Author Topic: Looking for advice  (Read 4889 times)

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Offline Chad

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Re: Looking for advice
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2010, 05:45:27 pm »
I asked for some advice a while ago so I thought I would tell you my current status and what I did with the advice given by some of the guys. Yes I know I could regret not following the advice latter but we all do what we feel is right in our hearts.
I gave a lot of thought as to why I wasn’t happy with the way things were going with my lady friend and I think a lot of my problems were generated by me. My biggest problem was that I could not get a hold of her to actually talk to her. She gave me her phone number months ago and I tried to call her and couldn’t get through then I just stopped trying to call. Then there was the thoughts is she really writing to me or is it the translator. I re read a lot of the letters and I have to say they do sound like they are from a real person and the letters always follow the same thought process. Then even when she was out of town she wrote to me which seemed a little suspicious but who really knows.
After I asked for advice from you guys I put a lot of effort into calling her, something I really hadn’t done before. I figured if I got a hold of her maybe I would continue but if not I was through. For the first couple of days I could not get through. I got all kinds of messages from the phone, like due to fraudulent activates the phone call could not be put through, that was a scary one. Then there was no calls are being let into china. I went as far as writing chnlove customer care and didn’t expect much and that was what I got. Their answer was we cannot intervene in a relationship and more excuses. I wrote them back saying chnlove says they verify the phone number of each lady and all I was asking for was them to verify I had the correct number. I even said if it wasn’t the correct number I wasn’t asking for it I only wanted verification. That all took a few days. They were really no help at all.
In the mean time I wrote her and asked her to verify her number. Come to find out the number she gave me a long time ago was correct it was me not adding a number one in front of the number. Of course I felt like an idiot. Then I dialed the number correctly and she answered the phone. We have spoke on the phone three times in the last ten days. Her English is good which is great. Today we talked about ten minutes, it isn’t long but it’s a start.
I am using skype to text her every couple of days. She doesn’t text back since her phone isn’t set up for that. I know she could get the phone to do so if she pays extra or something but I am not pushing it at the moment. Plus I don’t have a cell phone anyway and I have to be at my computer to text her. I have a work cell phone but I don’t think they would like me texting or calling China.
I am planning to visit her in March. She said the first of the year is very busy for her at work plus with the Chinese New Year it will be a busy place. So March it is. I plan on cutting back the letters through chnlove and do more phone calls. Plus I looked at the plane ticket prices and they are a lot higher in December and January.
Even though I didn’t take the general advice from the guys it made me realize that I needed to do something. I do appreciate you guys taking the time to give me advice. I feel I did what was right for me. Even a short phone call is so much better that writing a letter and then getting one back from her.


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Re: Looking for advice
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2010, 06:17:01 pm »
Chad , good Man ! I like a Man that doesn't give up right away and start yelling scam . You took matter in your Hands and might have saved a wonderful Relationship upcoming . Keep getting closer to each other until the March date arrives , where both of you can't wait to look at each other's Face from a distance of Inches . Now we all starting to wait for your Trip story .

Offline Bee964

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Re: Looking for advice
« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2010, 07:03:20 pm »

I have a pay-as-you-go phone through AT&T in the US. (I'm Canadian) The phone cost me $15 a couple years ago. (Got it at Best Buy in Detroit Michigan) I had no problem texting my lady in China the past 2 weeks. (from Sarasota Florida) The text messages were $0.20 each (I put $100 on the phone and it is good for a year or when the money runs out. We even talked on it several times too, but this was not cheap) I noticed the phones are still pretty cheap, no contract either. This might be an Idea for you to try if you want your own phone to text her with.

Dave C
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Offline odysseus007

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Re: Looking for advice
« Reply #18 on: December 28, 2010, 09:43:42 pm »
Duped pal, I wudda blocked her by the 3rd letter from the refusal to give personal contact info.
Men are great thinkers coz they have 2 heads (just don't think with the wrong one!) & women are great talkers coz they have 2...:icon_cheesygrin: