Had 7 years of spanish in school myself, lets see Hola! Taco, Burrito, Queso. Polio, .... 12 years later its about all I can remember since I have not used it. What foreign language study did you have in high school? college? How much can you remember after say five, ten, twenty years of not using it? After eight years i can barely remember any of the Japanese I studdied for 6 semesters in college. After college I used it almost every day in a japanese company. Simply said you dont use a language skill you loose it.
My girl is far from old, and far from unattractive, but then again I didnt go looking for fish lady in a thong either. Then again I had the sense enough to research this place before I started spending my money, and getting all pissed off because I got myself ripped off. I'll tell you what, I speak to my girl every night, every morning, on QQ on the phone, web chats when she can go to an internet cafe, a real lady will want more personable contact, yes we still use EMF's but i verbally abused my translators from the beginning, no fluff, no bs, just her words, if she is not chatty dont fluffy it up. I pay for your service to translate her words.