Author Topic: Re: The ladies are in on the scam.  (Read 18024 times)

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Offline Nick L

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« on: April 28, 2009, 09:57:26 am »
That's interesting.  I recently had a web cam chat with my lady.  Her microphone did not work so she was unable to chat.  We typed everything to each other with the translator there to help.  I don't know if the microphone was just broken or not.  If not, I just assumed she was a bit shy, especially about her English.  Oh well, I don't mind paying for EMFs, as long as she is the one writing to me.  :D

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2009, 11:06:37 am »
As the ladies are directed by and large by the agencies within China and Chnlove is merely a conduit through which all emf's go both to the various agencies  and from the agencies to guys throughout the world , most agencies not only embellish the email wording but discuss with the women that emf is the way to go , those who are lucky enough to have received a direct contact point mostly will find that there is a lot lost in translation more often than not .
 After a number of emf mails both ways there is nothing wrong in asking for direct contact or applying via her posting for her contact address and sending her a card with your details within , this opens many a heart .
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Offline David

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2009, 09:43:38 pm »
Did you ever think that maybe the ladies confidence in her english skills were not that good at first?  Maybe she had the skill but lacked confidence to speak at first, and as she became more confortable she opened up more?  Listen to Vince... sure there might be some scams, but we all have good friends here who are now engaged or married to wonderful Chinese ladies that they met via Chnlove.  That is a fact we all know here for sure!

I know this because recently,  I have been lucky and have just started a wonderful correspondence with a very wonderful lady.  We clicked immediately and I got lucky because she is a teacher of English at the University level.  We dropped the EMF letters and switched to private email right after our first letter exchange.  She has sent me real non photoshopped pictures.  We sometimes write short notes via email three or four times a day while we are each waiting or working on a longer response letter.  So I know this lady is real.  Our letters now are so long they are like two weeks of letters with the first two women I wrote too.  I cannot believe how lucky I am.  Already she has told me that she is only writing to me, and she asked her agency to hide her profile.  I did the search and she really did have her profile hidden just like she said and just like I did.  So we are exclusive to each other and only wish to get to know one another better with each new letter.  Soon we will try phone calls and maybe the webcam.

We both know what we are working toward, hopefully marriage and forming a family together.  You can make this work!

So Vince I need to be updated on the ladies profile list as pre-engaged! :D   Hehehe...

Geordie if this can happen to me it can happen to you.  Third time was the charm!  I think you creating a fake profile and getting a response letter doesn't really mean anything... it was probably written by her agency.  I now know that at least the first week or two most of my letters contents were written by the ladies agency.  I could totally tell when the translator stopped writing and the lady herself took up most of the letter construction.  Most the of the agency stuff was the fake love and romance crap that would be impossible that quickly because you still don't know each other.  The translator and the agency do that to move the relationship along, not to scam you.  I don't like that part, but I understand it because most of the ladies really do have a hard time with English, or they doubt their skill level with English, or they are a little shy.

Don't give up hope... and just be sensible and not overly paranoid, and keep your eyes open and your wits about you.

Big Dave


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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2009, 09:48:53 pm »
Big Dave ... Congrats on your progress with your lady !!!   :)

You're starting to sound like a ChnLove veteran.   8-)

Offline David

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2009, 09:50:45 pm »
Thanks Chong!  I have learned a lot from you more experienced members!  And I am enjoying making friends here too! :D

So my plan is to keep learning and pass the love and knowledge along when I can! ;)

Offline David

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2009, 10:01:41 pm »
Georgie you have to sift through the coal to find the diamond...  

You are going to have to put some effort into this if you want it to work.  Your future wife isn't going to just fall into your lap.
And at some point you have to have some faith that there are real Chinese woman at Chnlove that really want to find a good husband!

Big Dave

Offline Nick L

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2009, 10:17:24 pm »
Quote from: "Vince G"
Nick, Why isn't it possible that the mic didn't work? No reason why they would fake it? They were there and typed out what they wanted to talk about? The mic would have been easier for them (translator). My lady had told me that the translators webcam is broken but will be fixed by the time we're ready to webcam.

What bothers me is all these conspiracy theories. It boarders on sycophantic?

I don't think they were faking it.  I was just mentioning that if they were faking the microphone being broken, there is probably a good reason.  The web cam worked.  I saw her.  I even saw her speak to the translator then I received her response.  If she felt a little nervous about her English I would understand.  They did attempt a few times to get the microphone to work, and I did see her trying to use it.  I was just happy to have a live chat with her.  It was a great deal for me too.  A two hour long live chat for free, with the agency's help.  She chatted the same way and about the same things as we have discussed in letters.  A conspiracy is a more complicated explanation that it being her writing to me.  I have no doubts now.

I do think the agency wants to enjoy a monopoly with our communications by not letting or discouraging live communication.  I do not care as long as I know I am speaking to her each time.  I feel confident of this now so I am happy with the arrangement.  A few hundred dollars on EMFs is a good deal if it works out.  I will be planning a trip to China soon, hopefully.  We are both excited about it.  :D


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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2009, 10:30:34 pm »
Geordie wrote : But I guess most guys here don't really care.

No, we do care !!!  That's why we have this forum to help each other. Hey Brother, most of us have being scam just like you.  You just have to apply all the lessons to avoid the scammers.

If there was a solution to avoid the initial agency doctored EMFs, no one has it yet. If the agency provided you with a real picture early on, will you think the lady's part of the scam ?

Geordie ...If you owned an agency, how would you assure the male members that your  lady's legit ??????

Offline cHi

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2009, 01:04:44 am »
As with essentially any business model, there will always be flaws.  Usually, as is the case here, the flaws are human in nature - we have free will.  Geordie, I wish I could tell you why your lady behaved the way she did, but only one person knows why, and it's her.  If she won't answer questions about it, then nobody will know.

I think that I can see where you are coming from in saying the ladies get a kick back from EMFs, but I am confident the ladies I write to are not.  On top of that, there are several instances of ladies being required to pay fees for meeting people in person, marrying, moving to direct contact, etc.  Would the agency give kickbacks to ladies, and then make the ladies pay them large sums of money to use the service?  It doesn't make full logical sense to me, so I'm trying to understand the hows and whys like Vince.  I have a very logical frame of thought, so things need to line up for me a bit.

Another theory (even though it's far-fetched) sheds a more positive light on the lady.  What if, during her broken-english phase, she was being monitored by the agency?  What if they would only "allow" direct communication on a limited basis for her until she paid them a fee?  Perhaps there was a different fee amoutn based on poor english ability vs. good english ability, as a "poor" amount of english knowledge would almost be insurance that the lady would require more EMF services?  I don't know the lady you were speaking to, you would know her better than any of us, and she would be the only one to truly know why she behaved in that manner.  You may also wish to check the brotherhood thread to see if she was talking to anyone else.


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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2009, 01:39:39 am »
Geordie , don't even bother to post anymore here , your day's are numbered here and they reached " 0 " , so do us the favor and get the Hell lost . Your not welcome here and so are any other's like you .

Offline cHi

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2009, 01:55:47 am »
Absolutely beautiful Vince, but I'm certain that you already know that LoL

geordie - would you mind posting the last four #s of that lady's profile, along with the agency initial, here in this thread?


I'd like to give a heads up to all the brothaz, even myself if needed

Offline David

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2009, 03:21:11 am »
Quote from: "geordie"
EMFs are their ENTIRE REVENUE STREAM.  Jesus man open your eyes.

No they are not...  The main revenue stream is what the agency charges the woman.  It is a substantial fee.  Some charge the woman when
she joins and some charge the woman when she is successful in finding someone.  I was just told this by my lady right from her own letter.  The
ladies are not allowed to join Chnlove directly.  They are in Hong Kong.  They must join an affiliated and approved matrimony agency from mainland China.  My lady said she looked at many many agencies and all charge the lady a substantial fee.  She decided to go with one that charged less up front but then charged a success fee when she finally met someone who she wished to enter private correspondence with.  Some charge a fee when the lady gets engaged or married.  Some charge the whole fee upfront.  So I agree with whatever was said by someone previously that it makes no sense to say charge a 20,000 rmb fee upfront and then give them  what a 1 rmb amount back if they get an EMF letter?  That would make absolutely no sense what so ever.

Big Dave

Your Song is very beautiful Vince! :D  I am happy for you!

Offline Norb Smith

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2009, 04:50:48 am »
WOW Vince your lady is absolutly stunning, congrats,
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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2009, 06:05:41 am »
Geordie ... then maybe a website like is more to your liking. You pay a monthly fee and all the emails are free and you have direct correspondance with the ladies. Mind you, the ladies can search the men profiles also. Half the men profiles are foreigners and the other half are Chinese locals.

Offline victor-hills

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2009, 07:47:12 am »
I have to say any new guy reading all this will run to the hills just seems of late doom and gloom,i know chin love has its moments but they all cant be bad i mean look we got 2 guys married in just a short time.
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