Author Topic: Re: The ladies are in on the scam.  (Read 18027 times)

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Offline Rhonald

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #30 on: May 01, 2009, 12:02:39 am »
I listen to my 13 year old on xbox live get upset when people trash talk him. I just don't understand it happening here. It doesn't matter who starts what - it matters what we respond to. Responding in anger just spawns more.
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Offline Rhonald

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #31 on: May 01, 2009, 12:35:10 am »
And I am not Kumar
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Offline Rhonald

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #32 on: May 01, 2009, 02:34:17 am »
Hum.... I just reread all the posts under this topic a second time. Talk about melancholy. If I had come to this site before ever trying my fortunes on Chnlove I might have given up in dispair. But fortune smiled on me and I found a new love. Heck even now, once married I still have doubters feeding me horror stories of brides who came to Canada then quickly left their new husbands: one from India in an arranged marriage and an other from Turkey.

I went back and checked the emails from the two main combatants here and I do not wish to slam anyone but sorry geordie -I could not find one positive posting here by you. Have you had such a string of bad luck that misfortune follows you? Please do not take offense but if you do, heck call me anything you wish. I don't mind being called a butter knife, dulling as that insult would be. You can tell me to stick it up my donkey if you so wish, asinine as that insult is. All I can say is that there are scammers every where but the percentage would be small otherwise the light of day finds them to quickly.

So if you have been victimized by the agency - please accept my appology, but if you heart is dark - then the shadow knows.
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Offline David

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #33 on: May 01, 2009, 03:51:26 am »
Geordie you are missing the entire point...


You can complain about scams all you want but if you follow the advice here you can find a good woman.  It is your choice,
to have a positive attitude and find a good woman, or continue to bitch about scams and be alone.  If you continue to be
confrontational you are not going to make friends here.  This forum is for people who wish to find a Chinese woman to marry.

Most members become aware of the scams and work around them to get to the desired goal... finding a good woman to marry! :idea:

Big Dave

Offline Ed W

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #34 on: May 01, 2009, 04:34:07 am »
Quote from: "geordie"
EMFs are their ENTIRE REVENUE STREAM.  Jesus man open your eyes.

Incorrect on this one geordie? My wifes mother paid her fees of 10,000 rmb to sign up and 50,000 to complete the contract to marry. I only had to get my butt on a plane and come here and take her hand. Turns our she's thousands of times more lovely than I thought before I arrived but not just on the outside. Herself, she's dirt poor, but is richer in character than any woman I've ever met.

If I had to comment about this I'd say it's the ladies who really get the raw end of the deal since the agencies rape em for unreasonable ammounts of money and only offer them a chance to find a nice man to spend a life with. For that kind of money I'd want some freakin guarentee if it were me.

Just my two cents but I'd suggest giving it a chance and when something appears really out of the ordinary, don't automatically suspect some devious agency plot but rather the circus rings between you and the lady can cause confusion. I know I've been totally confused at times and turns out she misunderstood my question or statement. It happens.... give it a chance.
Alright earthlings, what form do you want me to take?....How about a taco, ....that craps icecream?  My trip to china

Offline Irishman

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #35 on: May 01, 2009, 04:23:48 am »
Geordie, insulting members or their wives just isn't on.
For someone that probably has never even visited China you have some very strong opinions where you really dont have the facts right, such as the average level of English there.
Please don't post again if you all you have to offer is insults and innuendo.
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.

Paul Todd

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #36 on: May 01, 2009, 07:10:53 am »
It took me half an hour to find this bunch of posts from a couple of sites:

I should tell you and the others - Some ONE ? has started another group on Facebook and the creator is listed as "Harold". JUST want to say - it's NOT me.
Just want you to know that someone ELSE is obviously wanting you to go there. So you are hereby WARNED. I don't know what their motivation is.
I would *NOT* trust the Facebook Forum. At all. Just the fact that they MODERATE what appears to be another soft-sell advertising forum is one thing, and by guys who are (or claim to be) unfolding "success stories" is another thing.
On the Facebook Forum, they seem to make no bones that they have a close association with Chnlove,in fact claim to be an adjunct to the rather lame and very restrictive Chnlove Board (negative posts are censored) that already appears on its website to help promote its business.
Hiding in the crowd or pretending things are 'okay' on the "Chnlove Forum" and Facebook aint the way to do it.
It is my experience and observation that chnlove trolls come out after successive, damning testimonies from users who have been defrauded of monies from this Scam company. It uses deceit and misrepresentation to serve itself. Yes, they have NO success unless you count widowed seniors and middle-aged divorcees. Let s put them behind bars after reporting them to authorities. Several women, indeed.
 Some ladies are real, but they are few and the guys who says it is legitimate are either really blind or in mass copy with chnlove like guys such as Arnold, maxx etc. and some of the americans have really crappy English makes me wondering who are behind those forum profiles. BIG BS!

Everyone has there own experiences of the official site,but there is enough information out there from reputable people who have been kind enough to shared there experiences ,to work it out for ourselves.I for one would not have got this far without there help and advice. This paranoia seems to be getting out of hand. It seems I'm a "Troll" in the pay of the dark forces of Chnlove! We are all learning here, or should be! All our welcome, but we don't need to go down the above road to reach our goal.


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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #37 on: May 01, 2009, 09:25:08 am »
I think it okay to bring it here ... as a "mention" ... as long as we don't dwell on it.  We know the "truth" as to what we're doing. There are many guys and sites that dwell on their negative opinions ... and there's nothing you can say that'll change their mind. We're not here to convert people's minds. That's fine because we know who our friends are and who we can't trust. The bottom line is ... you look after yourself and your true friends.

Geordie ... if you have had bad expereinces ... you're not alone. Just turn a negative into a positive. Join other sites that offer free email. We have mentioned a few suggestions.

Even those guys on have admitted that ChnLove have worked for some. It's just that they're totally negative because they had bad experiences. And then they make up conspiracy theories like the "FaceBook Forum" is a ChnLove promotional site. The bottom line is ... it makes them look stupid. Any smart adult will see the truth. The dumb ones will follow the dumb leaders. Let them believe what they want to believe. It's how they feel important. It's their 15 minute of fame where in their normal life, there's none.


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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #38 on: May 01, 2009, 10:34:51 am »
I have been lurking here for a while and as yet, I have not found a suitable lady on chinalove although I have been on chinalove for several months. After seeing this thread, I did some searching and whilst it appears that some of the agencies involved in chinalove are fuzzy on their business ethics, overall the site seems to hold up ok.

Interestingly, chineselovelinks also came up in my research and the following site seems to agree with the common view here that chinalove is very good but it also comments that chineselovelinks is full of scammers. I also noted that the pictures on that site are some of the same that I have received in admiration letters. Quite a coincidence.


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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #39 on: May 01, 2009, 10:46:27 am »
Scam or no scam, fact is, I met my wife through them...and I can totally assure everyone here that she is real.  She is not a gold fact, she is very tight with money.  We can debate this until the cows come home...cept i don't actually have any cows to come home.

Fact is, Arnold, Maxx, Rhonald, Ed, and I know there are others, have all met their wives through Chnlove.  I have as well.  I guess I don't really see the point of continuing this debate.  We know there are some bad apples out there...both women and agencies...but there are also some great ones...women and agencies.  At the same time, there are some pretty shady men out there too.  Should we start debating the merits of these guys as well?

Ed said it right...
If I had to comment about this I'd say it's the ladies who really get the raw end of the deal since the agencies rape em for unreasonable ammounts of money and only offer them a chance to find a nice man to spend a life with.

Just my 2 yuan worth.

Offline davidaquincy

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #40 on: May 01, 2009, 10:51:14 am »
Well I for one am leaving this evening to go to meet my girl in Chengdu. I leave in 12 hours. If she isn't real then I guess I will have a good time sightseeing.LMAO Will keep everyone updated on my adventure when I get the blog set up in the next few days. I know my girl is real!!!


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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #41 on: May 01, 2009, 10:53:58 am »
Have a great trip David!


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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #42 on: May 01, 2009, 10:58:36 am »
how about a new thread translators that screw up your mails

may have just cost me some one

Offline kenny

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #43 on: May 01, 2009, 11:04:55 am »
I hope you have a great trip too David! I will look forward to your blog.

Offline cHi

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Re: The ladies are in on the scam.
« Reply #44 on: May 01, 2009, 01:31:08 pm »
I'm certainly glad I was not here this weekend, I would have given a piece of my mind to the ludicrous posts I just read through (not you regulars, you guys have it spot on).  Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, but personal attacks are really unnecessary.  I won't even go into it here.  Anyway, I'm pleased with chnlove, as much as one could be.  I know that every lady I am talking to is real, and I've been slowly narrowing it down, taking my time along with the ladies.  Not real?  Not pretty? pishtosh.  These ladies are so beautiful it hurts, their hearts are so sweet and sincere it gives me hope for the world.  I like that this thread has turned around to something more positive.  Have a great trip, David - best of luck to you!  I would love to hear updates as you go along ^_^