Here i go again, Only a few days to go now and I will be once again reunited with MinYing, She is as stubborn as beautiful, Even though she has the broken wrist , She is going to meet me at Beijing airport,
She assures me that she will be last person on the train to avoid any-more injury to herself , As most of know it is a stampede of people pushing and shoving to board these trains.
Every day we QQ for many hours and are often joined by her g/friends or family as there is always someone in her apartment to give her a hand with daily chores as she is now limited to the use of her left hand only, She hates having to use a fork to eat

and apologises that she can not apply her eye liner to look her best for me

, I keep telling her that she does not need it as she has the most beautiful eyes.
A few months ago a member of this forum contacted me and we have had many conversations about china and Chinese women and he asked if my wife had any friends who were single and looking for a husband, It turns out that MinYings good friend Zhen , The lady that introduced my wife to the agency was single and looking for a good man , Anyway, I gave the forum member her QQ number and they have hit things off great together, They have been constantly on QQ every day for many hours and He has just told me that he has booked a flight and she is going to meet him in Beijing the day before i arrive myself, Looks like i will be meeting two forum members in Handan very soon.
Three more days of work left, The case is on the floor and ready to pack, One more bill to pay and i am set to go ,
MinYings mother has stayed many nights with my wife to cook and clean for her and i think she is surprised that her daughter has learnt so much English, Every time she talks to me in English i can hear her mother ask what she said and she repeats it in Chinese back to her mum, She still cant say "ice cream" properly, She says "arse cream"

, We have many funny moments each day with the pronunciation ,
She brought me the thermal underwear so i do not get pneumonia again, I will be leaving here from 26 degrees on Wednesday to around -2 on Thursday, This time i am prepared for the massive temperature change , I will not arrive at the airport in jeans and t-shirt, Thick coat,gloves and a beanie to keep brain from freezing,
Seems we have a birthday to attend again in December, Yes the policeman from last year, no doubt he will try to get me legless again on bai jio, Hopefully he doesn't succeed, Well time to close this post and concentrate on a few things around the home, I hope i have many interesting things add to the forum when i an again in Handan, Merry Christmas to all and a happy new year, MinYing and John.