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Offline Pineau

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Re: my love story
« Reply #510 on: April 06, 2015, 01:01:48 pm »
John, you got a bad apple. No matter how much you lover her and regret the way is is going you need to cleanse your life and start fresh.  Like me you are two nice a guy to protect yourself. 

I changed myself out of necessity to  protection myself . You need to find the dark side of your personalty. That is what you need to save yourself. Otherwise she is going to dominate you forever. Or worse, devour all you have and destroy your family. 

Fight back. But plan it , get an attorney to sort this out and come up with a winning strategy. Do not reveal your plans until its time for the first blow. Hopefully it will take only one blow to end it and free yourself.  Don't wait too long.   And don't let her have the first punch. Surprise is key to victory.

Do you think she is not planning her strategy now?  You think getting rid of you is not a daily topic among her and her friends?
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

Offline yvictor

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Re: my love story
« Reply #511 on: April 06, 2015, 06:28:35 pm »
Sad story...
What I would do:
1. File official police complaint and get restraining order for physical violence and destroying your property.
2. Divorce.
3. Move to China, follow your dream, don't marry again.

Offline David E

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Re: my love story
« Reply #512 on: April 06, 2015, 06:39:28 pm »

I dont think it is YOU that needs is HER !!!!!!!

The Woman appears to be completely unhinged and her motives would seem to be all about driving you both apart.....for whatever reasons she (and/or her mates ) have in mind for the future.

There appears little hope of rescuing this relationship emotionally so you just MUST begain preperations for the inevitable separation/divorce.

I think it is essential that you quickly get some legal advice and start a formal documentation of the issues you have described here. Your Lawyer will advise what is the best strategy, whether this be a VRO or a seperation will be up to him to advise.

There is a very real possibility that you can come to harm under such a regime as she appears to operate under...dont take this risk.

I suspect that she may be goading you into leaving, so she can have possesion rights in any future settlement...dont do this either !!!!

Either which way, the situation is now out of your hands and out of your control. It is esential that you take positive steps to protect yourself, your family and your assets from this monster.

Offline JohnB

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Re: my love story
« Reply #513 on: April 06, 2015, 10:03:14 pm »
Well John, you have a lot of good friends here with good advice. 

It is a difficult time in your life. After the latest episode I think maybe time to rethink your situation
before your good health fails.
You love MinYing but your latest situation reads untenable. I do not know if/why she is goading you
into a confrontation or if she requires professional help. I suppose if it were me, I'd ask MinYing to
have a 'pow- wow', with the idea of inviting her best friend or confident being there for her, and of
course, you do the same with some close friend of yours. It is the time to ask questions unclouded
by emotions. 

Obviously you just can not run away to China. First things first, you need to figure out your real
situation before you react.
Reality can be a bitch or better yet, a blessing in disguise.

I wish you well.

Offline john1964

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Re: my love story
« Reply #514 on: April 07, 2015, 03:05:42 am »
Thanks for the advice guys, Willie, you are correct about me working long hours before but that was when my wife only had a casual job so i had no choice but to work to support her and my teenage son but i was always home by 3pm every day and we would go places together, my wife is home around 8-9pm every day so we have no time to go out to dinner or see family.
Last night when she arrived home she told me that her car needed petrol, i said i dont drive it, it is your car so you can pay for it, that didnt go down well haha, i dont mind filling the car with fuel but she just expects me to do everything with no help from her, ill get a text every-so-often telling me where to go and what to buy, i even go to her shop for maintenance/repairs and im always the one who puts my hand in my pocket, things have changed from before her visa was granted, she always offered to pay and helped me a lot in the early days.
I went to see my parents yesterday and my father commented that im back to square one again, i was alone when she lived in China and im alone again now !!, true words, I am alone.
Philip, you are correct, many lines have been drawn in the sand , they have all been crossed, i keep letting this happen, im sitting here now thinking that i sound like one of those abused women , "i love him, he will change", your all right, i need an escape plan.
Im not just going to run away to China, ive made it clear to her that i will go alone if needed, she tells me that she will live in her shop if this happens, The first thing is for my son to get a job and be independent,"thorn in my side", sort out my business and then plan to go to China.
John B, my wife would never agree to a pow wow, she would never tell her friends of any dilemma as she is too secretive, ill just keep my distance and plan my moves, ill try to be the good husband and hope i dont upset her again, thanks guys, John,