Author Topic: I am new and I want to understand foreign men.  (Read 8373 times)

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Offline Rachel

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Re: I am new and I want to understand foreign men.
« Reply #15 on: November 26, 2010, 04:08:44 am »
Rachael, welcome to the forum....Everything and anything you need to know just ask, we are all here for the same goal...

Maybe you might find someone here who fits the bill of what your looking for... :D

Thank you! Yes. I also in this wish. Can find the right man. Of course it needs time. May god bless!
Tao with god

Offline Rachel

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Re: I am new and I want to understand foreign men.
« Reply #16 on: November 26, 2010, 04:11:52 am »
Hello Rachel.  Welcome!!!!  I hope you find the success you are looking for here.  As Arnold said there are many good men here who are married or in the process of getting married.  There are men who are still looking for the right woman for a wife too.

If you have questions many of us will answer and the answers will be a little different based on our own experience, culture and knowledge.  So please use what you are able from the information and do not worry to much about the differences and blend it with your belief and understanding.

Good luck,


Thank you! Shaun. Thank you very much for your encouragement and support. Your wife is very beautiful, you are a lucky guy. I also hope oneself is a lucky guy.
Tao with god

Offline Rachel

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Re: I am new and I want to understand foreign men.
« Reply #17 on: November 26, 2010, 04:17:16 am »
Hello Feng Yan (or Rachel which ever you prefer) and welcome to the forum. I hope that you find that special someone for yourself. I am just curious, did you write your post on the forum yourself or did you use translation software or did someone help you?

Dave C
Thank you! Dave C. I appreciate your questions. I use Chinese writing. Then let a foreign friend. Please help me translate to clearly express my meaning.
You want to know. Translation software sometimes is not correct.So I need to learn English.Now I wrote to you is that translation software to translate results.
Tao with god

Offline Rachel

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Re: I am new and I want to understand foreign men.
« Reply #18 on: November 26, 2010, 04:24:12 am »
Hello Feng Yan,
Welcome to our site, I hope you enjoy reading here, and learning, and I hope you will have a good success in your search. I married my chinese lady 4 months ago, and we are very happy together. If you want to ask questions, or want our opinion, we will be very willing to help you. I am glad to hear you are a Christian, as my wife and I are Christian too.

Mike O.

Wow, Mike O.Thank you!
Beautiful wife, handsome husband,  Christian, the perfect combination  . May god be with you!
                                           from chian:rachel
Tao with god

Offline Rachel

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Re: I am new and I want to understand foreign men.
« Reply #19 on: November 26, 2010, 04:26:31 am »
Hello Rachel and welcome here.It would be nice to hear about you as well.It will help others like myself to understand women in China better.                                              Ron

Hello., RON. Yes. Come to this BBS. We can get to know each other. Thank you!         from chian:rachel
Tao with god

Offline Kiwi303

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Re: I am new and I want to understand foreign men.
« Reply #20 on: November 26, 2010, 04:26:55 am »
Welcome Rachel, I'd say you have as good a chance of finding you man on here as on any other site online.

Not with me tho, being 12 years your junior, I would probably like your daughters email tho ;)

Foreign men aren't all that hard to understand, they're just like chinese men but with a few less vices and a few more virtues on average. The important bit to remember is the "on average" there are foreign men with attitudes ranging all the way from absolute scum, up to the perfect saint. That is exactly the same as the range of attitudes in Chinese men.

The reason for this average foreigner being somewhat nicer than the average chinese is quite simply down to cultural-religious grounds. European based foreign culture is extremely Christian in makeup, the result of nearly a thousand years of Christian religious culture, where one of the 10 central tenets of the religion is "Love your neighbour as you love yourself"

This is an active command to be nice, and indeed, amongst the proverbs is "do unto others as you would have done unto yourself", and the parable of the good Samaritan who helps a total stranger.
The culture boils down to the attitude of "help strangers, because one day you may need help from strangers".

Chinese culture on the other hand is Confucian in the main, Buddhist where not, and Christianity has never really taken any hold. The closest Confucianism has to the Christian attitude towards strangers is pretty much "do no harm towards others" which is very much a passive isolationist command. the meaning comes out as far more "don't kick a stranger in the balls in case he calls up his broithers and comes to burn your house down"...

As such, Western culture, especially the European descended ones are far more considerate of others, less selfish, and more open towards strangers than the typical Chinese.

Offline Rachel

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Re: I am new and I want to understand foreign men.
« Reply #21 on: November 26, 2010, 04:41:45 am »
Thanks for your letter! Kiwi303, you write a lot about the bible's point of view.This is the very good.I am a just joined the christians.I of the bible has not yet fully understood.But I really enjoy reading the bible.Then we can discuss the problems of the bible.I hope that the future husband is a Christian.Regarding my daughter's E-mail. I don't know whether she was willing to give you.Because she study is very nervous.A lot of learning/examination/game,So. I'm sorry. I may not give you her E-mail address.But I am still very appreciate your help.thank you!
                                                                                                                              from china:rachel
Tao with god


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Re: I am new and I want to understand foreign men.
« Reply #22 on: November 26, 2010, 09:18:28 am »
Hi Feng yan, Welcome,,Never give up your  pursuit of happiness, A while ago, i gave up trying to find my soul mate and in early this year i found my true love, Her name is Minying Li and we will be married in early January.
I have met many men here in Australia who treat their Asian wife's as slaves and also MENY MORE men who treat their wife's as the most important person in their lives,
Do not worry to much for your English ability as i , and probably many of the people here do not find this to be much of a problem, If you find a partner who is in love with you , Then he will do his best to learn much about you as he can and much about yourself and your culture,
Like every body here, I do wish you all the best in finding the right person for yourself, Please be careful and choose wisely. 

Offline Pineau

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Re: I am new and I want to understand foreign men.
« Reply #23 on: November 26, 2010, 04:31:30 pm »
Rachel, You learned how to reply and answer the other posts. If you need more assistance let me know but I think you are doing fine by yourself. I told you there were some GOOD GUYS in this world and a lot of them are right here. Ask them questions and listen to their advice. The will answer with your best intrest in mind. They are very protective of Chinese women and I think you can be safe here.
Good job !  and good luck, Gerry
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.


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Re: I am new and I want to understand foreign men.
« Reply #24 on: November 26, 2010, 05:45:52 pm »
They are very protective of Chinese women and I think you can be safe here.

Pineau , now this you can take to the Bank ! Any good Lady needs a "GOOD" Man and deserves one as well !

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Re: I am new and I want to understand foreign men.
« Reply #25 on: November 26, 2010, 07:22:41 pm »
Rachel,  Do not worry about your English.  Keep trying to write to us and read how we write.  It takes time but I think most all of the men here are patient and will try to understand and help.  It is in the process of trying to learn by communicating with English people that you will learn the best.

Then when you find that special man and you web chat with him you will learn all over again.  If you would have heard Peggy one year ago it was almost impossible to have a conversation.  We also had many confusing times because of not communicating well, so we have worked almost every night for at least two hours each night.  Today I can understand her quite well.  She still has a long way to go but our communication is much better.

She also spends time every day listening to English teaching DVD's.  She works very hard at it.  The one thing I would tell you is that a good man will be patient with you and help you learn English better. 


Offline Rachel

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Re: I am new and I want to understand foreign men.
« Reply #26 on: November 26, 2010, 10:02:20 pm »
Rachel, You learned how to reply and answer the other posts. If you need more assistance let me know but I think you are doing fine by yourself. I told you there were some GOOD GUYS in this world and a lot of them are right here. Ask them questions and listen to their advice. The will answer with your best intrest in mind. They are very protective of Chinese women and I think you can be safe here.
Good job !  and good luck, Gerry

Hello. Greey. Sincere greeting for you. You are my lucky stars.Thank you very much for your help. Let me no longer depressed.See you a happy smile.
 I'm very gratified.Wish you and fiancee happiness.You will always be my good friend.
                                                                                                                                                        from china:rachel
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Offline Rachel

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Re: I am new and I want to understand foreign men.
« Reply #27 on: November 26, 2010, 11:35:53 pm »
Hi Feng yan, Welcome,,Never give up your  pursuit of happiness, A while ago, i gave up trying to find my soul mate and in early this year i found my true love, Her name is Minying Li and we will be married in early January.
I have met many men here in Australia who treat their Asian wife's as slaves and also MENY MORE men who treat their wife's as the most important person in their lives,
Do not worry to much for your English ability as i , and probably many of the people here do not find this to be much of a problem, If you find a partner who is in love with you , Then he will do his best to learn much about you as he can and much about yourself and your culture,
Like every body here, I do wish you all the best in finding the right person for yourself, Please be careful and choose wisely.
Thank you! John. Very sincere thank you! This website makes me feel very cordial. Sincere greeting for you. Because you have found true love.
 Wish you happiness!

                                                        Blessings from China:rachel
Tao with god


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Re: I am new and I want to understand foreign men.
« Reply #28 on: December 03, 2010, 04:19:37 pm »
Hello Rachel,

I am new on this forum too. I am 54. I'm American, but live in Germany. I have been a widower since 2008. I do not call myself a Christian, but I spent 2 1/2 years studing to be a preacher in the Church of Christ. I am a fork lift driver for a trucking company in Straubing Germany. I live alone in a 100 year old farm house with my two cats. I speak English and German. I would like to learn Chinese someday.

Personally I'm looking for someone that wants to be married and be loved. I don't give my love easy, but when I do its forever.

If you would like to chat with me email me.



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Re: I am new and I want to understand foreign men.
« Reply #29 on: December 06, 2010, 09:17:23 am »
Thank you Feng yan, Please forgive me for using your Chinese name but i do find them more beautiful than a western name,
Thank you for the kind words, and yes, I have found my true love, Her name is Minying and she is the most wonderful soul that i have met,
I am happy that you find happiness here in this web site and i hope you find your "true love" here or some where else, We all are looking for that some one special, I have found mine and the desire to be with her is so overwhelming sometimes it drives me to work long hours and sometimes seven days a week to keep me occupied, Be yourself and be cautious,,You seem to be a genuine person looking for love,,,There are a lot of men out there looking to take advantage of  a kind heart, Minying and myself wish you all the best in your quest. regards from Minying and John.