They've already de-stacked the price of the phone calls....if you buy 5 credits, they are at full rate, if you buy 100 credits they are much cheaper.
So if you want "cheap" phone 100 credits !!!
Its a bit hard for me to let your comment go under the radar. You know full well that many guys here (me included) have been down the EMF trap many, many times.
There is a mountain of evidence here on the Forum that CHNLove and most of its Agencies are very good at weaving and diving with ethics as they try to get men to buy EMF credits...again and again and again !!!
And it is evidence we have...hard, factual, actual, gold -plated evidence...not opinion and hearsay.
I would be very sure that the constant message we have in the Forum about asking CHNLove for private emails for the women we correspond with coupled with the demand for "real" photos, added to the request to meet them on QQ or similar must have awakened CHNLove that they have a bit of a credibility problem on their hands.
So what are they to do ??..... to guarantee that their "river" of EMF revenue does not run dry...well, they invented a way for men to have this "real" contact, and still retain their revenue...the phone EMF !!
If CHNLove was to be completely trusted, then this is a reasonable way to go...but we know better here.
But nobody is telling you or anybody else not to do it. If you go into this thing with your eyes wide open, then you cant claim "scam" somewhere down the track. Pays yer money, takes yer choice"

All of us would admit that some Agencies are ethical and honourable and they get the bad name second hand from the behaviour of the rest.
I am sorry for them, but you know the old saying "Its a bit hard to soar like an eagle, when you are flying with turkeys"
This forum is for opinions and it or not, all of it wont suit all people...some of the info you like, some you dont.
But dont shoot the messenger.