Author Topic: My Lawyer.  (Read 1879 times)

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Offline Jimmy

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My Lawyer.
« on: January 14, 2011, 11:55:08 am »
Well as most of you know I have a pretty bad lawyer. He collected his charges from me. And then he filed our case. Now more than a year later. My wife still has no interview, Primarily due to his lazyness. Her I-130 has been approved over a month ago. He has received the papers and her packet and has done nothing.  The approval of the I-129F and the I-130 will expire in mid march.  This is the last straw. I can wait no longer for this guy.  I am also having a problem with my affidavit of support. And he has no help. If an answer to a question is not obvious.  He can not help you he has no imagination.  Claims he will help you through all parts of the process. But only sends you form letters with the process on it. So far he has given us nothing that can not be found on the USCIS website. 
When you speak with him he is cold and always in a hurry.  I have held off mentioning his name hoping he would fix this problems he has caused. But it doesnt look like thats going to happen.

His name is Michael S Cho. He has offices in San Diego, Los Angles and San Francisco. He is generally in the LA Office.
He is very low cost. But still not worth it. I do not reccommend this lawyer. Beware.

MAXX Please send me the name and contact info of those guys you told me about a few months ago. It is time for me to make a change. Maybe they can salvage this thing before it get denied of expires for me.

My advice to all thinking of hiring a lawyer. It's not a bad idea. But do not hire an unknown. If they claim they have referances then check them don't just assume they are good. Some of the guys here have hired lawyers and had an excellent job done. These ore the guys to hire.

My opinion of this guy. I think most of his experience is with Mexico, and not to much Asian countries. And the process are different.
So far I have had to alert him of every step of this process.  He did only the original filing. And he did ask me for a couple passport photos at one time. 

I need the help myself and do not have time to teach him how to do his job.
Jimmy Henson

Vince G

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Re: My Lawyer.
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2011, 01:33:13 pm »
Oh gezzz do I know how you feel. I won't go into all the crap but I think this one lawyer I have is dragging his feet to make more $? He said it would take a month to fix and is now like what? 6 months? Got another lawyer as backup but he wants double the fee? So one last chance (next week) or they can both get lost.

Offline maxx

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Re: My Lawyer.
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2011, 06:28:54 pm »
Jimmy the lawyer I used. Is Holmes and Lolly PH. # 1-800-872-4664 They are out of La jolla Ca.So they are close to you.Good luck.If you decide to Use Holmes and Lolly.Ask them if you can be assigned to Karmee Marco.She did A good job.And if she couldn't answer my Question.She would email me the answer withen 10 minutes.So she is always right on top of the situation.

Offline Jimmy

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Re: My Lawyer.
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2011, 02:14:58 am »
Thanks Maxx I will call Tuesday morning.  And Vince I don't think this guy is dragging his feet for any other reason than he is lazy. He hasn't ask for any more money. His problem he doesnt contact the client for anything.
He collects his fee, files your case and then forgets about you.

Hey Martin Maybe a thread for Lawyer reccomendations and not reccomend them might be in order.
I am sure I'm not the first with this type of problem. And at the same time I have talked with a few guys that have had some great help from the lawyer.
Some guys won't want one at all. But then that's another debate all together. For the guys that do. Who is good and who is not.
This adventure is expensive enough, No need to let guys waste money on bad lawyers if they can be warned. And if a lawyer doen't want to make our Blacklist. Maybe they will do a little better job.
It will take 100 good to makeup for 1 bad, thats just business.
Jimmy Henson