Thanks guys, Neil I'm in the Okanagan Valley, best part of Canada, well thats what those of us that live here like to think. I'm not worried about forgetting my lovely lady in Shanghai Arnold, she's a special lady

. Mike I could write quite a bit, maybe i will one day. I'd like to, a couple of times I've sat down intending on doing that, but I've sat there not knowing how to start. I've been widowed for 2.5 years. For the 28 years before that I was with the most beautiful Chinese lady in the world. She was beautiful on the inside and outside, a very special lady. Cancer took her, she battled for almost 5 years, ultimately the body can't fight anymore.
I kind of hibernated for a couple of years after my dear wife passed away. I have 3 girls, they were 16, 14 and 6 years old when my wife passed away. I focused my time on raising them, that has helped me a lot. Then I decided I needed to start meeting people. I wasnt ready to date yet, didnt want to. I needed to start having some contact with people, ladies, I needed some interaction. So I decided to go on-line. I did some research. I looked at chnlove, but that website made no sense to me, no disrespect to those that have had success with it. I found another website, started chatting with this lady in Shanghai, that was in August. 4 months ago, and now my life is taking a new path. She was the 1st lady I started chatting with on a regular basis, havent been on the dating site since I met her. I think I bought a 3 or 6 month subscription, I havent used it since i met her. I told her when I met her I would stop going on the site. I told her my 1st impression of her was very good and I wanted to focus my attention on her. That was a very good decision on my part, I don't regret it.
We chat almost every day, we have since September when we began to realize we were looking for the same things. I'm lucky, I met a lady who reads, writes and speaks English very well, she owns her condo in a nice area in Shanghai, she has a great career. She actually does quite well. She has a son close to my youngest daughters age. We are nine years apart in age, other than that, we have a great deal in common.
My trip was fantastic, she was a very gracious host. She showed me Shanghai, Hangzhou and Zhujiajiao. I spent time with her son, I met an aunt and a cousin and her best friend. Fortunately her son really liked me and I liked him. I think he and my daughter would be very good siblings, they'd like each other. They both smile a lot!
Funny thing is, when I went on that dating site, I only went on to chat with people. I told myself I was not going to get involved with someone that lived 10,000 kms away from me. Who wants to deal with late night chatting?, being alone on a Friday night because you want to spend your hours in front of a computer?, having to travel almost 20 hours just to see your lady?, dealing with visa's, immigration, where to live? All that stuff. Only a nut would get involved with that. Well ,when you meet the right person, it isnt nutty anymore. All of a sudden all of those issues seem quite trivial. Hop on a plane to see a girl, hey no problem. Cant see each other for a few months, no problem, we'll just chat with each other, she's worth the wait. Maybe she can't move here, well, I could move there, maybe it would be a great experience for my now 9 year old daughter?
How your life can change so quickly. I dont know what the future holds, but I'm going to enjoy this experience as much as I can.