.And Conner will be 1 in Januarary.Tristan has black hair.And big brown eyes.He looks like his mother.Tristan has ben to China a couple of times.He fits in well with.The other Chinese children.Until I show up.Then we draw a crowed.And people start to notice little differences.Tristan has a long body.And his hair line is lower then a Chinesee person.

Conner could never pass for Chinese.He has big black eyes.And light brown hair.He will always draw a crowed in China.With his big friendly open smile.Like his mothers.

There is allot of mixed couples in the town where we live.A couple of Thai women are  married to Americans.One Chinese woman who is from Bangkok Thailand.Is married to a American.They have a little girl.That looks just like her mother.Thiere are a couple of Chinese ladies married to Americans.I have never seen them with kids.So I don't think they have any kids.

Thiere is a Filipino woman who lives in Aztec New Mexico.They have four Children three girls.And one boy.All the Children look like thiere mother.I have never talked to them.I don't think the man is the father to the girls.He didn't treat the girls as his.The last time I seen them in a restaurant.He looked like he was angry so I didn't talk to him.

In the town where we live.Thiere is a American married to a Chinese woman.They have three girls all born on the same day.In the same year.They all look like thiere mother.Last time I seen them they were about eight months old.And where setting up real nice.They all had brown eyes with curly black hair.Very beautiful little girls.Thiere mom and Dad met in Zhongshan.Where he was teaching English.And she was also working as a English teacher.They were married for five years before they decided to have children.He now manages a shoe store.And she is a stay at home mother.

All the couples I have mentioned her seem to be happy.With the exception of the Filipino woman.And her husband.I think.The man didn't realize how much work.Those 3 little girls were going to be.So It may be causing some stress.

In a mixed relationship.You have to mix the 2 different cultures.And be respectful to your partners beliefs.Little disagreement are going to arise from time to time,How you handle them will define your relationship.You definitely have to have a open mind.And not get caught up in the little things.If it isn't life threatening or dangerous.Or insulting to another person.Don't worry about the little things.Life is allot easier if you can remember this.When you marry a woman/or a man. from a different country.With thiere own customs and culture.

Out of all the mixed couples I know.What seems to bring them together.And to keep them together.Is a open mind.A respect for each other culture and customs.And a true desire to make this work.where sometimes you have to give a little ground.Over the things that are not truly important..

I will try to get some pictures of Conner and Tristan posted here.So everybody can see what I'm talking about..My wife has the final say about the pictures.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2010, 09:08:43 pm by Irishman »

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Re: What influence you want a Chinese/ Western life partner?
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2010, 10:26:24 pm »
I am enjoying this thread.  It makes me wonder though.  I wonder what a child between Peggy and me would look like. I really like Asian children.  But alas I can no longer produce children.  What a shame.  I asked Peggy if I could reverse my vasectomy and she said no.  :-\

Offline chen yan

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Re: What influence you want a Chinese/ Western life partner?
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2010, 07:45:23 am »
Maxx, Your Conner has a pair of big ear !  ;D
Chinese people says" It is bilss who has big ears."
And I smile when I saw his big smile face .I want to give him a big hug. But I guess he is very heavy. ;D
Your wife keep fit very well ,cann't believe she has two chirldren already.
Love ,Joy ,Peace~

Offline Bee964

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Re: What influence you want a Chinese/ Western life partner?
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2010, 08:04:08 am »

You have a nice family there. I bet those cute boys will keep you and your wife busy.

Dave C
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Re: What influence you want a Chinese/ Western life partner?
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2010, 05:59:38 pm »

Interesting coincidence......

My Grandson is named Conner...he is a delight for me, we are good mates  ;D ;D

Here is a photo of Conner and his pet !!!!!

Offline maxx

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Re: What influence you want a Chinese/ Western life partner?
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2010, 07:45:56 pm »
Yan thank you very much.Conner weighs 15 pounds 6.8 kg  he is not to heavy for you.He already likes the pretty girls.So I'm sure he would let you hug him.My wife will turn 36 on November 2nd.she looks the same as the day.I met her.Still young and beautiful.I think thiere is something in the water in Janxia province.That keeps the ladies young and beautiful.

Bee thank you.They do keep both of us running.Tristan Is all boy.And he knows he's cute.So he tries to get away with anything he thinks he can.He is in the bathroom right now making sure the doors work right.Conner is just starting to crawl good.So he is starting to get into things.Conner is my TV buddy he will come watch the TV with me.Until he has to go to sleep.

DavidE That is your Conner's pet.My wife would freak if I brought a snake home.for the kids to play with.They are allot of fun when thiere young.It is fun to watch them learn things.And work little problems out.Tristan builds designs on the floor with his blocks.They are real intricate.And he can tell if you walk by and move one.He will run over and move the block back to where it goes.And make sure the ends are perfectly even.

Paul Todd

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Re: What influence you want a Chinese/ Western life partner?
« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2010, 09:04:56 pm »

I bet those two keep you and Jinxia busy! My wife loved the pictures of your two little ones, there was lots of smiles here and excited cooing noises and of course the words "very beautiful" where mentioned more than a couple of times. ;D Almost made me want to have more kids....well almost!


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Re: What influence you want a Chinese/ Western life partner?
« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2010, 11:31:17 pm »
It's about time Maxx , I was getting tired of only looking at your Photo . You do have a more beautiful Wife than you made us believe . Also two very good looking Boy's there . When will you teach them about Chnlove ?
 My only off-spring is a Parrot right now  :'( .. but then again .. he's just like a Baby always wanting attention . When he doesn't get it , he'll make a big mess on the floor .. throwing everything on the bottom of the Cage out .Want to trade ?   >:(