Author Topic: In a really bad position - Maybe?  (Read 7915 times)

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Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: In a really bad position - Maybe?
« Reply #30 on: November 02, 2010, 09:50:54 am »
Just why do you need a high power phone?  I can ring anywhere in the world on Skype and have no problem.  Are your customers on the moon?

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline Lain

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Re: In a really bad position - Maybe?
« Reply #31 on: November 02, 2010, 03:43:52 pm »
Just why do you need a high power phone?  I can ring anywhere in the world on Skype and have no problem.  Are your customers on the moon?


Its not a "high power" phone, its a VOIP voice over IP system that is part of my business systems. My company has a long established toll free number and this system runs my fax machine as well. It does not use much bandwidth per say, unless I am on the internet, while talking on the phone and sending a fax...then you start to run into bandwidth issues. The system is also tied into my cell phone and is highly integrated into my CRM system that is part of my new company software. Skype is NOT an option for my business. 

Offline Peter Arnold

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Re: In a really bad position - Maybe?
« Reply #32 on: November 03, 2010, 12:46:31 am »
Hi Lain,
I've been away for two days, so just read your progress.
I think your doing well and have responded well to the situation. And I have admired your honesty. I understand you not wanting to burn bridges, as you have invested a lot of time and money with this woman. I am sure you will know what to do as things progress. Keep on keeping on Lain. It doesn't matter how old we get, we still keep learning, and most of the times, it is from our 'mistakes'.
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Re: In a really bad position - Maybe?
« Reply #33 on: November 04, 2010, 04:52:17 pm »
Just why do you need a high power phone?  I can ring anywhere in the world on Skype and have no problem.  Are your customers on the moon?

Yea Willy he doesn't  need a high power phone. Just a good 21st century internet connection.
I do remember the days we would have killed for 1.3mps. Now a days it's like what dial-up was to us a few years ago.
Jimmy Henson

Offline Kiwi303

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Re: In a really bad position - Maybe?
« Reply #34 on: November 05, 2010, 01:38:39 am »
I do remember the days we would have killed for 1.3mps. Now a days it's like what dial-up was to us a few years ago.

I'm on 31.2 Kbps... thats "b" not "B" for the nerds!

And my throughput is lucky to average 12.5%...

Bloody rural copper line laid in the 1960's!

I'm in a hollow in a valley blocking wireless/cellular modems, and a whacking great mountain between me and the satellite on the horizon! When this house was built in the 1930's no-one thought about keeping a clear line of sight to the internet satellite :D

I'm looking forward to China :D forget the stereotype my mother has of a repressive tyrannical communist country of backward, rice growing peasants with straw hats bossed over my jackbooted party thugs, I'm looking forward to a thriving metropolis with DECENT INTERNET! Not to forget the pretty women :P

Good luck with your shift Lain, hopefully it'll be painless and you can get your income stream flowing smoothly again soon.

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: In a really bad position - Maybe?
« Reply #35 on: November 05, 2010, 03:40:37 am »
Ha Kiwi , Maybe you should show your Mum - China Daily .com , one day they might even have some news about Kiwi land , if you have not been there yet boy you are in for a big suprise , even the small cities have a population 3 times that of New Zealand and several have pops more than all of Australia , and yes the ladies are blinders , regards Sujuan and Robert .
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Offline Lain

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Re: In a really bad position - Maybe?
« Reply #36 on: November 05, 2010, 04:09:50 am »
Well, at the last moment (actually the very last) I chose to stay in Xiaolan where she was coming home too. This is where we were going to live together, and its where I had made all my plans to live before moving from the states. We traveled by high speed rail from Shaoguan to Guangzhou than got on a bus. Most of the way she took a nap, but she talked with me a few times and made some gestures to me that she still cares for me, nothing major....but I understood.

When the bus stopped in Xiaolan, the plan was for me to continue on to Zhongshan.....but only a few minutes before we arrived I could see the look of happiness on her face, she was pointing out places she likes and she was once more the lady I had come to love so much. So at the last minute, I chose to get off the bus with her and check into a hotel. I called the shipping company and told them to send my stuff to the new hotel and we then went to have dinner together....some of her friends met up with us and I could tell almost instantly that Xiaolan is where she always wanted us to be.....later that night her friends took us to a really cool club and we partied until 4am.....we were both really happy.

Even though we are still only going to be friends, with a chance that we could get back together again, I have chosen to focus on getting my life strait and my business back on track. I am still desperate to get some help locating an apartment...I am hoping to secure a place over the weekend, than get going with what I need to do so that I can live here on my own. I think in part she was not ready to handle me being so dependent upon her to survive in China?...I am sure she wanted to do her best, but living in Shaoguan was a major problem for her since she did not know her way around the city and she had to depend on her sister....who she did not get along was complicated to say the least.

So, now I am staying at a hotel with a "modern" internet connection, have been able to get lots of work done and perform updates and backups to my network that were impossible in Shaoguan. I am so happy to be here I could almost cry....if I EVER return to Shaoguan, there better be a really damn good reason...and I will not stay more than 3 days unless I am getting paid too!!!

My future plan is to as mentioned focus on my life, put a nice little apartment together and try to make some new friends. I do not know if there are any westerners living here?....but  think I need to find at least a couple of English speaking people to keep my sanity and help me until I get some Mandarin in my vocabulary. If we ever get back together it will be with a different understanding of how the relationship will work, but I am not even going to think much abut it at this point. I am glad she still wants to be friends, going to dinner or to a club with someone you know is always a good thing....besides that now I can buy nice things for myself and she will see what she is missing out on. I am not a wealthy person by any standards, but the $US dollar goes along way here and life can be good if you do a little planning.

I will not consider any relationship above "friend" status for at least the next 30-60 days. There is simply too much to learn about China, its customs and cultures to expect any relationship to work out until I get more accustomed to this new place....I now call home.

I will still need some help from some folks, Willy I may be calling you over the weekend if some of my plans do not go well. I need a local translator really bad to help me with securing an apartment and some other things...I know your about 30 minutes by bus south of me, so unless I really need to  will not impose upon ya, but if you know a translator who can come to Xiaolan to help....give me call.

I may be down, but I am not out....just need to rethink what I THOUGHT I already knew about life here.....reality is a harsh teacher. :o

Offline Peter Arnold

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Re: In a really bad position - Maybe?
« Reply #37 on: November 05, 2010, 04:24:56 am »
Hi Lain,
Glad you feel more settled. I know that feeling of feeling helpless in China without someone to help you. It is good that you are feeling your way through this thing a step at a time. I hope you can source some English speaking people. I know how that feels too! Keep on keeping on.
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Offline Lain

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Re: In a really bad position - Maybe?
« Reply #38 on: November 09, 2010, 04:56:50 am »
I belong to no religion....however I do believe in "higher powers", and I have in my years noticed that sometimes people will enter into your just the right time, and moment.

So, as everyone knows I have ended up in Xiaolan, girlfriend (ex) was useless to help even though she told me she would....feeling majorly overwhelmed, have to start all over, find new apartment and ya know all rest...So I am out just riding my bike around with no direction, just looking around and trying to gain a clear perspective. I stopped at a 3 way intersection on the sidewalk to take a drink and see if I can remember the way back to my hotel. Just then I look at the shop right behind me and notice pictures of homes and apartments on the walls, so I bust out my Besta-7000 translation tool and walk in....the person sitting at the desk actually spoke decent enough English to understand my needs, showed me 5 apartments and yesterday I signed the lease and he even took care of getting ALL my services connected along with the internet I require AND will even take me to the local police station to register with them... :) ...I move in tomorrow !!

Now here is where it gets REALLY interesting. As I was unlocking my bike and saying goodbye to the rental office agent on the sidewalk, and a blond haired girl walks up to me and says hello....She is from England and is here with 6 others teaching English at a small school.... :o

We chat for almost half an hour and then she says the group was all going out to dinner that night and asked me to come along....SO, now I have an apartment, everything I need will be installed or completed by the end of the week....and I now have a group of English speaking friends that know the city, can help me find my way around and hang out with when I have a real need to talk to somebody who UNDERSTANDS ME!!

Your life can change in only one week.....I was at rock bottom, now I floating on the surface, in another couple weeks I will find my direction and be back on my path to living my life here in China. HOWEVER, I have chosen that until I can function as a person without ANY help to live here, I will not seek a girlfriend...New friends to hang out with yes, but an affair of the heart....sorry, there are just too many things that I need to learn about life in China before I try that again. China truly is a much different culture, and I have allot to learn about so I do not get burned again.

To everyone who chatted with me, gave me moral support or offers to actually help....THANKS, sometimes just a person to chat with is all you need to stay on track.

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: In a really bad position - Maybe?
« Reply #39 on: November 09, 2010, 08:46:11 am »
That is all great news Lain , see not so hard after all , you never know what leads to wherever in China so great and goodluck , but try not to fall in love with a pommie ha ha , regards Sujuan and Robert .
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Offline JamesM.Roberts

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Re: In a really bad position - Maybe?
« Reply #40 on: November 09, 2010, 11:14:16 am »
I will simply echo everyone else here- and say nice to hear this good news Lain!!
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Offline odysseus007

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Re: In a really bad position - Maybe?
« Reply #41 on: December 28, 2010, 01:08:22 pm »
Hmm, I just got back here after a long hiatus, and it seems you have turned the situation around like a regular 007  :)

Lain, you were getting screwed, but now methinks you are gonna get
Laid (one way or another)  ^_^

Congrats! (belatedly) & all the best, buddy!

Happy New Year!
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