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my love story
« on: November 12, 2010, 08:56:19 pm »
Hello everybody, I am quite new to this site and am happy to have something to share.
My story started on April 23rd, I joined Chnlove without any expiations of really meeting someone special,
At first i had the usual admiration mail but only one stood out from the rest so i began communicating with a lady named Minying li,
After a few weeks we begun to enjoy reading eachothers daily letters and i decided to plan my first trip to China.

I arrived in Beijing on the 18th of September and met Minying at the china peoples palace, She brought along a translator with herself and she was going to stay for a week with us as Minyings English is very limited.

When i  met my lady in the hotel lobby,  She was very happy and also very shy, I gave her some roses and a kiss on the cheek which made her a little red in the face, After the first day together we both were very comfortable and smiles and laughter was more frequent and the language barrier was not to much of an issue.

After three days, Minying asked the translator to leave us and return to her home town, We both grew closer each following day and had a fantastic time together, She was stared at in public for holding my hand and was a little shy about this sometimes but she accepted this and tried to not let it bother her, She was a little overwhelmed sometimes that i would open doors for her and seat her at the dining table first and she also never had a man carry shopping bags for her before.

We spent 14 wonderful days together and our last 4 days were a little different,  She was reaching for my hand in public and giving more cuddles and affection than before and was getting quite sad that we would soon part company, She would not let me out of her sight , not for a minute, We slept together,, fully clothed and uncomfortable, But i got to watch her sleep and wake every morning, Our last evening was the best night , We dined together and shared a few drinks, She was playful like a school girl and a barrel of laughs,
The following morning i took her to the train station to return to her city of Handan, I never thought it would be so hard to say good bye to her  but i was wrong, She stood there and watched me walk away, She was the last person to board the train, I did not want to look back but i could not help myself.

She is the most beautiful soul that i have met and we still keep daily contact with her, She texts me on the phone every day and never misses a day without the e,mail, We have pledged our love for each other and i am to return to her on December 23rd to meet her family, They are all aware of our relationship and have never seen their daughter so happy, I am to stay with her for a month and with her family's blessing we will marry, She has asked if i will live with her in China but as a single father this will not be possible until my children are all a little older, If things go as planed, She will come to live here with me in Australia .

At this moment i am taking Mandarin lessons to help with the communication and she is also learning a little English, I am 46 and she is 35, She is 155cm and i am 188cm, we are two different people from two different walks of life, I must say that she is the most wonderful person that i have ever met and my thoughts are with her every day, I never imagined that i would fall in love with someone from a different culture or a non English speaking country, How happy i am to be so wrong.

Here i am now nearly seven months of knowing this lady and i am totally head over heels in love with her, I have read many of the wonderful stories here and i am so happy to be one of the lucky ones to find such a beautiful and caring woman in China, I will cherish this lady and spoil her rotten for the rest of her life.

Paul Todd

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Re: my love story
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2010, 09:29:43 pm »
Welcome to the forum John  ;D

Congratulations on finding your lady! I could not agree with you more they are indeed very special. I have been married for just over a year now and I'm more in love with my wife now than ever. Like yourself  "I will cherish this lady and spoil her rotten for the rest of her life"  Little did we know when we clicked on that link to the Chnlove website just how much our lives would change! December is not that far away so I hope the time passes quickly until you see her again!
« Last Edit: November 13, 2010, 05:47:04 am by Paul Todd »

Offline shaun

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Re: my love story
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2010, 09:39:52 pm »
Welcome John. 

What a great story.  Thanks for sharing it.  I look forward to hearing from you more.  There are many here that have good advice but I bet since you have already been to China that you can offer a few pearls of wisdom.


Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: my love story
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2010, 12:18:11 am »
Welcome to this forum John , the Aussies are multiplying , and all are happy , any questions just yell or otherwise read on , regards Sujuan and Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Re: my love story
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2010, 02:18:03 am »
Hello John,

A very nice story. Reminds me a little of when I met my wife. Our communications were limited too. But sometimes you do not need words to tell each what you think.

Learning Mandarin is difficult but it will make your future wifes family happy that you try. I remember my wifes family. Just that you can say "Ni hao", "Xie xie" eller "Zaijian" will mean a lot to them. The members of my wifed family laughed a lot when I said those words or learned a new word. They didn't laugh because the pronunciation was wrong, but because they were happy that I tried to speak there language. It will make Minying happy too.

My wife and I discussed staying in China too. But I have a son of my own, who hasn't finished school yet. And there is another challenge, finding a job as foreigner who doesn't speak the language. We decided to take my wifes son with us to Denmark. When he is grown up and has finished school, we will decide where to live.

About being shy, my wife was very shy too. It's part of the traditional way to raise children, my wife told me. In fact, it took my wife almost a year of living together with me to let go her shyness and open up.

I wish you two good luck and happiness!!

Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

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Re: my love story
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2010, 03:29:33 am »
Hi John....a big welcome from a Sandgroper  ;D ;D

Your lovely story is one more to add to the impressive list of Bros here who have found someone very special in China.

All the very best to you and your lady for the future



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Re: my love story
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2010, 05:42:52 am »
Welcome John

A very nice and touching story.  Glad to have you abourd....

Offline Jason B

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Re: my love story
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2010, 07:18:01 am »
Mate, welcome aboard.  Enjoy the ride, the shyness is part of what makes them so special.  I would never have thought that a 35 year old woman would be shy but my Xia is shy some times and that all adds to the mystique of why we all love our women so much.

They are all angels and as has been mentioned by the other Cobbers on here we are slowly growing in numbers and one day we will take over the world.

Best of luck to you both, we are slowly putting together information in the Australian requirements for what we need for visas for our angles, so that maybe something to look into soon.  If you need any help or info just holler and the brotherhood will provide what help it can
I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.


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Re: my love story
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2010, 01:24:43 pm »
Welcome John , thanks for your Story that brings back my own Adventure ( that it sure was ) of finding my Wife of 2 1/2 years now . I tell you , having a great Lady like this .. everyday is filled with Sunshine . Please continue to bring us updates of your next Trip , because we are all Nosy here .

Offline mustfocus

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Re: my love story
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2010, 01:34:33 pm »
Hi John,

Really happy to hear your story.  It's always good to hear about the success stories on top of the not so successful ones.  It makes the story more precious... :)
梦醒时分 - Meng Xing Shi Fen


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Re: my love story
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2010, 02:46:14 pm »
.... because we are all Nosy here .

arnold...what you trying to say mate??? ;D ;D ::) ::) ;D

Offline shaun

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Re: my love story
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2010, 07:03:27 pm »
And here I thought that I was the only one whose woman told him he had a big nose.  ???   Naaa...  You don't need to know the rest.  ;)


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Re: my love story
« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2010, 07:18:17 pm »
Thanks to you all for the support and kind words, Minying has sent me many texts and a new e,mail since yesterday morning, We are both missing eachother badly, How did you all survive the months apart before you were together permanently?, One of the hardest things about missing her is when she sends new photos to me, She tells me that the smile is for me.
Can anyone tell me how to post pictures here or even if it is possible, Thanks again everyone, john

Offline JamesM.Roberts

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Re: my love story
« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2010, 07:30:32 pm »
Welcome to the brotherhood John (....of those in the know)  ;D Very touching love story John-I am sure that you have brought back memories for all of us here. You asked "How did you all survive the months apart before you were together permanently?" I cannot answer for everyone here (as I'm still waiting too) but I find myself acting like a male bird ......just feathering the nest, trying to get things perfect, so I can spend more time with my love instead of fixing things around the house
Anyone can pick up an apple off the ground, but the sweeter ones take a little work to get to!!

Vince G

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Re: my love story
« Reply #14 on: November 13, 2010, 07:32:02 pm »

To Post a Photo:

Write your post and click on Preview. Under the writers window Click on Additional Options you will see "Attach" choose your file (and any other adjustments you feel like) and that's it.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2010, 07:33:53 pm by Vince G »