hi guys and girls, it has been a while since i posted a reply on mine and MinYings love story, we have had the usual mis-communication problems between us both.
Over the last month my wife MinYing has been taking longer working hours at the beauty salon where she works,
I , as a hot headed idiot has been wondering why she has been taking longer to reply to my messages than usual,
She is so alone without me , she has been taking extra work on so she has her mind occupied all the time and without the work she is also going stir crazy,
I felt she was ignoring me when she did not answer my messages to her phone straight away but she was just so busy at work,
My Chinese ,(pin yin) is very basic but getting better, A while ago she wrote me " My darling John, My work is the only thing i have to keep me going without you here with me, I feel so lonely without you",, It is only this week that i managed to decipher what she wrote to me.
Our phone contact this month has been limited as for her work but tonight she text-ed me to call her, " i have free international calls on my mobile phone", I left it for about three minutes and as soon as i called she was there to greet me with happiness in her voice, Her English classes are going well and i was so proud to here my laopo count to twenty in English to me, She has also learning to tell the time and basic sentences too.
My wife starts work at 8am every morning and now works until 8 or 10 pm 6 or 7 days a week, her boss is very good too as not long before i was in Handan her new boss granted her a month off of work to be with me and she has also give her time to be with me when i return in seven weeks, for the duration of my stay, I will meet this person next time i return, This week i told my wife that our communication was suffering because of the long hours and i was un happy with this so she resigned from her job, I did not ask her to do this but she did not want our relationship to suffer so she said that she would wait at home every day to receive my messages and to reply to them as soon as possible.
Why are these women so determined to keep their husbands in first place?

Any way, I messaged MinYing that she should keep working so it looks better for the p/r visa so she agreed and her boss was very happy to have her back too.
With every waking moment MinYing is on my mind and my children ask every week 'when is minying coming here", They have never met her but love her more than their own mother, Every day my son Aaron asks me if i have written to MinYing and my daughter Sarah often writes to MinYing a short message and MinYing is so happy to read these , My son is learning to speak Chinese to help with the transition and Sarah is also trying to learn too,
Tien tien wo xiang wo de lao po,
Yong yuan ai ni MinYing.
regards from MinYing and John..