Author Topic: Re: The ladies are in on the scam.  (Read 18025 times)

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2009, 09:29:15 am »
Well there goes another one i just seen the same words about internet cafes too smokie and full of men,no computer at home and her english is bad ummm oh oh brain waves working overtime here oh yes no new pictures i think good bye but the optimist i am try one more and thats it if i get same thing again gone

 I really do appr4eciate this place thank you guys all of you

Offline Mike Moore

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #16 on: April 29, 2009, 09:22:24 pm »
Guys, if you are uncomfortable with the EMF and agency service, look over at, or something similar; search for the women in you girl's city and her age, and see if her profile is listed there, as well. If it is, make contact there and you can at least circumvent the website enough to get the real lowdown on her private info, chat, do webcams, etc... Many ladies have profiles listed on multiple websites. Use your imagination and find a solution. It beats moaning.

In fact, if you have not yet selected a woman, choose one that's on both chnlove and another website and have a laugh together comparing the letters from the agency with the actual letters that you can exchange free on a free website like that. Should be funny stuff. Then let the brothas know what you find out.


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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #17 on: April 29, 2009, 10:48:57 pm »
I'm a believer in ... "you get what you pay for". Before I found my current ChnLove lady, I tried those "free" email & monthly subscription Asian websites ... it didn't work !!!   For example, I tried to contact a lady who had a profile on both ChnLove and Chineselovelinks. When I email her on the latter, I got no response. One month later, I contacted her through ChnLove ( her agency was Guangzhou Daniel ... a good agency ), I got a response. She was decent enough to write in the first EMF that she didn't want to move away from China and that Canada was too cold for her as she lived in Toronto once before. How's that for honesty.

But going back to my experience with those sites, I sent out approximately 15 "interest" emails ... no responses. Whereas on ChnLove, you'll get instant replies. Rehashing what others have wrote, there are honest ladies & agencies ... you just have to separate them from the scammers and be able to differentiate between the two kind.

Offline Mike Moore

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #18 on: April 29, 2009, 11:05:57 pm »
I agree with you, Chong. But if guys are bellyaching about conspiracy theories, I thought I'd point to an alternative. I know the EMF system has it's good and bad points. But I believe that, overall, it works well for me. Might take some sifting, but there is ample evidence right among the married or engaged brothas here that it works, if one is patient and determined.


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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #19 on: April 30, 2009, 06:40:08 am »
Double M / Froggie ... I agree with what you agree with what I agree the first time, hehehe !!!   8-)

Actually, I also suggested chineselovelinks to Geordie as an alternative dating site ( in an earlier post above ). All dating sites have their own pros & cons. Conspiracies aside, if you don't participate, you lose out on the possible chance to find a lady.

Offline Jadams79

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #20 on: April 30, 2009, 08:15:47 am »
I just wonder, how many of the agencies drag the women on in the same manor?  Maybe for further fees and so forth where they are actually just speaking to a translator as well?  I would be curious as to see if this is practiced as well.  I think we are all on the recieving end of a crooked scheme.
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Offline Ed W

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #21 on: April 30, 2009, 08:38:39 am »
Quote from: "geordie"
My theory is that the ladies get a kickback for all the emfs that are sent by the agency in their name.  This ensures their cooperation if ChnLove comes calling on behalf of a certain guy, wondering if everythign is on the up and up.  If the ladies say it is, how can anybody prove differently?  The scam is impenetrable.

Can't say I agree with this and here's why. My lady, now my wife as of the 15th, seems to dislike misunderstandings so much that she insisted on translated emails. She did make a deal with one of the translators at the agency so it cost much less. in fact cost me nothing since she decided to pay for it herself but in this case, there was no deception but rather an importance to her that misunderstanding wasn't going to be a problem. Her english is poor at best and work has kept her very busy lately so has missed many of her english classes. You'd think this would be a problem but with a pocket translator and much hand gestures and body language we actually have the most fun. She seems to understand far more than she can speak but sometimes it seems as she picks up on the tone and can sense it.

Other than paying the agency the enormous fees for this service, she's had almost nothing to do with them and when I inquired to go visit the agency, she suggested we don't. I think she just views them as blood suckers.... it's a business after all but she feels no loyalty for them.

Although I'm sure it's possible there could develop a scam in all this, in my case there wasn't. It was just her avoiding at all costs any misunderstanding.
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Offline Nick L

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #22 on: April 30, 2009, 09:56:14 am »
My lady gives me excuses to avoid direct contact.  She tells me her English is bad (listed as fair on her profile now) and she has no access to the internet.  The last one she no longer tells me.  She has admitted that she has access to the internet, has an e-mail address and uses QQ often.  Now she only tells me her English is bad.  We both know that we could just use translation software to get around that.  Sure it might be tough to understand at times, but we can figure that out.

The reason I believe she tells me all this is due to the agency's regulations.  I believe she is not allowed to contact me directly until she is paid in full.  This is not really her fault.  We have no choice but to follow the regulations unless I could somehow track her down.

Haha, it would be nice if they gave her kickbacks for writing to me, then she can pay off her membership and start talking to me directly.

The point is, the fake difficulty with English may be due to an agency with similar rules.  That may be why the lady pretended to have trouble with English for a while, then she decided that she was sick of pretending

I'm not sure if that is true in all situations, but I bet it is true in some.


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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #23 on: April 30, 2009, 01:15:11 pm »
is there just a posibilty that the EMF emails are paying for the ladies profile for being put up there and that the email takes a little bit off each time i know this sounds what might be going on but is it possible this is why most do not want to go away until agency is paid or close enough to be paid never mind lady's getting kick back,maybe the kickback is agency being paid and they get nothing which is another form of ripoff just an idea

Offline Nick L

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #24 on: April 30, 2009, 08:28:52 pm »
I notice that every time I even vaguely mention direct contact with my lady, she explains to me that we should keep using the EMFs.  I mentioned to her in my last letter that I loved chatting with her using the web cam this past weekend.  I mentioned that I would like to do that again down the road before I head out to visit.  Her response was that she does not know enough English now and she says it is better to communicate with the EMFs.  I mention doing something non-EMF at some unknown point in the future then I get the whole "I don't know enough English speech" each time.  I believe she simply has to use the EMFs until she is paid in full.  I don't mind doing the EMFs.  I just want to mention that she is very strongly resistant to any other means of communicating. :o

Offline Irishman

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #25 on: May 02, 2009, 01:55:09 am »
Ok, enough is enough, this is getting out of hand, Geordie banned, please don't come back.
This whole topic is going in circles, fact of the matter is that all the mods here are living proof the all the ladies are most definitely NOT in a scam, that's just absurd.
This whole topic does nothing but worry people unnecessarily.
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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #26 on: May 02, 2009, 01:42:36 am »
Yeah, I've added him to my Foe list.  I won't be reading any more of his messages. irresistible as chocolate

Offline Jadams79

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #27 on: April 30, 2009, 10:40:19 pm »
Really personal attacks now geordie?  I dont think anyone has rationalized anything with being scammed, what we rationalize is the realization that a majority of the girls are real people.  And there are some girls profiles, typically the most attractive, the agencies utilize thier profiles to fish for money.  So if it looks like a fish, smells like a fish it must be rabbit. What we do to counter is post the agency ID and the lady ID to make others aware that this girl and agency is rotton, if it is the girls agency writing you, you must be aware that they have scammed people before.
Can't fix stupid.

Offline Jadams79

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #28 on: April 30, 2009, 11:10:50 pm »
Had 7 years of spanish in school myself, lets see Hola!  Taco, Burrito, Queso. Polio, .... 12 years later its about all I can remember since I have not used it.  What foreign language study did you have in high school? college?  How much can you remember after say five, ten, twenty years of not using it?  After eight years i can barely remember any of the Japanese I studdied for 6 semesters in college. After college I used it almost every day in a japanese company.  Simply said you dont use a language skill you loose it.
My girl is far from old, and far from unattractive, but then again I didnt go looking for fish lady in a thong either.  Then again I had the sense enough to research this place before I started spending my money, and getting all pissed off because I got myself ripped off.  I'll tell you what, I speak to my girl every night, every morning, on QQ on the phone, web chats when she can go to an internet cafe, a real lady will want more personable contact, yes we still use EMF's but i verbally abused my translators from the beginning, no fluff, no bs, just her words, if she is not chatty dont fluffy it up.  I pay for your service to translate her words.
Can't fix stupid.

Offline Rhonald

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #29 on: April 30, 2009, 11:58:28 pm »
Life....It's all about finding the Chicks and Balances