Author Topic: the frugal wife  (Read 3613 times)

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Offline maxx

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the frugal wife
« on: December 08, 2010, 07:26:47 pm »
I think I can offer some help here.In most cases what Vince is saying is true.Just say Yes dear and let it go.In other cases.Like Arnold and Scott.Where your wife lives with you.You are going to have to explain to them.That the little joy's in life.Are not going to break the bank.And once your ladies have spent some time in your country.And have got out and actually seen some of it.They do get a better Idea.Of how it actually works.

My wife has the same attitude.Your wife's do about spending money.My wife will not spend a nickle on clothes for herself.It is all about buying the boys new clothes.And me new clothes.So after about a year.Her clothes were getting really worn.And I kept telling my wife that.We could actually afford to buy her some new clothes.Along with the boy's new clothes.She gave me the Chinese evil eye.And told me that I was just crazy.And that she would buy new clothes in China.So we went to China.And of course she didn't buy herself any clothes.Her and her mother went and bought Tristan a whole bunch of clothes.When I asked her where her new clothes were.She told me she didn't need any.

So we came back to the states. I went to the store.And bought my wife some clothes.And gave them to her.She pulled them out of the bag.Looks at them.And lays them on top of the dresser.A couple of days latter she starts wearing some of the clothes.The next time we are in the store.She tells me that she wants to buy.Herself some new clothes.I have never had to shop for my wife again.

The same thing happened with the special food she wants to eat.Her computer.And her TV.They all learn after a while.That they cannot live without life's little pleasures.No matter what the cost.It just takes them time to adapt.My wifes  TV runs me 30.00 dollars a month.It gets nothing.But Chinese TV.Her food bill.Including Chinese food runs to Albuquerque run me probably.300 a month.Clothes personell items probably 300 to 400 spread over about six months.

My wife says nothing to me any more about spending money.As long as I remember to buy whatever it is on sale.And if it is consumable goods like cigarettes and Dr pepper.She wants me to buy it in bulk.Anybody want to buy unopened cans of fruit cocktail.They were on sale for 10 cans for 10.00 For the last month.I think we have about 20 cans left.

What is that I hear comming from the master bedroom.Do I hear Chinese TV.And the Russel of a bag of Chinese watermelon seeds.Where would my wife get a bag of Chinese watermelon seeds.She probably bought them at the Pan American Asian Market in Colo.Springs Co. Last week when We were in Canon City.Visiting my family.I think thoose watermelon seeds are kind of pricey.

Guys they do learn to adapt.And they do get over being so thrifty.With your money.And with thiere money.Like all things with a Chinese woman.It just takes a little time.And you have to grin and bare it till they figure it out.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2010, 11:16:26 pm by maxx »

Offline JamesM.Roberts

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Re: the frugal wife
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2010, 10:22:22 am »
Dear Maxx I know I could get banned for my next comment-you being the global moderator and all- but you wrote..
 "I went to the store.And bought my wife some clothes.And gave them to her.She pulled them out of the bag.Looks at them.And lays them on top of the dresser.A couple of days latter she starts wearing some of the clothes.The next time we are in the store.She tells me that she wants to buy.Herself some new clothes.I have never had to shop for my wife again."
I have to ask.... were they nice looking clothes? As I read this, all I could picture was a beautiful Chinese Lady wearing, what could only be described as a over sized golfing outfit. So I am asking did you trick her into thinking ....that if you want something done right, you do it yourself??
Anyone can pick up an apple off the ground, but the sweeter ones take a little work to get to!!


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Re: the frugal wife
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2010, 12:01:57 pm »
James , you know I'm going to ban your A** for this !

On the other Hand , I like you too much  ;) . That was smart from Maxx , as I live by .. want something done right .. do it yourself .

Offline maxx

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Re: the frugal wife
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2010, 06:48:46 pm »
James the clothes I bought.Were just fine.They were the right size.Junior miss petite.The problem with the clothes.Were they were not the style or the right color of clothes.That she would of bought for herself.

So yes thiere was a lesson involved.My wife had done the same thing to me on numerous occasion.She had asked me to pick something up from the store for her.And when I got home with whatever it was.It was not the right thing or it was made by the wrong company.Or it was the wrong color.Or she thought I spent to much money.

So after listening to her wine about it a couple of times.I tell my wife now.That if she wants something that she has to go with me.And pick it out herself.That way I don't buy the wrong thing.The clothes thing.Was just to reinforce it with her.I knew before I bought the clothes.That they would be the wrong style and color.And a Chinese woman would not wear something like the clothes I bought.Now she has learned the lesson.And she buys clothes that she likes.

Offline Martin

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Re: the frugal wife
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2010, 07:13:00 pm »
In reality, he probably bought her coveralls, and over sized clothes.  The guy is from New Mexico...what could he possibly know about style?


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Re: the frugal wife
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2010, 07:33:14 pm »
In reality, he probably bought her coveralls, and over sized clothes.  The guy is from New Mexico...what could he possibly know about style?

Maybe even bought at a Second-hand Store or Goodwill . Might still had some Taco Stain's on them from the previous owner . After trying to remove them with Dr. Pepper with no luck , he just put them on the Dresser to see what will happen . This way , it was not only cheap .. but also a smart/frugal Buy .

Offline shaun

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Re: the frugal wife
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2010, 08:10:22 pm »
Come on Martin... he was at least able to choose the right woman.  ;D  Of course having been all over New Mexico I can see where you are coming from with the exception of SE New Mexico.  The mountains are very nice there.

Offline maxx

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Re: the frugal wife
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2010, 01:38:34 am »
Hey you schmucks I bought the clothes from Sack's fifth Ave.Of Farmington New Mexico.They cost me more money then what you grease monkeys make in a month.Well no not really.I bought them at a women's Store here in Farmington.And they weren't that expensive.

Shaun where we live at.If I look north I can see the Rockies the San Juans And the La plata mountains.It is a thirty minute drive to the La plata mountains.If I look east I can see the Sangre DE Cristo mountains.It takes about 3 hours to drive thiere.If I look west.I can see Shiprock on the rez.And the mystery mountains in Arizona.This is the ass end of hell.But it sure has a nice view.

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: the frugal wife
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2010, 01:44:27 am »
Gee Maxx , glad I read that last entry 2 times , the first time I thought it said you bought a Sack of clothes on 5 th Avenue in Farmington , ha ha , :D .
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Re: the frugal wife
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2010, 04:48:10 am »

Shaun where we live at.If I look north I can see the Rockies the San Juans And the La plata mountains.It is a thirty minute drive to the La plata mountains.If I look east I can see the Sangre DE Cristo mountains.It takes about 3 hours to drive thiere.If I look west.I can see Shiprock on the rez.And the mystery mountains in Arizona.This is the ass end of hell.But it sure has a nice view.
Get them to demolish them Maxx and you'll get a better view,

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,