Well here i am, nearly two months since our interview in Shanghai, I sent some up-dates to our immigration lawyer about MinYings latest changes, MinYing is now in full time training to learn manicure and this "fingernail art", She wants to be able to find a job very soon upon her arrival here so we discussed her employment options, She is a beautician but wanted to be able to have other options for employment and this is something she finds enjoyable so she has a months training ahead of herself and loves every minute of the course, This information was sent to Joyce Wang in Shanghai and also the dates and information about our wedding reception and photos, We got a quick reply from Joyce thanking us for the "abundance" of information and also stated that my wife's visa was under consideration as this time, I am a little nervous at this moment as most of you can understand, JOYCE was also happy that i was sending MinYing more money each month as she is now un-employed as for the training, Now just a waiting game.
The other week there was a national holiday in China so MinYing returned to the family home for the usual family feast, I called her on mobile QQ and we had a video conversation, As soon as her father saw me on the phone screen , he got the phone off of MinYing and went around introducing his WESTERN son-in-law to all of the family that i have not yet met, I could hear MinYing in the background laughing and asking for her phone back but he would not give it to her, At first, This man was DEAD AGAINST the thought of his daughter to be with a western man but now he is only too happy to hear of my next return and he insists that we spend many days at the family home where he fills my belly with much food and the dreaded bai jio.
Well not long now, 6 weeks and 4 days until i am again in Beijing, Not that i am counting

, 28 days in minus temperatures but i am looking forward to every minute.
We have our fingers crossed that there will be a good out-come for the visa and it would be soooo good too bring her home upon my return to Australia in January,
Ma ma is coming to terms that MinYing will be leaving her soon so she is a little saddened , MinYing is spending more time with the family now as she is also feeling the impending separation from them all, She will see them every night on QQ as the family has a computer which we use many times when she is at home.
Every night she rushes home after training so we can talk for hours on end and most nights it is hard to get her to sleep as she keeps me on-line till early hours of the morning, She does not see her friends so often now as she just wants to talk to me, Her English is improving as we learn every night, she has a good memory and can read English well but understanding is a different thing.
Today she has taken the day from training so she can go with her girlfriends to Shijiazhuang to a big leather store just to look at clothes but she refuses to buy anything as she always tells me that she needs nothing, I knew that she had to wake at 4:30 this-morning as the train left Handan at 6am so i gave her an early morning phone call to wake her and she was elated to hear my voice so early , Upon her arrival at the leather market she called me on mobile QQ just to introduce me to her girlfriends that i have never met before, They were happy to see the westerner that was the husband of their friend.
I was looking through some family photos of MinYing when she was previously married and i must say she looked terrible, She had no pride in the way she dressed and her hair was a birds nest, To me it looks nothing like the MinYing of today, Not a smile on her face and she looked so drained, I am happy that she had the courage to leave the un-happy marriage and today we are both very happy together,
Well guys and girls, My beautiful wife is on line now so i must close, bye for now, John , photo of her today.