Author Topic: What do Chinese Women Look for in a Western Husband?  (Read 24436 times)

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Re: What do Chinese Women Look for in a Western Husband?
« Reply #30 on: January 10, 2011, 01:37:41 am »
Hi Sara,

As others have said, the husband/boyfriend (doesn't matter whether they are from an eastern or western culture) should always attempt to pay (at the very least).  It shows the respect your husband/boyfriend has for his girlfriend/wife and gives them face.

As for travelling the world on $3000, unfortunately that won't work.  In many other forums you will see how hard it is.  The problem is getting the visitor's visa.  Many countries require chinese citizens to get a visitor's visa before they can enter.  But to get that visa, you have to show that country that you will return back to China after entering the country.  That is the hard part.

$3000 will give you the chance to visit one country depending on which country it is.  Many will not require that much, but it is the minimum someone should have before they go visit another country.

David: $50 a day for food... depends on where you go.  In Asia, that will get you a few days of least for me it would...but that's why I like to eat where the locals eat (like hawker centres).... the food is generally better there.
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Offline sara

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Re: What do Chinese Women Look for in a Western Husband?
« Reply #31 on: January 10, 2011, 01:56:19 am »
     you are right. the marriage is loving each other in thier heart. and the honest for each other is important too in the marriage.  what do you think about the marriage if the one told lies about his money, his past life?
      what you said for holiday is normal travel that means you book the return tickets. if you have a chance to read that book you would know more skills for travelling  because booking the round tickets might be much cheap,  have free meal in the 5 star hotel,  very cheap air tickets  to another country........ what would happen if you have friends who live different countries. but the important thing is you need to have visa to the countries where you want to.
     i have the dream of travelling over the world ( maybe just some countries ) after i read that book. i will try it after i retired. i think everyone should have a dream in the life although a lot of people's dream couldn't become true. that is life so i am here and learn more from you. thanks.

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Re: What do Chinese Women Look for in a Western Husband?
« Reply #32 on: January 10, 2011, 01:59:03 am »
I have one suggestion for reducing the cost of travelling.  Try a home exchange.  I've done 3 trips where we swapped homes.  We got to spend a week or two in a real neighbourhood, with a home roughly equivalent to ours at not cost.  It is a great way to travel. 
My qin ai de is in Shanghai, and I'm not

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Re: What do Chinese Women Look for in a Western Husband?
« Reply #33 on: January 10, 2011, 02:16:20 am »
Sara I have a friend who lives in Zhuhai.What she did was she went to a travel agent.And they took care of the visa's for her.She has ben to Australia New Zealand,And Japan.It was a packaged tour so she had to stay with the travel company.She told me she had a good time.Maybe you could look into this.When you are ready to travel.If you haven't found the man you are looking for by then

Offline David E

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Re: What do Chinese Women Look for in a Western Husband?
« Reply #34 on: January 10, 2011, 02:34:01 am »

Yep...when I am in China I eat real well for a small fraction of $50 per day...but I love the local food and dont care if I never eat any Western food when I am in China. Some travellers cant stand the local food and are trapped into "expensive" Western diets that are not typical for their environment.

But if you are a Chinese person visiting a foreign country, you wont have your own usual food "on-tap" quite so easily. So you get more trapped into paying more for the specialised food you are used to, or eating the local food in restaraunts. $50 per day would only get you take-out junk food in Perth for instance. To eat good quaility food here...of any variety, we would expect to pay $50 per meal !!!

Ok, there are opportunities to eat for less in any country you visit...but gets a bit difficult if you dont know your way about !!

I guess what I am trying to say to Sara is that you can holiday on a shoe-string if you know how to go about it and are a seasoned traveller...but once a year "casual" tourism costs a bit more !!
« Last Edit: January 10, 2011, 02:58:42 am by David E »

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Re: What do Chinese Women Look for in a Western Husband?
« Reply #35 on: January 10, 2011, 02:43:24 am »
what do you think about the marriage if the one told lies about his money, his past life?   


I dont know how to give you a good answer to this question. If there are lies about money and the past life....then maybe you did not find out enough about each other BEFORE you are married ? is too late to find these things AFTER marriage.

But if you truly love each can sometimes forgive many things and begin a new life. If you cannot forgive...then it becomes divorce...I dont know any other answer to this problem.

By the way...5 star Hotels dont give free meals...only give breakfast free if that is included in your room rate.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2011, 03:33:32 am by David E »

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Re: What do Chinese Women Look for in a Western Husband?
« Reply #36 on: January 10, 2011, 03:20:22 am »
I have one suggestion for reducing the cost of travelling.  Try a home exchange.  I've done 3 trips where we swapped homes.  We got to spend a week or two in a real neighbourhood, with a home roughly equivalent to ours at not cost.  It is a great way to travel.

Have you tried finding one in China that you have done that with.  Not sure that will work in a secure home in China though.  How much would it cost to remove all the belongings from a home. Not many Chinese will leave belongings their whilst someone else is in their house without them.  Chinese are very security conscious - not many burglaries take place by the homes are like fort Knox.  Even balconies on tenth floors have security doors fitted to stop crooks who may climb up down the outside to them!!!

Willy The Lpndoner

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Paul Todd

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Re: What do Chinese Women Look for in a Western Husband?
« Reply #37 on: January 10, 2011, 04:12:11 am »
Sara, I wish you every success in finding a decent man and fulfilling your ambition to travel. Everyone should have a dream! ;D

Offline sara

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Re: What do Chinese Women Look for in a Western Husband?
« Reply #38 on: January 10, 2011, 08:46:42 pm »
   thanks a lot from my heart. i fell you are nice guy from reading your comments. i came here and learn more.  i will remeber it's too old to learn. i wlll keep learning from anywhere.
   thank for all nice guys here.

Offline halfpint

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Re: What do Chinese Women Look for in a Western Husband?
« Reply #39 on: January 10, 2011, 09:57:09 pm »
I have one suggestion for reducing the cost of travelling.  Try a home exchange.  I've done 3 trips where we swapped homes.  We got to spend a week or two in a real neighbourhood, with a home roughly equivalent to ours at not cost.  It is a great way to travel.

Have you tried finding one in China that you have done that with.  Not sure that will work in a secure home in China though.  How much would it cost to remove all the belongings from a home. Not many Chinese will leave belongings their whilst someone else is in their house without them.  Chinese are very security conscious - not many burglaries take place by the homes are like fort Knox.  Even balconies on tenth floors have security doors fitted to stop crooks who may climb up down the outside to them!!!

No, I've only done it in North America.  There are some homes in China on the website I use, but I havent tried it yet.

My qin ai de is in Shanghai, and I'm not

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: What do Chinese Women Look for in a Western Husband?
« Reply #40 on: January 11, 2011, 08:51:33 am »
   thanks a lot from my heart. i fell you are nice guy from reading your comments. i came here and learn more.  i will remeber it's too old to learn. i wlll keep learning from anywhere.
   thank for all nice guys here.

Maybe we should start a new thread on What Do Western Men look for in a Chinese Women.   This may give the newcomer ladies a better insight.   

But I guess Sara has learned one hard lesson and that is not to marry someone three days after meeting him face to face for the first time.    Get to know each other first.  Wait a month or two and probably she would not be in the position she is today.


Just one other point Sara. It does not help your case sending PMs that really annoy people and have half truths and inuendos
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,