Author Topic: my love story  (Read 129623 times)

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Offline john1964

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Re: my love story
« Reply #210 on: June 03, 2011, 07:35:18 pm »
Hey Lloyd, Yes she has me wrapped around her finger but i love every minute of it , Shaun, You are right about them taking car of their husbands as number 1 , Never before have i had a wonderful lady do so much for me and expect nothing in return, Neil, Take your wife to the tower in Shanghai it is a great way to spend a few hours and the view at night time of Shanghai is fantastic.

Offline maxx

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Re: my love story
« Reply #211 on: June 03, 2011, 08:20:58 pm »
John good update.Don't take the name calling to series.Somebody taught that poor schmuck to say that.He probably had no idea what it meant.I had a guy in Zhuhai call me a capitalist.I said ok.whats your point.He just stared at me.I told my wife to ask the man if he knew what the words meant.He told my wife he didn't.He had herd the word on the news.And new that it had something to do with America.

The more trips you make to China.The more your going to run into this.My wife has ben called everything from a Translator to a hooker.The guy who called her a hooker jumped off the bus and ran into the crowed. before I could catch him.After a while you get to where you just ignore these kind of people.You realize why ruin your day.Over some ignorant person.And you realize your time together with your wife is so short.And it isn't worth wasting the time thinking about it.

Offline john1964

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Re: my love story
« Reply #212 on: June 04, 2011, 07:16:11 am »
thanks guys, Max this guy knew what he ment when he put one finger between his thumb and index finger on his other hand, Any way all water under the bridge now and i am just going to enjoy my time here with my wife ,,,MinYing and John.

Offline john1964

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Re: my love story
« Reply #213 on: June 05, 2011, 09:38:41 am »
Greetings from Handan, How time flies when you are with the love of your life, Only a week to go now and back home to oz.
Tomorrow MinYing,s older brother is coming to collect us and take us to the family home to stay the night and sample the many tastes of home cooking,
How do these people eat so much ?????, I am not a small man but i can not put away as much food as these tiny people, I must say that i really enjoyed the Donkey burger, So much that i have had three in two days, They taste a little like corned beef but just a little saltier,
We have so many gifts for the family it,s not funny, I nearly lost the twelve year old bottle of whiskey for the father at Shanghai airport as the customs would not let me take it on the plane, I caused a scene and security came from every where but i was lucky that one of them could speak very good English and pulled me aside and told me to buy a box for the gift and have it sent with the stowed luggage or the other security guards would confiscate it and drink it, I was not going to let them have it under no circumstances,  ;)
Today we had MinYings computer re configured for Chinese language, An hour and a half,s work,,,50 rmb?????, Wow, Any way she is happy and cant wait to show her family all the pictures we have taken together, The camera that i brought her back in September has had a good work out over the last eight months, She has filled up two memory cards and now all down loaded on the computer and freed up the cards but she keeps taking more and more pictures, She is a country girl who has not had to much interaction with technology and is learning so fast , We also brought a better pocket translator today which can talk back in English so she is here right now nagging me with every day questions in English, Im loving every minute  ;D
Got some papers back from the notary office yesterday for the visa and they have been translated wrong, According to the office her ex-husband was FEMALE ;D and the address was wrong for the police clearence :(   The office is closed till Tuesday so we must wait, Not going to let this get me down though as it can be fixed,,

Met an American here who came to meet a lady from Chnlove after three months of emf,s and they have hit it off great together, We had breakfast together for the last two mornings and he will return in July to marry her, He told me that he wrote many ladys before and this is the firs one he met and she too has met only him so i wish them both good luck together, Of course i have put him on to this web site as the "brotherhood" is a wealth of knowledge and a great help in times of need .
MinYing is getting really pissed at the attention i am getting from other women, I have not noticed it myself as i do not pay attention but she grabs me and we are off in the other direction really quickly, I notice more at the attention she gets from other men when she dresses well and her friends comment how good she looks too, It is really a good feeling that your love wants to look her best when you are both together, I was told that she does not look after herself so well when i am not there with her, Still eats like a horse though,  ;D
Anyway, i love her to bits and will continue to do so , Bye for now guys and girls, ,MinYing and John.

Offline lfputman3

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Re: my love story
« Reply #214 on: June 07, 2011, 11:30:21 pm »
good luck, I have received some word about the other yank visiting town, she called him old. but everyone once in a while, she calls me old, just to be a smart @ss.

Actually at the moment we're having a chat and "I'm old" it's ok, I can deal, she'll be old soon enough and I'll probably keep her around anyway.

I think donkey burger might be on the menu for me on my next trip, I remember thinking on the train, "man, they have a lot of donkey around this area!" then after I returned home I found out about that sausage I enjoyed... oh well, it was not dog, she will not go there and I did so before. I think my dog would be right upset with me now. She keeps talking about silkworms though....

and you are right, the Chinese can pack away the food, yet I dropped 2.5 kilos last time I was there (yes fellow yanks, the accountant does speak metric) one of my friends here attributes it to the lack of "stuff" added to Chinese food, they have MSG, we have MSG, autolyzed this, hydrogenated whatsit and you can guess the rest of it.

Anyway, enjoy the rest of your trip, look forward to your next installment

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Offline shaun

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Re: my love story
« Reply #215 on: June 08, 2011, 07:10:11 pm »
I'm not really sure how you convert beans into kilo's?????

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Re: my love story
« Reply #216 on: June 09, 2011, 02:54:15 am »
Well, I just finished reading all 15 pages of John's post, bloody hell, what an emotional roller coaster ride,John, you had me laughing, almost crying, I was sad ,I was angry and I was happy, I think that covers them all,haha.  Just about everything you have been through I have experienced too so though i am not usually a reader ,I red with interest every page,not only of your experiences but the advice you received along the way and I found out a few things as well ,like why my wife does not wear her ring, i could never really get a straight answer out of her when i ask ,where's your ring. You ,like everyone else here ,are learning patience, It didn't take me long to work out that if you are not a patient man then looking for a wife in China is a waste of time for you, for two reasons,translating when chatting to your woman, and the immigration process.  I met my now wife on Chnlove site, Feb 11 2009 , first visit April second visit September when we were engaged and after a failed visa application returned March this year and were married and now about to lodge the second visa application.   Mostly wile reading your story i had a huge smile on my face, It seams like most blokes here have the same experiences, like clothes shopping for instance, I've never enjoyed that before, except with my 16 year old daughter, we have fun shopping, and it's funny the different levels of tradition , i suppose it's the same in every culture but i was really surprised with my wife when i first met her she walked up to me and shook my hand as if she had never herd of me before.  Now this is how it can be confusing, in our letters to each other, not just letters, they were love letters, she said how she was going to run into my arms and give me a big hug, sounded good to me, so i was taken back when it didn't happen, the translator we had hired told me later, because i asked her why won't  Yan hold my hand or arm, she told me that Yan is very traditional lady and to do so in public would be shameful.  OK so i put my pride to one side and changed my way of thinking and made like we had only just been introduced and no letters had transpired, this was a good thing , it allowed us to get to know each other and slowly she came around to a little hug hello and goodbye each day. So the traditional Chinese woman will show no affection in public, bugga, disappointment, but I'm glad i hung in there because slowly she has done a complete 180 and like your wife John when she thinks no one is looking she will sneak a little kiss or a hug or both. That brings me to the next unusuality, the firs time i kissed Yan it was like kissing a rock haha  to cut a long story short, when i questioned her about it she said at an early age they were taught that kissing was unhygienic, I'm finding little differences  like this all the time , it's fascinating and fun teaching her new things witch she is more than willing to take on board. So this is why i read these posts with great interests, i see many similarities here to my new life and just wanted to say good on ya John and thanks to all the advisers here, I'm just one of the many here that take in the advice given here and say nothing, well i thought it was about time to say thanks
Cheers Leeroy
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Offline shaun

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Re: my love story
« Reply #217 on: June 09, 2011, 07:31:43 am »
Gee Leeroy, we could all collectively write a book and have the same story.  Almost.  Yours sounds just like mine.

Offline Clayton

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Re: my love story
« Reply #218 on: June 09, 2011, 08:20:52 am »
Yeh Shaun, I wish i was a better writer and kept a gernal on this massive adventure, it would sure make interesting reading for future generations. I find the hole culture difference fascinating, it wasn't until i worked in central Australia and learned about the true Aboriginal culture that i became interested and took notice of other cultures.  Now having been to China three times and married a local I completely accept her customs and she is slowly learning ours, and here is what gets me, she is eager to make huge changes in her life just to please me, I've never had that before, so when it comes to me doing something for her i will only be too pleased to.  Actually it would be nice to hear a few stories about wives that have been in there new countries for a while, now that the dust has settled, how are they coping and so on, I live in country OZ and it is going to be a massive change for Yan, she lives and works in Shenzhen ,and here, there are only six houses in a group  'can't call it a town'  8 Ks from our nearest town of 1000 people, you recon she's guna notice a difference? haha.  I've sent her photos of the district and the house and she says she's looking for the quiet life and i think the idea of breathing clean air appeals to her. I've told her that I'll take her to our state capital Adelaide regularly. like once every two weeks to shop for food we can't get here and to visit China town . I have a niece who's got a Chinese boyfriend and they both speak mandarin , there's our translators, and with cheap phone calls and QQ to keep in touch with her friends and family I hope I've got it covered. But it would be an advantage to hear of some of the pit fulls so we may avoid them.   Cheers Leeroy
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Offline john1964

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Re: my love story
« Reply #219 on: June 09, 2011, 08:26:20 am »
Well guys and girls the three weeks with my wife have almost finished, We have had a bit of a roller-coaster ride with getting the documents corrected in time but today we obtained the last one and it has been translated and notarized, MinYing was a bag of nerves for this last piece of information as the notoriety office here in Handan would not do this service with out the ex-husbands i.d. card,,, she,s bloody divorced for gods sake, Any way, An early trip to Shijiazhuang notoriety office fixed all, Wow i was happy for the kisses in public when MinYing had the document in her hand  ;D
Off to out door dinner and a few gallons of beer tonight with friends, Its like Oktoberfest here, They deliver the beer to the table in about gallon pots with a tap and serve your self, The food is all bbq,d and delicious .
Dinner with the family was different, Wow they can eat, The father poured small glasses of Chinese whiskey for the older brother and himself and a huge cup for me  ???, Any way i managed to get through that one after some trouble and then he emptied the bottle in to my cup, :P, Ate so much and fell asleep, Later i was dragged off to look around the home town with my new niece and nephew's, Great kids and we got on great, 98 photographs later i slept again, This whiskey knocks me out.

Hey Clayton, I can read many similarities in your post compared to mine too, I like it when my wife steals a kiss, More surprised than anything but love it all the same, You are right about all the great advice too, Like me, Keep reading and keep learning, And keep posting too  :) bye for now MinYing and John. 

Offline Bee964

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Re: my love story
« Reply #220 on: June 09, 2011, 11:42:35 am »

I am trying to catch-up on all of your posts. I have not been on here much due to family issues. I am glad to see you are getting things done there to bring your wife home with you sometime in the near future. I am looking at going back to china in september, I hope. I miss my lady very much.

Dave C
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Offline Rhonald

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Re: my love story
« Reply #221 on: June 09, 2011, 11:58:54 am »
I am looking at going back to china in september, I hope. I miss my lady very much.

Dave C

Nice to have you back Dave, and I too hope to return late September.
Clayton I also see similarities between our stories as both of us have married ladies with the name of Yan that live and work in Shenzhen. Don't worry I double checked your profile picture and the only similarities between our ladies are that they are Chinese and beautiful, we did not marry the same woman  ;D
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Offline Clayton

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Re: my love story
« Reply #222 on: June 09, 2011, 08:06:03 pm »
Thanks Rhonald ' Feeeeew'
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Offline john1964

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Re: my love story
« Reply #223 on: June 12, 2011, 05:07:52 pm »
im home and my heart is still in china,,,every time we part it gets harder,,,,i thought myself to b a strong man but i am so wrong,   Gerry, i a wish to be in your shoes to be with your sweet heart until the pr visa is granted but i can not be.
it is nearly 5am and i have not slept for 24 hrs, I left MinYing at Beijing airport and the pain of leaving her get,s stronger every time we part.
Why did i decide to find a wife from China ????, Wasn't meant to be,,Just happened.
Life throws many challenges at us and we decide what road to take, My road is clear,, MinYing is my future and my destiny.
I hope to be once again with my sweetheart within two months , Keep you posted, MinYing and John.


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Re: my love story
« Reply #224 on: June 12, 2011, 05:28:50 pm »
Thank you John , it was very nice to follow your Visit with your LaoPo . Two months .. that's not much ! Now , just mark that on the Calendar when you're going again and look at it daily as you count down the Painful days . Try Feb. to Sept. waiting , then .. I can feel your Pain . So don't  :'( and embarrass our Forum  8)