Welcome Rachel, I'd say you have as good a chance of finding you man on here as on any other site online.
Not with me tho, being 12 years your junior, I would probably like your daughters email tho

Foreign men aren't all that hard to understand, they're just like chinese men but with a few less vices and a few more virtues on average. The important bit to remember is the "on average" there are foreign men with attitudes ranging all the way from absolute scum, up to the perfect saint. That is exactly the same as the range of attitudes in Chinese men.
The reason for this average foreigner being somewhat nicer than the average chinese is quite simply down to cultural-religious grounds. European based foreign culture is extremely Christian in makeup, the result of nearly a thousand years of Christian religious culture, where one of the 10 central tenets of the religion is "Love your neighbour as you love yourself"
This is an active command to be nice, and indeed, amongst the proverbs is "do unto others as you would have done unto yourself", and the parable of the good Samaritan who helps a total stranger.
The culture boils down to the attitude of "help strangers, because one day you may need help from strangers".
Chinese culture on the other hand is Confucian in the main, Buddhist where not, and Christianity has never really taken any hold. The closest Confucianism has to the Christian attitude towards strangers is pretty much "do no harm towards others" which is very much a passive isolationist command. the meaning comes out as far more "don't kick a stranger in the balls in case he calls up his broithers and comes to burn your house down"...
As such, Western culture, especially the European descended ones are far more considerate of others, less selfish, and more open towards strangers than the typical Chinese.