Author Topic: LoveCall Service Available on Chnlove  (Read 8564 times)

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Offline Alex_Lee

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Re: LoveCall Service Available on Chnlove
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2010, 09:13:29 pm »
I always thought on this forum, you guys have open heart and mind to accept and discuss new things. but now it seems not the case. Has any one of you ever used this call service. Tell us your experience. Most of you had found your love, but it is not your pride to criticize everything and dishearten those who are still looking...

Offline mustfocus

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Re: LoveCall Service Available on Chnlove
« Reply #16 on: December 11, 2010, 09:30:38 pm »
Hi Alex,

I think it's quite the opposite.  You saw the price breakdown of what it would cost to speak to your ladyfriend if you use this service.  When you compare that to how much it would cost to speak to your lady through skype or MSN or Yahoo or QQ, you can tell what the others are complaining about.

Their complaints might be valid.  If it were something like one credit for 5 or 10 minutes of talk time with your lady (especially if you can do it with the assistance of a webcam), then it might be worth it.  But at potentially $3 a minute, you could spend quite a bit of cash in a short time.

I am quite skeptical about this, but then again, I also refuse to use chnlove....
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Re: LoveCall Service Available on Chnlove
« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2010, 10:10:09 pm »
My regular phone service for international calling is $10.00 a month and .11¢ a minute. I think the first call I made there was like 2 1/2 hour call. Just about any call was about 2 hours long. Now if I was using their service, figure what that would cost me? Sorry I'm not an idiot.

Offline Alex_Lee

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Re: LoveCall Service Available on Chnlove
« Reply #18 on: December 11, 2010, 11:29:18 pm »
so we are now talking about the price, I do think it is very expensive. Let's say, it is better to pack the service to 5 minutes a credit, 15 minutes 2 credits, 25 minutes 3 credit, etc as they  do to pack the credits. It takes time to communicate on phone, especially of different languages. So, if anyone of us wish to use this service, we better make a suggestion to them instead of making useless complain here...


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Re: LoveCall Service Available on Chnlove
« Reply #19 on: December 11, 2010, 11:45:07 pm »
Alex , who says our Complains are Useless ? You do ! We are here to warn People of getting ripped off and that is in ANY way from anybody and from whoever that might try it .
You sound like your Working for them and loosing Money . We are here for everybody that thinks we are helping them , if one thinks otherwise .. I can't show you the Door .. but I can Ban you if this get's to Personal and aimed at ANY of our Member's .

Offline shaun

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Re: LoveCall Service Available on Chnlove
« Reply #20 on: December 11, 2010, 11:46:08 pm »

Many of us played their game for a long time, got burned, watched the site explain away the money we spent and come up with more ways to separate men from their cash.  The women get ripped off too.  So if some of seem cynical please excuse us we've been there and done that.  You could choose to glean from our experiences and bypass the cynicism we have.

Those of us who have been burned found better ways, for us, to find the woman of our dreams and the key factor through out this site is in putting more control into the hands of the man.

There are men who have had success on this site too.  I think reading these posts you will find that there are people on both sides of the issues and somehow we manage to respect each other.  But the information is there to read both positive and negative.  Really you are fortunate to be able to read the differing sides to these issues and as had been said used that which fits you best.  Another way of saying it is eat the meat and spit out the bones.

So as you read realize that on this site you will find more than one answer to a question, rather look for the diversity, find your comfort zone work through it.

Good luck in your quest,


Offline David E

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Re: LoveCall Service Available on Chnlove
« Reply #21 on: December 12, 2010, 02:50:21 am »

They've already de-stacked the price of the phone calls....if you buy 5 credits, they are at full rate, if you buy 100 credits they are much cheaper.

So if you want "cheap" phone 100 credits !!!

Its a bit hard for me to let your comment go under the radar. You know full well that many guys here (me included) have been down the EMF trap many, many times.

There is a mountain of evidence here on the Forum that CHNLove and most of its Agencies are very good at weaving and diving with ethics as they try to get men to buy EMF credits...again and again and again !!!

And it is evidence we have...hard, factual, actual, gold -plated evidence...not opinion and hearsay.

I would be very sure that the constant message we have in the Forum about asking CHNLove for private emails for the women we correspond with coupled with the demand for "real" photos, added to the request to meet them on QQ or similar must have awakened CHNLove that they have a bit of a credibility problem on their hands.

So what are they to do ??..... to guarantee that their "river" of EMF revenue does not run dry...well, they invented a way for men to have this "real" contact, and still retain their revenue...the phone EMF !!

If CHNLove was to be completely trusted, then this is a reasonable way to go...but we know better here.

But nobody is telling you or anybody else not to do it. If you go into this thing with your eyes wide open, then you cant claim "scam" somewhere down the track. Pays yer money, takes yer choice"  ;D ;D

All of us would admit that some Agencies are ethical and honourable and they get the bad name second hand from the behaviour of the rest.

I am sorry for them, but you know the old saying "Its a bit hard to soar like an eagle, when you are flying with turkeys"

This forum is for opinions and it or not, all of it wont suit all people...some of the info you like, some you dont.

But dont shoot the messenger.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2010, 03:17:21 am by David E »

Offline Alex_Lee

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Re: LoveCall Service Available on Chnlove
« Reply #22 on: December 12, 2010, 08:25:28 pm »
Dear all, you are always helpful, and I appreciate your comments, we are just here talking about something, so let us clam down and don't be aggressive~

Arnold, I know you are the Moderator, and you have always been reasonable, please do not use "ban" when you hear different voice and say I was working for them. It is getting a little bit too far~ :'(


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Re: LoveCall Service Available on Chnlove
« Reply #23 on: December 12, 2010, 11:05:58 pm »
Dear all, you are always helpful, and I appreciate your comments, we are just here talking about something, so let us clam down and don't be aggressive~

Arnold, I know you are the Moderator, and you have always been reasonable, please do not use "ban" when you hear different voice and say I was working for them. It is getting a little bit too far~ :'(

Alex , maybe I came over a little hard on you , but when looking back .. you just jump in here and " Promote " this outrageous calling plan they offer . When I myself call China all day and night for a mare 2 cent's a minute . What is one to think other then , you must be working for them .. for you to get aggressive toward other's talking this over among themselves . Your opinion is welcomed just like other's , but coming over on a totally opposite page .. you need to explain your point better for us here to understand .. WHY ?

PS: I myself can't Ban anybody on my own , this is always up to a Voting among all the Mod's .

Offline Alex_Lee

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Re: LoveCall Service Available on Chnlove
« Reply #24 on: December 13, 2010, 05:13:49 am »
Arnold, thanks for getting back to me, I thought you would just ban me without hearing another word from me, LOL

No I did not promote the service, if my post gave you such impression, I apologize. I just like to go against the lopsided reviews on a new thing. If this caused any of you unpleasant feeling, please excuse me. I have read your comments and believed that most of you have hit the point on the cost. The truth is, none of us have really used the service, so probably it is not very fair for us to say whether it worth, or let's say, it is another scam. Just like you can buy shoes at a luxury shopping mall, the price can be twice or several times more than a normal retailer, we will say they are too expensive or crazy, but we will not say it is scam. Right? I am not sure whether I made the correct comparison. LOL

Anyway, I just returned to this forum, maybe I am getting to excited and said some improper words. If I had violated this forum's member terms, I respect your Voting to ban me. But before that, I should at least receive a warning for a chance to make correction. Like just to keep silent~ ;)

Offline Mag00

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Re: LoveCall Service Available on Chnlove
« Reply #25 on: December 22, 2010, 01:17:33 am »
 Although I am a noob, I instantly heard bells and sirens going off about the love call thing...I am doing the EMF thing with alovely lady and have accepted to a point the fees for the service. But the outrageous lovecall charges are insane..I look for them to curtail, or drastically revamp the cost structure soon.But another site has amuch better rip.. It costs credits to open the first admire letter... and if you wish a phone number or address ... you guessed it..but wait.. If you order flowers or candy at 200.00 plus USD you can get the info"FREE" oh what a deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BTW I did not think Alex was pimping the lovecall thing at all he stated it was the CL words and at the end asked for responses...only seemed he was interested in real world .. can't fault the man.. cheers


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Re: LoveCall Service Available on Chnlove
« Reply #26 on: December 27, 2010, 08:46:02 am »
Hi all,

Here in Germany we have three ways to call China. The normal T-com rate is about .04€¢ per minute or one of the "cheap" call networks is around .01€¢. The third way is T-com's flat rate to China, that's 14.95€ per month, anywhere in China (and most of Asia), no time limit etc. At the moment I have T-com's flat rate to North America, that's 6€ per month. Of course we are also able to use Skype and QQ too. I've noticed that few people in China use Skype. So I'm working on getting QQ working on my Windows XP laptop. It a pity that QQ does not have a good interface for Linux.  :(

Jim in Germany

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Re: LoveCall Service Available on Chnlove
« Reply #27 on: December 27, 2010, 05:20:29 pm »
Mike, I also have the Skype prepaid for the year ($70AUD) and received an additional 120 minutes a month talk time for paying the bill in one go totaling 520 minutes per month.  If I do not use them in the month they then go back to the company so therefore I have given Xia access to my skype account and she calls everyone on the computer now if she is at home instead of on her mobile phone.  Makes it easier so she does not have to pay a mobile phone bill and if we are talking skype to skype or on qq as everyone knows you do not pay for this.

It works for us and if she saves a few RMB by not having a big phone bill she is happy.  And a happy MRS is a happy laowai.
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Re: LoveCall Service Available on Chnlove
« Reply #28 on: December 27, 2010, 08:17:42 pm »
Hi all,

Last I looked Skype here costs about 10€ per month and that gets you 1000 minutes per month. Not bad really.


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Re: LoveCall Service Available on Chnlove
« Reply #29 on: January 07, 2011, 11:39:21 pm »
From:   Dan Ruble
To:  Customer Care
Date:   31 Dec, 2010 GMT
The price you have for this "service" is rediculously overpriced.. I look for you to either drop this service as it is insanely expensive..or to drastically rethink the cost of this ... I am NOT the only one appalled by this exorbitant amount..Look at the bad name this pricing is getting .. I ahve not seen a single post ANYWHERE that feels it is reasonable try something realistic..It is aphone call, not a Ferrari rental...With thismove This site is becoming more like a nother site that has stupid pricing policies... THAT One that i will not spend a dime with. EVER..Sincerley, disgusted
And I got this reply that looks like the gibberish of someone that worked at both public relations  for  GM and the US Government prior to CHNlove.>From:   Flora Tsui (Customer Care)
To:   Dan Ruble
Date:   01 Jan, 2011 GMT
Dear Dan,

Thanks for your message. Firstly, we would like to take this chance to wish you a Happy New Year. May love and happiness finds you in this new year!

Firstly, we can understand your feeling at this moment. Our record shows that you have been a member of Chnlove for a long time. Here we would like to thank you for your support to our service. For your query below, we are very grateful for your attention to our new service--Love Call. As you may notice that we are introducing Phone Call service (Love Call) at present which enables our gentlemen to have phone conversation with their ladies directly.

By the way, before using the Lovecall service, we advise our clients to shop around, know and understand your calling patterns. Fees charged are associated with the real time translation service and international calling infrastructure cost. Chnlove charges members on the pay-as-you-go basis. They are perfect for clients who do not use international calls very often so they do not need to subscribe an expensive package at the beginning. We will stop charging members once they stop using the service. The result is that it is up to the clients to decide if it will be worth them continuing to use this valuable service. Still, we are collecting feedback from our sincere gentlemen for futhur improvement. We welcome any suggestion from our distinguished clients and hope you will witness the progress of our site.

Thanks again for your support to our service. Please feel free to let us know if you have additional question or concern. We'll be glad to help our sincere clients.

Kind regards,
Flora Tsui
ChnLove Support Team