Author Topic: my love story  (Read 130767 times)

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Re: my love story
« Reply #30 on: December 05, 2010, 01:28:06 am »
Hi guys and girls,
Well now only just over two weeks to go until i am in Handan with Minying, The wait has been almost unbearable, Every morning i awake around 3.30am just to reply to her last e,mail, The father has come around to his daughters demands of wanting me as her husband and we plan to marry in mid January, We still share the daily e,mails and the text messages are fun to translate, She always writes the sweetest things to me and is also missing me too,  I dont think that the family is so much of a problem now as Minying tells me that i am the main topic of conversation every time she goes home to visit the family now.

She now has a new job and a new apartment, She is happy with every e,mail we write and i called her again this week, Her English is limited and my Chinese is just a little more advanced so we do have some interesting moments in our conversations, The laughter flows easily and her voice is once again good to hear, She tells me that it is cold most days where she is living and needs my big hands to keep her warm,
Every day i look at the hundred or so pictures of her and it seems like a dream that we were once together, She promises me that we will have a better time together this time, She still feels guilty and a little sad for leaving me in Beijing the last time to talk with the family.
I am not there for a good time,,Only to be with her, That is my only reason to go to China, She thinks that by taking me to different places will keep me interested in her,,She is so wrong,,I am so happy to have the unconditional love of this beautiful lady and i will show her every day that i am totally devoted to her and will give her the best that i am able to give, She has changed my life for the better and i will repay her every day.     

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: my love story
« Reply #31 on: December 05, 2010, 04:44:57 am »
Way to go John , hope it is not to cold in Handan , they are hardy ladies but if you are cold buy a little fan heater for her , they are not expensive and the " I am not cold " soon becomes that is nice , but of course as soon as you leave it will probably return to it's box as expense [ electricity ]always overides comfort , but enjoy , I think it has been in the double digits below freezing in Sheyang of late and for us Aussies that is cold , regards Sujuan and Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Re: my love story
« Reply #32 on: December 05, 2010, 05:27:41 am »
Very romantic love story.I am really touched.Wishing you happiness! :)
Tao with god

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: my love story
« Reply #33 on: December 05, 2010, 07:41:21 am »
And here I thought that I was the only one whose woman told him he had a big nose.  ???   Naaa...  You don't need to know the rest.  ;)

nope ..... my wife always calls me da bizi  (big nose) .... but I know she is just having some fun and is teasing me.
Like the new photo Mike - Are you sure she is just teasing you?   


PS I am just teasing you Mike.
Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: my love story
« Reply #34 on: December 18, 2010, 06:19:43 am »
Hello again lady's and gents, It is now around 7pm here and it will soon be time for me to travel once again to be with my Chinese princess again, I do not leave Perth until midnight on Tuesday but my case is already packed and all the necessary paperwork is complete and ready for the wedding and the spouse visa application.
MinYing has just informed me that her new boss has agreed to give her a months vacation to be with me, This was such a welcome surprise to me and she is also excited to have so much time with me, We have a lot to do in the following weeks and i wish i had more time but it is not possible at this time.
Today she is attending her room mates wedding reception and i must say that i am a little on edge about her being there with me beside her, I trust her without a doubt but i know there will be single men there and some men do not give up easily, Just the thought of someone trying to pick her up is playing on my mind, I have never felt jealousy before, This is a new feeling for me and i do not like it,
Never mind as i said before i do trust her and without trust we have nothing.

I have so much rmb and will change some up on Friday in MinYings home town,  Our plan of attack is for me to arrive on Thursday evening and then we will go to Shijiazhuang to apply for the marriage certificate, We can not apply for it in her city as i am a foreigner and we have to go to the capital of her city and apply there, After this is granted we can be wed, I hope things can go as smooth as Gerry,s and his lovely wife but without the aftermath, I do have travel insurance as always.

Meeting the parents will be new to me but MinYing says that she will bring a friend to translate for us, I know how to introduce myself and greet them in a respectful way and also some minor sentences and words too, Hopefully i do not sound stupid trying to speak their native language, In will try my hardest.

Sitting here tonight it is quite warm, MinYing has told me that she is expecting snow soon so it wil be a sudden climate change for me but a most welcome one, It is easier to warm each-other than cool each other-down,
Well i will keep all informed and write when i am in china and let the brotherhood know how things progress.

bye everyone, enjoy Christmas with your family and loved ones,  Regards from MinYing and John.

Offline Jason B

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Re: my love story
« Reply #35 on: December 18, 2010, 08:38:17 am »
mate enjoy your trip and an early congratulations on your upcoming wedding.  But from someone who has been there MAKE sure you have ALL the necessary paperwork to get married, see David E post in Australian Requirements if unsure.  I did not have the single certificate translated to Chinese after being told by everyone it was not required to be translated and this can take up to one week to get done, so save yourself any unnecessary delays and heartache if you need a translation of anything scan in to your computer send via email to your lady and get her to print and take to get translated into Chinese.  They do not need the original just a copy is fine, but make sure it is both sides of any papers if there is some like this.  Just trying to help so you do not find yourself caught short like I did.
I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.

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Re: my love story
« Reply #36 on: December 18, 2010, 12:17:46 pm »

I've just read your story.  Congratulations, I think you are about to start a wonderful trip and journey.  Her family's acceptance of you, without having me you, is a testament to how happy she is.  You are very fortunate.  Enjoy your time and good luck.

My qin ai de is in Shanghai, and I'm not

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Re: my love story
« Reply #37 on: December 18, 2010, 04:23:49 pm »
Have a great time John, hope all goes to plan.

I sure wish I was going back to China myself  ;D ;D

I will think of you freezing in China whilst we suck on a coldie at +40 degrees in our Perth Summer !!!

Best wishes...David

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: my love story
« Reply #38 on: December 18, 2010, 07:36:44 pm »
Have a safe trip John , and may you enjoy all your time there , and we look forward to reading more on this trip as it unfolds , regards Sujuan and Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Paul Todd

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Re: my love story
« Reply #39 on: December 18, 2010, 08:19:52 pm »
My wife and I got our red books in Shijiazhuang. When we got to the building where the office was, it was empty??? After hunting round and asking anyone we came across, we found that they were all having choir practice! ???
We where treated to half an hour of excellent singing then we trouped downstairs and did the paperwork. No problem what so ever,although it's not what you would call romantic! I got all my paperwork from the embassy in Beijing. I hope it all goes as smoothly for you and MinYing. ;D


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Re: my love story
« Reply #40 on: December 22, 2010, 01:24:57 am »
Hello every body, Im here in Shanghai airport now and just counting down the twenty six hours until my flight to connect me with my loved one, She is beside her self with excitement too and is ready for my return, It has been a long time coming but finally here now, The next 26hrs will be agony but worth the wait.
MinYings father is to return from working far from hame just to meet with me and decide if i am to be the one for his daughter, MinYing and her mother will not take no for an answer but i will see, I have a translator to be with us for the day so the communication will be a lot better, No doubt i will be given a hundred questions to answer and must pass with flying colours, Time will tell.

Love being back here again, Felt like i never left, Traffic,,Smog,,Great food,,I think im the only westerner here in the airport again, No blonde haired people, I feel like a giant among all of these people again, Stares from every one, Love the way the Chinese women dress, No comparison to the lady's back home , Getting hungry now people, Time to enjoy the local food again, keep you all posted  Regards from MinYing and Jonh,,,Merry Christmas every body and happy new year.

Offline halfpint

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Re: my love story
« Reply #41 on: December 22, 2010, 01:27:42 am »
Lucky guy, enjoy every minute  :).  Good luck with meeting the family, I hope it goes very well for you. 
My qin ai de is in Shanghai, and I'm not

Offline MadeinAmerica

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Re: my love story
« Reply #42 on: December 22, 2010, 03:50:53 pm »
Best wishes and a Merry Christmas.  Nice time to go.

Do not worry about the Father.  Chinese families are pretty matriarchal in the home, and you have the women on your side.  I am sure they have him favorably inclined.  Just be yourself and show you are a nice man.  Even if your Chinese sucks, they appreciate that you learned a bit and will enjoy the laugh over your trying.



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Re: my love story
« Reply #43 on: December 23, 2010, 08:34:23 pm »
Hey ladies and gents, My overnight stay in Shanghai was the longest wait in my life, After a restless night and the agonizing twenty six or twenty eght hours or so it was time to board my flight to Handan,,or so i thought.
The announcement came over the speaker that the flight to Handan was cancelled,,,,,,,I have never been so frustrated in my life,,,,Snow on the runway,
I tried to call MinYing but no connection, I was beside myself with feelings of anger and sheer frustration, I considered to try for a train and then an hour later the announcement came to board the aircraft,,,, YEE HAA,,Everybody raced for their seats and we took off.
The pilot some how cut off nearly thirty minutes off travelling time and we was there in record time.
We touched down a little after 7pm and it was freezing, -4 degrees, Me coming from 38+ only had on t,shirt and jeans, Snow on the ground and the wind cut right through me, I was numb to the wind as my thoughts were somewhere else,
I entered the terminal and then i saw a Chinese snow white,,Beautiful white skin with the red cheeks, long black hair and the biggest smile on her face,
She was absolutely stunning standing there in her long black boots, black tights and a short dress with a warm coat on, She was quick to get past the security and came running to me, I had a little trouble holding back the emotions, She took my breath away when she kissed me for the first time, She would not let me go and held me for what seemed like an eternity.
My bag was the last off the plane but i did not care one bit, Everybody stared at us when i picked this little lady up off the ground, She is so tiny to me and when i squeezed her i thought i was going to hurt her.
She tore up my hotel reservations and told me that she had booked a better one and we would stay there together, It is called the Star modern hotel in Handan and it is a beautiful hotel, Only 250rmb per night and like a five star palace, I do recommend to anyone who comes to Handan to stay here.
After arriving at the hotel we went for a meal in a local restaurant and as always she ordered a few dishes,,,Only four this time,, I could not eat as much as she and i am twice the size as her, She put away so much food and still looks so good, We strooled back to the hotel and she was complaining that i was not wearing warm clothes and kept trying to keep me warm, I was just happy for the attention.
We got back to the hotel and she demanded that i took off my shoes and put on the slippers ,,Then it hit me,,Just before i left Perth i cut my finger nails but forgot about my toe nails,,They looked like they belonged to a grizzly bear, hehe, She laughed and rolled around the bed for a while just making fun of them and then she told me that she wanted to cut them, They are tough like nails but she managed to fix the problem, She is a beautician so she has experience at this.
Christmas day the family is coming to Handan to meet me and asses the future son-in-law, MinYing is confident as am i, She has been told that she is a different person since we first met in Beijing by her mother and all her friends to, I will go with my princess today and buy gifts for the family and shop for a warm coat for myself.
MinYing has had to leave me for a few hours to attend the funeral of her sister-in-laws auntie, She will return later today and then we can continue our journey.
Not much sleep again last night as i watched her sleep so soundly, There was arms and legs over me all night so i could not get away from her whilst she slept, Twice she woke suddenly and just grabbed at me to see if i was there and she was not dreaming, She certainly knows how to make me feel on top of the world and loved for the first time,
She is a passionate woman who is wanting to be loved and cherished always, i WILL give her everything she has missed out on in a relationship and will always be true to her, The only sacrifice i have to make is be clean shaven everyday ^__^    The price we have to pay, hehe,
I am here again,,In China with a beautiful, beautiful woman, I will enjoy every minute of every day here and enjoy pampering her always,,Sorry guys,,I have the most beautiful woman in China,,,,,,Merry Christmas to all,,Regards from MinYing andJohn.   

Paul Todd

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Re: my love story
« Reply #44 on: December 23, 2010, 08:44:05 pm »
Fantastic John  ;D  I am sitting here with a big smile on my face. I remember the first time my wife and I met.....................  :)
There was snow here in Baoding yesterday too, first of the year!
I wish you every success with the family tomorrow, but it sounds like you don't need it ;D.