Author Topic: my love story  (Read 130816 times)

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Re: my love story
« Reply #405 on: April 11, 2012, 11:14:08 am »
John, I know the "MOMENT" and the "FEELING" of finally being together ones and for all. Enjoying... I know you will be busy with!

Offline Martin

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Re: my love story
« Reply #406 on: April 11, 2012, 01:00:27 pm »
and a big welcome to Minying to the best country in the world

WOW, I thought they were in Australia...but apparently they are in Canada.  Welcome to Canada, eh!

Offline Robertt S

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Re: my love story
« Reply #407 on: April 12, 2012, 08:12:19 pm »
Did your friends inform you how difficult and time consuming an employment visa is to obtain? You will have to be her employer to qualify to sponsor your mother-in-law. Here is a link you can read that explains the process requirements.   Your wife can apply for US citizenship after 3 years of becoming a permanent resident ( getting her greencard) Once she is a US citizen she can apply for her mother to immigrate to the US. I would think that would be the fastest and least expensive route other than a B2 visitor visa.If she applys for the visitor visa she should under no circumstances say she plans on working here or she will be denied on the spot! Anyhow, Good Luck and Congrats, Robert

Offline john1964

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Re: my love story
« Reply #408 on: April 17, 2012, 06:34:56 am »
Well guys and girls, Nearly 1 week together and it has been great, MinYing loves Perth, She is still stunned at the big open spaces, Many parks and the beaches and the Swan river, She is like a child with some of the expressions on her face when I take her different places, Walking barefoot with Sand between her toes and feeling the ocean on her feet is sooo different for her.
We have travelled to Northbridge many times and she has already chosen her favourite groceries shops and feels good to be able to communicate with the Chinese shop keepers, Yes, She scrutinizes every product many times before making the decision to buy  :P Something I will have to get used too  :-\ .
I am not used to coming home and having someone greet me at the door with a big smile on their face but I am getting used to this very quickly  ;D The home is spotless always , Nothing out of place and the wonderful smell of Chinese groceries when I open the cupboards or the fridge.
We got a temporary medicare card the morning she arrived and I showed her around the Morley Galleria shopping centre and again she was amazed at the cleanliness of the complex, She is also very surprised to see so many different cultures here.
Dumplings were on the menu last night and only about 250 were made  :P :P :P Yes they were all consumed, My eldest daughter and her boyfriend consumed 2 big plates full and then my daughter claimed the rest to take to work for lunch the next morning.
Sunday we went to Hillarys boat harbour for breakfast where she put away 2 big plates compared to my 1  :P Next was to meet the family, MinYing was very nervous but was greeted warmly by the whole family, Not too often there is such a big gathering at the family home I was surprised to see so many there, The nieces were very happy to meet her and are excited to have a Chinese auntie, Mum gave her a big welcome and MinYing is overwhelmed with the kisses and cuddles she received from all the family members, She is not used to such affection.
When we laft Handan, There were tears from mother,auntie and sister in-law but no cuddles or touching in anyway, MinYing tells me it is not their way to show affection towards each-other  :'(
She looks beautiful as always and is still like an octopus when she sleeps with arms and legs all over me  ;) .
Well must close now as I have been told I spend too much time in front of the computer, By the way, She starts her new job Thursday, She cant sit at home as she wants to interact and improve her English, MinYing and John.     


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Re: my love story
« Reply #409 on: April 17, 2012, 01:29:59 pm »
Wonderful to hear John! Read I meant  :) .
You are in to be spoiled like you never even imagined. Ahhh.. Dumplings, I start to miss them.. as Qing loves to cook more western foods/dishes.. because they are easier to her and less dishes to wash  ;) . If I don't at least get my ones a week fix, I'll have to trade her in again.................................... NOT!

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Re: my love story
« Reply #410 on: April 17, 2012, 08:32:50 pm »
Well guys and girls, Nearly 1 week together and it has been great, MinYing loves Perth, She is still stunned at the big open spaces, Many parks and the beaches and the Swan river, She is like a child with some of the expressions on her face when I take her different places, Walking barefoot with Sand between her toes and feeling the ocean on her feet is sooo different for her.
We have travelled to Northbridge many times and she has already chosen her favourite groceries shops and feels good to be able to communicate with the Chinese shop keepers, Yes, She scrutinizes every product many times before making the decision to buy  :P Something I will have to get used too  :-\ .
I am not used to coming home and having someone greet me at the door with a big smile on their face but I am getting used to this very quickly  ;D The home is spotless always , Nothing out of place and the wonderful smell of Chinese groceries when I open the cupboards or the fridge.
We got a temporary medicare card the morning she arrived and I showed her around the Morley Galleria shopping centre and again she was amazed at the cleanliness of the complex, She is also very surprised to see so many different cultures here.
Dumplings were on the menu last night and only about 250 were made  :P :P :P Yes they were all consumed, My eldest daughter and her boyfriend consumed 2 big plates full and then my daughter claimed the rest to take to work for lunch the next morning.
Sunday we went to Hillarys boat harbour for breakfast where she put away 2 big plates compared to my 1  :P Next was to meet the family, MinYing was very nervous but was greeted warmly by the whole family, Not too often there is such a big gathering at the family home I was surprised to see so many there, The nieces were very happy to meet her and are excited to have a Chinese auntie, Mum gave her a big welcome and MinYing is overwhelmed with the kisses and cuddles she received from all the family members, She is not used to such affection.
When we laft Handan, There were tears from mother,auntie and sister in-law but no cuddles or touching in anyway, MinYing tells me it is not their way to show affection towards each-other  :'(
She looks beautiful as always and is still like an octopus when she sleeps with arms and legs all over me  ;) .
Well must close now as I have been told I spend too much time in front of the computer, By the way, She starts her new job Thursday, She cant sit at home as she wants to interact and improve her English, MinYing and John.   


MinYing, 此刻,你和John是如此的光彩照人,你们是爱情故事里的英雄!我祝愿你们未来的生活充满阳光和欢乐,充满了爱。


« Last Edit: April 17, 2012, 10:05:16 pm by sunny »

Offline john1964

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Re: my love story
« Reply #411 on: April 29, 2012, 09:08:25 am »

Offline john1964

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Re: my love story
« Reply #412 on: April 29, 2012, 09:09:04 am »

Offline shaun

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Re: my love story
« Reply #413 on: April 29, 2012, 09:57:43 am »
John you lucky dog!!!!!    ;D

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Re: my love story
« Reply #414 on: April 29, 2012, 10:12:58 am »
I know your still waiting Shaun, It is a big change in our lives,,, It takes some time to get used to but in the long run,,I LOVE EVERY MINUTE

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Re: my love story
« Reply #415 on: May 03, 2012, 05:58:14 pm »
John, loving your posts. Great to see another guy reaching the best part of the journey - life with our loved ones :)
Enjoy every minute, i still get a chuckle when my wife tells me to "Vancouver" the living room floor after i dropped a few crumbs or pass her the "towel paper" after dinner :D
« Last Edit: May 03, 2012, 06:00:12 pm by Irishman »
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.

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Re: my love story
« Reply #416 on: May 13, 2012, 09:09:35 am »
Hi guys and girls, Here we are 1 month living together as husband and wife after 17 months of being married,
How my life has changed, The smell of Chinese groceries have embedded themselves in the walls and carpet and the little touches of China are present in our home now from the smallest trinkets to the tapestry that MinYing loves to do so much.
I must tell you all that I now sleep better than ever with my wife in my arms than ever before,
 I have always had a bit of a "hot head" as my father is, MinYing has calmed me and I am happy that she has done so, I also have suffered from high blood pressure in the past few years and now I have had no need for the medication.
It is so good to wake every morning and find her holding me, She now has realised that here in Australia it is OK to show affection in public and she is not so shy, Every time my eldest daughter comes to visit MinYing welcomes the hugs and kisses, My parents and younger brother are the same, I guess it is just our way,,.
We both went to visit my brother and his wonderful wife Joanne last Sunday and when my brother opened the door, Their son Reece greeted MinYing with open arms, Only the 2nd time he had seen her, My brother was surprised at their sons reaction as he usually does not greet people in this way, MinYing and Reece had a good time communicating with his babble, (2 years old) and MinYings Chinese, They got on well together.
She loves the wide open spaces and the blue skies and the lack of cars on the road and also the crowds of people, I know that she misses her family but this is perfectly understandable, I too admit to miss my family every time I went to China for more than 2 weeks,
We have the phone card for cheap international calls and she also has QQ on her phone and computer to see and contact family and friends so she is very happy with today's technology, I too think it is a god send to have the ability to be so close even so far apart.
Well, 1 month here and she has a Medicare card,tax file number, job and a bank account, She is also every day practising her driving exam on-line and is getting a score of around 29 of 30 questions correct, Not long before we will buy her a car so she can get around, She is so ambitious, loving , caring, Beautiful, I wonder if it can get any better, John.

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Re: my love story
« Reply #417 on: May 13, 2012, 09:22:36 am »
Good for you John, the changes in your life sound very similar to mine. No need for blood pressure medication and the smells of the chinese cooking and of course the pleasent nature of a woman who is happy with her life.

I do have a question for you, you said that MinYing is studying for her driver exam online. Linda has also been working off and on for her driver license but using the Indiana driver manual. She has to translate allot of the words. What is the online site that MinYing is using this might be a big help for Linda. I should have asked this on here allready but did not think about it.

Good Luck to you and MinYing

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Re: my love story
« Reply #418 on: May 13, 2012, 09:28:30 am »
John, I'm happy for MinYing and you.

Kenny, I read somewhere on this site a while back that you can find a California driving manual in Chinese online.  Look around a little or maybe someone will remember and post here.

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