Author Topic: Chnlove...a hoax or real?  (Read 15376 times)

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Offline Peter

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RE: Chnlove...a hoax or real?
« Reply #30 on: May 27, 2009, 10:57:09 am »
When Martin and I was talking about this I thought that we should encourage those brothers that was thinking of going to China and meet the woman they have wrote a lot of letters to. I am not only thinking of us from the Brotherhood but also those guys that comes as a guest to read about our opinion and thoughts in a lot of different threads. I agree with Master Vince in what he wrote about scams and what isn't a scam. When I was in China I met a kind of behavior that I also think is a scam. This guy was taking a trip to three different ladies in three different cities... In my opinion this is also a scam... These ladies have given all of them to this guy and he was just visiting them and then left for another woman and city.. Just think the efforts those ladies have made so he can visit them... One of the ladies that I know was very sad after he went but not over him.. Instead it was because she had given her heart to the man in the letters and not the real man that just came and then left her again..
I believe that the best way to behave is to be honest to the lady at all times because if you isn't it will always show in the end..
Better to be married to a wife from Changsha then have 7000 women in Chnlove


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RE: Chnlove...a hoax or real?
« Reply #31 on: May 27, 2009, 11:05:03 am »
The point that is being made in this thread, is, not everything that appears different is always a scam.  Some of us should look into our own backyards first before we start throwing around accusations.

For those that have obviously had things going to China to meet their lady, and being a complete stranger to them...we are here to support you, and try to help in whatever way we can.  To the others...if it is just a feeling, leave it at that!  We are a support group.  We are not (sorry pfishy guys that are reading this).

Vince G

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RE: Chnlove...a hoax or real?
« Reply #32 on: May 27, 2009, 11:14:51 am »
I'm not talking about anyone here. I don't really know all here in face to face way. I have a friend (and it's not me, lol) That goes to any personals he can find, makes a profile. He lies throughout the whole profile and all I keep telling him is why? He lies about his age, looks, finances, his job, even the size of his house? He says he has an estate? on the ocean. It's a small 2 bedroom home on a canal? I can go on about him but the point to be made is if your starting out in lies? What do you expect a relationship will be?

Offline davidaquincy

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RE: Chnlove...a hoax or real?
« Reply #33 on: May 27, 2009, 11:25:16 am »
Hey, I was dissapointed in what happened when I went to meet my girl in Chengdu. As of right now of all the problems we have encountered everything is going very well for us. We don't use CHN at all anymore. We communicate through QQ and email. I am going back again in September. Do I think CHN is a scam...NO. I think there are a few bad apples in some agency's. Looks like with everyones help we can get rid of them. There are many success stories to be heard and I like hearing them!!

Keep up the good work Mods! I enjoy this website!

David and Mei

Offline China Shark

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RE: Chnlove...a hoax or real?
« Reply #34 on: May 27, 2009, 11:32:27 am »
Vince and Martin very valid points about the guys with mutiple women and lying about things that will obviously be discovered upon meeting face to face. I never wrote more than one woman at a time once things got serious or lied about anything. The list Vince mentions I would agree that those things are lame attempts at justifying why things didn't work out for them. My point was to keep both sides of the story alive and of course not dwell on the negative stuff yet see it for what it is to protect one another. Whether I marry a Chinese woman from Chnlove or just one I meet here I will always support the mission Chnlove has and that is to form a cross cultural relationship. If I didn't stumble upon Chnlove I would have never followed my dream in life.
China Shark Mike
Living life the way it should be. Following the path less traveled!!!!!!!!!


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RE: Chnlove...a hoax or real?
« Reply #35 on: May 27, 2009, 11:45:45 am »
My point was to keep both sides of the story alive and of course not dwell on the negative stuff yet see it for what it is to protect one another.

I totally agree with this!  Keep our eyes open.  It just seemed to Peter and I that the negative stuff was starting to take over, and this was not the point of the Brotherhood.


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RE: Chnlove...a hoax or real?
« Reply #36 on: May 27, 2009, 04:09:33 pm »
Quote from: 'Martin' pid='3990' dateline='1243435988'

Another point I want to make is many men are writing to multiple women, and think that this is acceptable?  And if this is acceptable, should the women also not be permitted to write to multiple men?  I have read where men are upset because they do not have the exclusive rights on a certain woman, and yet, they have several girls lined up.  The ball bounces both ways.

As for my personal (moral) opinion:

Is is perfectly acceptable to write to more than one lady. But if she asks, we should be frank about that.

We should not expect her to write only to us. Do we really expect her to drop someone she already was writing to? In fact I think we should not even ask her if she is writing to others, we are not entitled to such information, and she may have difficulty being that frank for fear of losing us.

UNTIL... Both get committed to each other, either during the course of our visit, or through letters (not recommended in my books). However, going to visit her is not a commitment in itself, even if we are going to stay in her house.

It is allright to visit a lady in different cities (or in the same city for that matter), provided she knows about it and it is acceptable to her. But do not ask or expect her favours at that time.


Offline David

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RE: Chnlove...a hoax or real?
« Reply #37 on: May 27, 2009, 05:05:44 pm »
I think you just have to be careful.  The first two ladies I started writing to were not scams in any way... they just did not work out.
Now I have been writing Anna for almost two months and we are in love and are engaged.  We exchange emails everyday and use web cam chat about 5 times a week.  I would not have met the woman of my dreams without Chnlove and the advise of the experienced members here!:heart:

A question for the brothers?  I am thinking that some of the scam talk is from people who have been rejected or unable to win a ladies heart... what do you think?  It is easier to find fault when the system is not working for you...  And I am just saying that this could be a reason for the increase in scam talk lately.

Don't give up hope!  I cannot believe my good fortune in meeting Anna!:D

Big Dave
« Last Edit: May 28, 2009, 10:28:20 pm by David »

Vince G

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RE: Chnlove...a hoax or real?
« Reply #38 on: May 27, 2009, 07:12:45 pm »
All that is being said about being scammed is making some paranoid and newbies want to write but are afraid to. So lets set the record straight.
Until it becomes obvious it is a scam?  Don't assume it is.

Offline Uncle Brucie

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RE: Chnlove...a hoax or real?
« Reply #39 on: May 27, 2009, 07:16:50 pm »

The reason i got on this is because the one i was going to go see in shanghai very nice lady maybe i pushed a little bit all i wanted was to see her for a minute on webcam in the chnlove office,it would have taken just one 10 second period to see her,as a post long ago that vince made about ladies being on another site had me wondering,so i joined Asian Friend Finder just to look and see maybe an email or something away from chnlove with out the pressure of an agency looking over her shoulder,I did find her profile on there,it was the same lady i knew because there was 1 just 1 pic of her on there that was in chnlove, i mentioned it too her to go there on hat site to see that i had left her many emails and voice mails,i did this in a polite way that maybe she would only understand, well the translator went and said that we had broken up and i wasn't going to write to her again,this is how it started including the 24 hour rule i tried to wait and i did,tried to talk to her again but i believe it was intercepted by the translator again and said the same thing she thought i had didn't want to talk to her again,even though i expressed my self that i did,welll that brought a letter to sherry chu at customer service,very polite nice lady or what ever she does there,well i got mad at sherry and asked that i be returned the credits trying to fix this
All the while i seen the other site with her other pictures on it , not even close to chnlove pictures just the one.
chnlove took there time so i demanded that they give me credits back for trying to fix this mess that the translator did,no answer,so i demanded a return of all the credits used to talk to her and this was no way to run a company or an agency and that we pay for this and it was no way to treat people this way they returned 10 credits i tried to talk again and translator i believe trying to cover himself for a mistake send the old she does not want to talk to me.
  Return to sherry chu,if she is real or not who knows,totally upset because this was a good relationship going on demanded that i be returned all credits talking to her for i have to start over again with another lady after a few days sherry chu or chnlove finally gave in and returned all credits.
Now this brought me to this lady in P368 hand in hand same thing everything going fine as l asked for a webcam visit to be sure or personal email, well this brought on all of a sudden she has to go to shengyang as a business trip and she becomes unavailable she has my personal email to send to me letters in chinese which i can translate using MDBG online which i recommend to anyone for i have never had a problem talking to people using it some syntax's might be wrong but people use their brain and it works.
  Now most ladies do use their name on there chnlove site but their english name or what ever name they want that is close,for i have seen this from others i have talked to,while i got an email address from yahoo with her english name on it not her chinese name ok that is fine but then its a complaint that it is too hard even though she writes in chinese,ok fine,but she went to shengyang and no translator, i do my best write in english and underneath it is in chinese but they seemed to get shorter shorter and always complaining that she is busy,well this is going to be my next fight with chnlove for i believe again that she never got emails from me and it is the agency forcing the translators to do things like this because it is their job/livelyhood
 I do just by accident got the translators QQ number and we have become friends I think unless she is part of the gig for pay to herslf which i do not believe but you never know,i may try to get her to join here and help people in any ways she can,but if she is part of the agency thing then it might be wrong, i will find out for sure.
So Londoner when you are in Zhuhai please check this lady out at the agency P368530 I believe it is not the lady but the agency

So i think i voiced why i think that a lot of this may be a (bad word ) scam and the more expose the bad ones maybe somewhere down the road many brothers will not get fleeced like us before.

I am glad i think i am totally in love with the ladt i write to now with QQ and video the feeling like those that are married with the help of chnlove i might thank them one day but that might be a long time coming.
  The lady i have mentioned before from chengdu i  have meet her daughter and mother in QQ so i believe this is real and i think i am going to be one of the lucky ones here,just keep trying guys


uncle brucie

anyone going to china at christmas time,if anyone can help with what i should expect please do
oh yes

here is one more thing

when you complain about something it seems no more cupid notes your emails get slowed down really bad like it takes a day when it was with in hours so if you complain this can happen also no more admirer lettters

uncle bruce
« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 07:27:56 pm by Uncle Brucie »
My 2 cents  ????

Vince G

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RE: Chnlove...a hoax or real?
« Reply #40 on: May 27, 2009, 08:02:51 pm »
I remember writing about the other sites but that was to make a point that some agencies use the photos as advertisement to get you to Chnlove. So joining the other site is useless. Some agencies are affiliated with other personals and take advantage of that. It's a way of recruiting men for the agency. What ever you wrote it sounds like the translator screwed up. So far there isn't a scam here. At best it's a crappy business practice.

But now you found someone and communicating outside of EMF's.


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RE: Chnlove...a hoax or real?
« Reply #41 on: May 27, 2009, 08:11:27 pm »
anyone going to china at christmas time,if anyone can help with what i should expect please do

Um...lots of Chinese people!  It was my experience that when I was in China, there were a lot of them.


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RE: Chnlove...a hoax or real?
« Reply #42 on: May 27, 2009, 08:25:40 pm »
Apart from the many Chinese, also expect no readable road signs and no readable signs on buses... ask the driver where the bus goes? He doesn't understand any English. Neither does anybody else in the bus.

Nobody knows where they're going... :cool:

I don't dare (yet) to venture out to a railway station and take a train - I'll probably finish up in Siberia never to return...  LOL.

Offline Irishman

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RE: Chnlove...a hoax or real?
« Reply #43 on: May 27, 2009, 08:31:27 pm »
Um, I hope to be there at Christmas and Chinese new year..for a special vacation ;)
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Offline Agarn

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RE: Chnlove...a hoax or real?
« Reply #44 on: May 28, 2009, 04:18:03 am »
Expect xmas trees and decorations everywhere, shop workers in santa suits and carols on shop sound systems, all  rather odd.