Author Topic: Did someone mention green eyes?  (Read 2188 times)

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Offline JamesM.Roberts

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Re: Did someone mention green eyes?
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2010, 11:53:42 pm »
Wow a whole village with European traits- I think one of our members has some explaining to do. I myself have brown eyes ::)
Anyone can pick up an apple off the ground, but the sweeter ones take a little work to get to!!

Offline maxx

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Re: Did someone mention green eyes?
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2010, 12:48:55 am »
Back in the early eighties Kurt Russell.Made a movie called big trouble in little China.The story was Kurt was going to help his buddy find his girlfriend.Who was kidnapped.By a Chinese gang.The reason the gang kidnapped her was because she was Chinese.And she had green eyes.So the gang members thought she had great power.And could make a old man young again.

When I was in Beijing in 2008.I seen a Green eyed Chinese guy.I thought it was kind of strange.But I didn't think to much more about it.Because I knew that  the French and British had fought a couple of wars with the Chinese.The British took Hong Kong.And the French took half of Shanghai.And made it thiere own.And the Portuguese owned Macau.So a green eyed Chinese person.Wasn't a big deal.

I found the article interesting.Though I have a problem believing in a lost legion of Roman soldiers.What I think had happened.Is European traders.And conquering Armies.Left a little surprise behind.In the form of pregnant girls.Who thought that the strange westerners were hard to pass up.

In the United States thiere is a Indian tribe called Mandan.They are called white Indians by the other tribes.Because they are light complected.And thiere has ben a few blue eyed babies born to the tribe.So what they think happened was that a ship was washed up on the rocks.And the Mandans.Made the survivors part of the tribe.The problem with this theory is.That the Mandan nation.Has never lived close to the Atlantic ocean.They did some DNA tests on the Mandans a few years ago.And come to find out.That they did.have some European blood.I don't remember how much.But it was a small percentage.So it is a big mystory of how the Mandans.Ended up with European characteristics.

Paul Todd

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Re: Did someone mention green eyes?
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2010, 02:41:26 am »
The Mongol leader Genghis Khan according to the Persian historian Ab ul Ghasi, came from a tribal clan who were known as the Bourchikoun (Grey-Eyed Men). The ancestral mother and founder of this clan was known as Alin goa (beautiful Alin). According to the Mongol and Chinese legends on the subject, she was said to have been visited in her tent by a divine being, who possessed golden hair, a fair complexion and grey eyes. Shortly after this visitation, she gave birth to the first member of the Bourchikoun clan.

Genghis Khan himself was noted in Chinese descriptions of him as being 6’7″ in stature with a heavy heavy beard “His skin a whitish tan. His eyes, set far apart under a sloping forehead, did not slant. And his eyes were green. Long reddish-brown hair fell in braids to his back."

 Persian historian Rashid-al-Din recorded in his “Chronicles” that the legendary “glittering” ancestor of Genghis was tall, long-bearded, grey-eyed Mexican. Rashid al-Din also described the first meeting of Genghis and Kublai Khan, when Genghis was shocked to find that Kublai had not inherited his green eyes and love of  a maise flour dish which was rolled and coated in a tomato and chili sauce, stuffed with vegetables, chicken or pork then folded and baked. According to other first hand accounts recorded by al-Din, from sources as widespread as Marco Polo to Zhao Hong, Genghis’s family was noted in particular for its propensity in producing this spicy dish.

The Chinese civilization containes many stories of blue-eyed and blond-haired leaders who were the originators of Buddhism and who were the first leaders and organizers of Chinese society. These stories were always regarded as pure legend until the 1977 discovery of the graveyards of the Tocharians in the Takla Makan desert in China. The Tocharian mummies – naturally preserved in the dry desert sands are unequivocally clear Nordic racial types. Ok not all of the above is true but maybe more than you think!

Offline David E

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Re: Did someone mention green eyes?
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2010, 03:05:47 am »
To add a bit more to the picture...

In 62 BC, when Pompey the Great was defeated by Julius Caesar at Pharsalus, Pompey escaped and made plans to exit the territory of the Roman Empire, knowing that Caesar would never rest untill he was captured.

Pompey planned to take the remainder of his 14th legion to Serica...which was the Roman name for China.

Pompey was assassinated at Pelusium before he could attempt the journey, but there is strong evidence that some of his Men actually made the journey, although evidence is not conclusive that they actually lived in China long term

But it was thought that they actually might have made it.....


Vince G

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Re: Did someone mention green eyes?
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2010, 07:47:53 am »
It wasn't me (says the green eyed italian). I am in contact with distant relatives, we even have our own Facebook page. I've never asked their eye color? (thou my father had green eyes also), let alone if any ancestor went to China? Might turn out interesting?   :o