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Re: my love story
« Reply #420 on: May 13, 2012, 11:37:43 am »   :)

That link appears broken, but here is the link to the DMV site. Select publications at the top then select the drivers manual version you want!

Offline john1964

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Re: my love story
« Reply #421 on: July 19, 2012, 03:18:36 am »
Hi guys and girls, Well here we are after just over 3 months of FINALLY living as husband and wife, I have to confess that it is not what I was expecting, Never in my life have I known a woman to be so loving and caring towards me and treat me the way she does, Some of you here have mentioned that your wife's treat you like a King, I know the feeling, MinYing has a heart of gold and just wants to be treated with respect and love, No-matter what I do for her it is too much, She is so very happy now that we are together and lets me know every day with the small things she does and always has a smile on her face.
A while past we went to the local licencing centre as she wanted to go for her learners permit to drive, The person who organised the computer test was understanding of MinYings limited English so he went to set up the test on the computer and then left her to complete the test alone, I could see her get frustrated through the window as the on-line test had many pictures and the one she was taking was mainly questions written in English  :(, She went through the 30 questions and then went over them again and submitted her test, I myself thought that she had failed as for the lack of pictures on the test, BUT , She, And I was soooo happy that MinYing had returned a perfect score 30/30, Now with about 10 driving lessons under her belt she is very confident, "and happy" as none of her friend back home do not drive and they are also happy for her  :).
A while past i noticed MinYing would take photos of bus stops in different places we have been  :-\, I never questioned her about this but to later on find out that she was looking for the bus numbers so she could travel to these places alone if needed, "smart woman", Any how, She has enrolled herself in English classes and also a course for "aged care", All government backed as Australian government do subsidise these courses for immigrants.
When we was in China the show of affection in public was very limited, As for now she has completely changed, Always reaching for my hand, Kisses too in front of her work mates and always a smile from ear to ear  ;D,
She is not the same woman I met in September 2010, She to me today looks younger and so much full of life, I myself have a new lease on life and have never been happier.
MinYing is always happy to see the children and try to communicate with them, Every time I tell my eldest daughter that we are having dumplings for dinner she always makes an excuse to come for a visit  :), MinYing is always happy to see her and loves the show of affection from her.
Anyway guys and girls, MinYing is working until 9pm tonight so I might surprise her by taking her dinner, She loves my Thai chicken and bamboo with chilli and oyster sauce, I usually pick her up at 5pm but Thursdays she works late, I know I will be in the good books if I produce dinner tonight  ;)
MinYing and John.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2012, 03:43:53 am by john1964 »

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: my love story
« Reply #422 on: July 19, 2012, 06:01:06 am »
Great result John

Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: my love story
« Reply #423 on: July 19, 2012, 11:06:23 am »
Good for you John... just think, I've been through this "Torture" for almost three years?
Makes the Twilight of our Life the most wonderful years.. in a true sense of the word.

Offline Jason B

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Re: my love story
« Reply #424 on: July 19, 2012, 07:46:55 pm »
haha told you so........

I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.

Offline john1964

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Re: my love story
« Reply #425 on: January 03, 2013, 11:25:53 pm »
Well here we are 9 months later, MinYing has adjusted to her new life very well, English has improved tenfold and she is very ambitious, She is still a little dis-heartened that she can not earn equivalent as to me but this is no problem, Affection, WOW, I guess being alone for 2 years has made me forget of the affection of a woman, Being treated like a king is still too much for me, I am used to being independent and having my "alone time", I do like time to relax and watch TV alone but I guess I have to make adjustments now we are together.
Driving lessons are going well although she seems to have a "lead foot" and i keep telling her to slow down :P :P, She absolutely loves my kids and is always worried that my son has not had enough to eat  :-\, I myself have gained around 13 kilos and am uncomfortable but she does not want to hear my cries or despair.
We have planned a trip to China in April to see the family and friends for around 28 days, A surprise attack, She wants to just turn-up on the family door step with no warning :).
She is dedicated to her work even-though only part-time but she feels she must "pull her weight", Dont you just love Chinese women.
We go to the beach most days now the weather has been in the 40s and she just loves getting dunked by the waves at Scarborough beach, Sand in the hair, CAR and other places ???.
I must admit that it has not all been rosy but we will accept our differences and learn from each-other, Communication has been improving daily as she is now totally immersed in an English speaking population, She has many Chinese friends here and still daily uses QQ to keep in-touch with friends back home.
We had a surprise visit from a lady that I met on QQ about 1 year ago, She also has my wife's QQ so they were in contact quite often, I got a call from Anna telling me that she would arrive from Melbourne that day, I told MinYing and she was not too happy that another woman was coming to "AFFECT" our lives :-[, Needless to say that by the end of the evening they were best of friends and MinYing was very happy to have her stay at our home, Anna could only spare a few days but we all made good friends , She loves Perth and hopes in the near future to get a working visa and maybe find a boyfriend here, She is only 35 and a barrel of laughs and speaks good English.
Well many things have changed in the last 9 months, The court case with my ex has finally finished and i came out ok, Her lawyer cost her over 100k and mine around 30k, haha, suffer gold-digger.
Christmas holiday is almost over and i cant wait to return to work , BORING, .
anyhow guys and girls HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL, I hope that all of you that are still waiting for visa approval will get good news soon, MinYing and John.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2013, 11:48:03 pm by john1964 »

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: my love story
« Reply #426 on: January 04, 2013, 08:00:04 am »
Great story and great Photo's John. 

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline shaun

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Re: my love story
« Reply #427 on: January 04, 2013, 10:10:17 pm »
For once I have to agree with Willy.  ::)

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: my love story
« Reply #428 on: January 04, 2013, 10:17:29 pm »
For once I have to agree with Willy.  ::)

Are you sure Shaun.  I did write 6 words. ;D ;D ;D

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline john1964

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Re: my love story
« Reply #429 on: April 02, 2013, 04:37:11 am »
Guangzhou and beyond, We left Perth on Friday morning and arrived in Guangzhou around 5;30 and made out way to the hotel only to find that they rebooked on us,  >:(, about 40 minutes later we found a hotel in a lane way that was clean and cheap, The rain never stopped for the 3 nights we were there but it wasn't too bad, I now realise that i do hate they way that the restaurants prepare every meal saturated in oil or with more fat on the bone instead of meat, so i have had more rice than i care to mention.
We went to the Canton radio tower for a look, Quite an impressive feat at over 600 meters tall but again for the rain view from the observation deck was impossible as we were up there with the rain clouds.
Guangzhou was a place for the locals to annoy tourists trying to sell handbags and genuine ROLEX watches, I had enough of this after the first 5 minutes, Many western tourists in the city centre so it was good not to be bothered by everyone saying HELLO every 5 seconds.
Caught the morning train to Shenzhen, nice and smooth at 160kph and took just over an hour, Arrived at the train station where i realised that there aren't so many tourists as Guangzhou, within 5 minutes there were 2 young ladies asking if they can have their photograph taken with me, MinYing returned from the toilet and was not happy, I am so over the jealousy of a Chinese woman, It was only a photo, Anyway we caught a taxi to the hotel   where we found out that i booked for the previous day for hotel but they was happy to give us a room at the discounted price i get when i book through  , The hotel has a big room and is clean and only 288rmb per-night, Took a trip to the ocean, lovely blue skies and white sand  ;D, HAHA not really, reminds me of home really, ENGLAND, nothing compared to the beaches in Pert.
We went for a meal last night and MinYing lorded chicken hotpot  :-[ Hate hot pot so i went for a walk to let her enjoy her meal alone, I do like walking the back streets and seeing what they have to sell, i find some interesting objects there and even a westerner can haggle the prices, I was standing on a busy street corner when i was approached by a gorgeous young lady and she asked if she was beautiful "I CALL A SPADE A SPADE" she was lovely, then she asked if i would like her for the night  ;D, This is my first time to be approached, I pretended i did not understand Chinese then i hurried back to my Lao Po and watched her eat as nothing happened.
We went to a HUGE park today where they have many models of different cities, the skies opened up and the rain fell, still raining now some 5 hours later , what a walk that was but well worth the time, glad we took the umbrella, Thousands of people there enjoying the many sights, A very good replica of the Eiffel tower and mt Rushmore, Even though other exhibits were to a smaller scale it was still a good way to spend a day.
Shenzhen is a huge metropolis and should be remembered for the shortest miniskirts in China, I really enjoy Gerrys hobby of Girl watching, Other than this i find Shenzhen to be a clean city compared to other places i have been to in China, Well guys and girls, off to Hangzhou tomorrow so we must buy tickets this-evening, Keep you all posted , John and MinYing. 
PS, the helicopter above mt Rushmore is not team America returning to base ;D
« Last Edit: April 02, 2013, 04:39:35 am by john1964 »

Offline Pineau

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Re: my love story
« Reply #430 on: April 02, 2013, 10:49:04 am »
Shenzhen was a frontier city. Like Capone's Chicago. Gangsters, mob, drugs and prostitution. It was a party city for  business men from Hong Kong and China.  I cant remember the street name (it is not far from Lohu station)  but there was a time when you could take a taxi down that street and see dozens of lovely ladies dressed in formal gowns, walking along the road looking for a customer.  Or go to a night club and have your pick of 50 or more lovely young girls to come entertain you while you watched the floor show. The government  started cleaning it up in the late 1990's and they try to keep it that way. I remember hearing about the vans that patrolled this district loading the girls up and ushering them away and the military being stationed at the entrance to the discos and night clubs. They really changed things, but as John has discovered, you can never completely eradicate it. It is still there  but just not so open. Because after all it is part of the culture .

About Girl watching.  

Shenzhen is one of the best places and here is why.   One of my very first exposures to China  was to go to Shenzhen, start up, outfit and tool a factory and train the technical staff.
Shenzhen is a manufacturing city. There are hundreds of bonded factories in Shenzhen building all sorts of gadgets for foreign companies.
There is not enough labor to fill all those factories so the labor is imported from the countryside. Behind most of the factories are large dormitories full of young high school grads from all over China.  This is how they fill the labor shortage and most of them are young girls. They usually come for a two year contract. They get to share a room with about 5 other girls. A small food allowance and more money than they could ever make working in their home town. The factory where I was working had several hundred girls walking from the dormitory to the factory at shift change and  the girls that just got off were milling around talking, giggling and playing badminton. And the great majority of them head out to the shopping centers. Hundreds of them.  The really talented ones are kept by the factory and the rest are cut loose at the end of the contract. 

They become accustomed to this lifestyle and their families are accustomed to the extra money the kids are sending home. When their contract is up they do not want to go home. Some go to school and work toward a better job.   And here is a harsh fact of life in china. If your young and pretty (sexy) you will find a good job or wealthy boyfriend.  If you are plain you might as well head back home  or turn to working in KTV bars , Discos or prostitution.  the really unattractive girls go back to their home town. The pretty ones stay and manage a better life however you wish to define it . These are the girls walking around Shenzhen and some are so amazingly beautiful they will leave you breathless when you first lay eyes on them. Being married is a blessing that keeps me out of serious trouble but I am free to look and stare all I want.

I am sure there are other cities like this in China but Shenzhen is the one that I am most familiar with. And as time goes on Shenzhen seem to be a more progressive city with good planning.  One of the many success stories in Guangdong.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2013, 09:14:23 pm by Pineau »
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

Offline john1964

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Re: my love story
« Reply #431 on: April 08, 2013, 12:52:08 am »
hey guys and girls, we left Shenzhen and went to the train station to go to Hangzhou only  to find the only train was the slow :cattle train", 21 long and uncomfortable hours,,, the first 6 or 7 hours were not so bad as for the beautiful terrain, mountains and many rice fields, We sat with 4 younger people in their early 20s and they were a good bunch to sit with, laughing and joking and playing cards, I watched the game for many hours but could not understand it, The train was packed to the rafters of course so no sleep.
We arrived i Hnagzhou to greet our QQ friend Anna, She and my wife were  happy to be re-united, The girls went shopping and i stayed in the hotel as for no sleep for 48 hours, I had a bottle of bai jiu so i was not alone,We had a god sleep and Anna was on our doorstep early the next morning, she showed us many places in her city and i find it to be quite clean compared to many other cities we have travelled.
The weather there was quite warm and pleasant so all the women wore summer clothes, the usual very short skirts and high heel shoes, "i do love the  Chinese fashion compared to the Australian", The girls had a great time together walking ahead of me hand in hand and giggling always, They would do each others make-up every morning and wear each-others clothes  :-[ women  ;D.
Anna is a lovely, humours woman with very  good English skills an is looking for an Australian husband, she is 36, slim and a smart woman, she has a new house in Hangzhou an her own car, Any takers ??. 
We left Hangzhou yesterday morning to come to CIXI city in Ningbo to meet another Q friend of mine, Anna was sorry to see us go and her and MinYing are constantly messaging each-other, So tomorrow morning we will return to Hangzhou again  :P, for a few days before  going to my wife's home-town for a surprise visit to the family and friends.
CIXI is not so busy but much construction happening,very clean too, My friend Alice met us in the hotel lobby and was so pleased that we came to visit her, A very attractive 32 year old woman, well dressed with a good job, she brought along a work college, another pleasant lady around 25, Both of them can speak English well so there  was much conversation, I got the usual stares for dining with 3 beautiful women by many people, They do not see many  westerners here so many people stop in their tracks when they see me  ;D, I just stare back then they always give the biggest smile, Chinese are so friendly in every city i go to, I get the usual request for photos too be taken with the young girls which annoys  my wife  ::) but i don't like too be rude and refuse, Alice will come here after work tonight and we will all go for a meal and then probably  more shopping  :-[, Never mind, I do like the clothes and for my wife to look god when we go out together,Lunch time now and i am hungry, Up-date later buys, John.

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Re: my love story
« Reply #432 on: July 16, 2013, 09:27:24 am »
so sick of this one-sided relationship, i cant have friends, my wife is to jealous, time to give-up, ive had enough

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: my love story
« Reply #433 on: July 16, 2013, 10:10:59 am »
Whoa! Take one step back John.

Whats happened since April to now?

It sounded as if things were going well when you made the train ride.

Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: my love story
« Reply #434 on: July 16, 2013, 10:37:36 am »
There has to be more to this story than she won't let me have friends, John.

Is it possible for you to explain more?