Author Topic: Re: Scott and Xiangbin--update  (Read 2133 times)

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Offline David E

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Re: Scott and Xiangbin--update
« on: December 08, 2010, 04:08:39 pm »

Whilst I appreciate the sentiment and the humour about you getting the "acid" about being wasteful with $3.99 a month, there is a more serious side to this subject.

I have to admit I am getting a bit bored with this constant obsession from my lady about being frugal and not wasting money.

I went thru the same issue....I paid a very small amount of money ($9.50 per month) for Ming to have her cell phone set up for International roaming, in case she wants to contact me by phone when I am away on Business....I got heaps of flak for wasting money...nothing would persuade her that this amount of money would not wreck my life and result in me not being able to eat !!!!

Like most guys here, I work hard for my money and I deserve the luxury of spending what I need to , to make life cant take it with you when you go !!!

I'll give you an example....I love cherries (the fruit) and because of our hot climate, they wont grow here, they are imported and only available for about 3 weeks each year...

I was on QQ the other day with her, and I was eating my cherries.....she asked what I was eating....and in horror said "must not buy cherries, too expensive, waste of money, you will go bancrupt, better eat apples instead, very cheap, very healthy. We spent the next 30 minutes discussing this, and she would not budge from her position that I was wasting money.

If for 3 weeks each year, spending say $20 on my favourite fruit is going to bring eternal dammnation, then life is not worth living !!!!!!!

I have tried on hundreds of occasions to "gently" tell her to back off on this crusade of hers to make me into a miser and watch every cent I spend...I just dont work that way !!

I can see that this could be a real pressure point in the future and dont want it to spoil anything.

Anybody got any advice as to how to get her to change her attitude...without bloodshed  :( :(
« Last Edit: December 08, 2010, 04:17:29 pm by David E »

Vince G

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Re: Re: Scott and Xiangbin--update
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2010, 05:30:24 pm »
You know sometimes it's best to just say two words....Yes Dear


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Re: Re: Scott and Xiangbin--update
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2010, 05:38:54 pm »
Or just say ... Wo bu ming bai !
                       Ni ming bai ma ?

Sorry Scott , we'll let you have your Thread back soo...... I mean now .


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Re: Scott and Xiangbin--update
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2010, 01:21:23 pm »
Great example Scott , we do need to understand their way of thinking ( but that takes time of course ) and get them use to " OUR " ways .
I'm also thinking ahead already , when the time comes to go to the Dentist here . Check-up's - Cleaning - Whitening Teeth ect. , I don't know her way of doing those things herself back Home ? I'm slowly just letting it fall into place itself , by mentioning it about having it done to myself . One does not rush into these situations .
Well , hope other's write more on how their Wife's feels about our Med's and ways of doing things . Like Qing had an Urinary Infection and at first she was very reluctant to take over the Counter Medication , but after trusting me .. she did and it was gone a few days later . It does show , a simple thing can be quite difficult for us to find the right answer .. so neither of us get's upset . We can't have everything Perfect !
« Last Edit: December 11, 2010, 01:24:08 pm by Arnold »