Author Topic: If you need advice and help from an in-service chnlove agency translator  (Read 33124 times)

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Offline Proteus

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What kind of post is this?

Offline maxx

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Danny it sounds like the person is telling us that they are a translater.for one of the agencies.


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I agree with Vince...we have questions.

Offline Irishman

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Proteus, nice to have you here.
If you are a genuine translator for one of the agencies then I'm sure there will be a flood of questions for you.

Guys there is no way Proteus is going to say what agency they work for as that likely to be risky to their job.

I'm not sure what you can do to prove your genuineness bar the quality of your posts.
If you are who you say you are then you are welcome here by me at least, with open arms.
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Hi Proteus,

I'm going to get the ball rolling here.

Have you ever read an emf from a chnlove member and thought that's completely the wrong response to write to the letter a lady just wrote him?, like maybe he misunderstood what the lady was saying?

Similarly, have you ever come across a situation where a guy has written an emf and the lady has misunderstood the context correctly of his emf?

I suppose I'm asking how much of what you do is cultural translation as well as literal translation?
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Was Proteus a prank or just got too shy to respond?;)
I agree does look like Customer Care...but since we obviously have their attention, this kind of communication is a good thing.
Quote from: 'Proteus' pid='4493' dateline='1243826014'

Hi, sameldrum1. Thank you for your questions, especially the second, which gives me hints of how other agencies work.

1. About the topic of insult. When the lady feels your request is a test of her authenticity, she will naturally feel disappointed, sometimes even insulted. No lady welcomes doubts to haunt in a relationship she is trying to develop. If you give her the impression that you are comparing her dignity with money, her feeling to you will get even worse. The figure of 50% (who will get insulted) is my personal estimation. I have here an example on the men side which might help you to understand the psychology. In a relationship of a lady and gentleman who met through our agency, the lady asked the man (under our guide) to sent her cpoy of his flight tickets ( to check if he is coming to see only her), the man got annoyed, if not irritated.

The example you gave about the lady asking for a copy of the flight tickets doesn't compare, because in both cases the man is paying for the EMF letters, and also paying for the trip to China. I understand that the women do pay a large membership fee to join an agency, but this is a general fee, not a fee to communicate with one specific man.  We are concerned about communicating genuinely with a woman, and without the verifications such as pictures with our name or flowers with a photo, or talking on the phone or using webcam, we are at the total mercy of the agency/translator to have integrity and not be scamming us.  Unfortunately, if you have ready many of the posts in this forum, there are several men who did not take any precautions before going to China and then found the woman had NEVER written any of the letters to them.  

This conversation should not be all from the viewpoint of the woman or the Chinese should also include the viewpoint from the men, and each agency needs to take that into consideration.

Guys, do you really think that one simple agency translator is taking this much time from his life to answer our questions so thoroughly??? I could be wrong, but it just seems so obvious an attempt by the main organization from Hong Kong to get their viewpoint in here.  I really wouldn't mind that at all, except I think it's being done in disguise, and that is the part that is VERY OFFENSIVE to this Western man!

This person is much too eloquent and intelligent to be a simple translator from an agency...most of them are just out of college and the earnings I'm sure are meager.  

Let the mask (and spin) continue...just realize what is probably going on...
it just seems so obvious an attempt by the main organization from Hong Kong to get their viewpoint in here.

This person is typing to us from Shenzhen, not Hong Kong.  Also, they are as welcome here as anyone.  Are far as being far too eloquent or intelligent...I do not know where you are basing this, as my own translator speaks excellent English.
Quote from: 'sameldrum1'
Guys, do you really think that one simple agency translator is taking this much time from his life to answer our questions so thoroughly? Let the mask (and spin) continue...just realize what is probably going on...

Scott, Let me assure you nobody gets past me. I won't be made a fool by no one. I've been on computers since before there were PC's and on the internet from the beginning. I know all the tricks. The translator is real. The translator works for an agency and not from the chnlove office in HK.
Well, ChnLove has a person operating out of the UK so they can set up anywhere. I agree with Scott. We'll take the info for what it's worth. By now, we should all know what to look for and what to avoid when contacting a lady.  Stilll too generalized in responses ... corporated type answers.
Quote from: 'Martin' pid='4546' dateline='1243875688'

it just seems so obvious an attempt by the main organization from Hong Kong to get their viewpoint in here.

This person is typing to us from Shenzhen, not Hong Kong.  Also, they are as welcome here as anyone.  Are far as being far too eloquent or intelligent...I do not know where you are basing this, as my own translator speaks excellent English.


As I said, I could be wrong...I'm giving my opinion...I didn't say they weren't welcome...

I'm glad to hear why you are so certain they are coming from Shenzhen, and not some place else...just stating it doesn't make it true.

I am basing the eloquence and intelligence on my experience writing many, many women, from several different agencies, each using different translators...also, I have written responses to Chnlove customer care, and the writing is much more in tune with the main organization than any translator I have used.  That's all I have to base it on.

To me, it just doesn't add up that one agency translator has taken this all on by him or herself.  Odds are much better that it is from the main organization.  That's still my opinion and I'm sticking with it until convinced by the weight of evidence otherwise.
Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='4547' dateline='1243876160'

Quote from: 'sameldrum1'

Guys, do you really think that one simple agency translator is taking this much time from his life to answer our questions so thoroughly? Let the mask (and spin) continue...just realize what is probably going on...

Scott, Let me assure you nobody gets past me. I won't be made a fool by no one. I've been on computers since before there were PC's and on the internet from the beginning. I know all the tricks. The translator is real. The translator works for an agency and not from the chnlove office in HK.

Okay, Vince...I believe you think this.  Can you give us some reasons/facts why you believe this person is a translator working in an agency?  I haven't ready anything yet in this post to explain how this can be verified.  I don't mean to sound skeptical, but I know it is coming off that way...please tell us exactly why this person CANNOT be working for Chnlove.  

Quote from: 'sameldrum1' pid='4555' dateline='1243879600'

Quote from: 'Martin' pid='4546' dateline='1243875688'

it just seems so obvious an attempt by the main organization from Hong Kong to get their viewpoint in here.

This person is typing to us from Shenzhen, not Hong Kong.  Also, they are as welcome here as anyone.  Are far as being far too eloquent or intelligent...I do not know where you are basing this, as my own translator speaks excellent English.


As I said, I could be wrong...I'm giving my opinion...I didn't say they weren't welcome...

I'm glad to hear why you are so certain they are coming from Shenzhen, and not some place else...just stating it doesn't make it true.

I am basing the eloquence and intelligence on my experience writing many, many women, from several different agencies, each using different translators...also, I have written responses to Chnlove customer care, and the writing is much more in tune with the main organization than any translator I have used.  That's all I have to base it on.

To me, it just doesn't add up that one agency translator has taken this all on by him or herself.  Odds are much better that it is from the main organization.  That's still my opinion and I'm sticking with it until convinced by the weight of evidence otherwise.

Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='4547' dateline='1243876160'

Quote from: 'sameldrum1'

Guys, do you really think that one simple agency translator is taking this much time from his life to answer our questions so thoroughly? Let the mask (and spin) continue...just realize what is probably going on...

Scott, Let me assure you nobody gets past me. I won't be made a fool by no one. I've been on computers since before there were PC's and on the internet from the beginning. I know all the tricks. The translator is real. The translator works for an agency and not from the chnlove office in HK.

Okay, Vince...I believe you think this.  Can you give us some reasons/facts why you believe this person is a translator working in an agency?  I haven't ready anything yet in this post to explain how this can be verified.  I don't mean to sound skeptical, but I know it is coming off that way...please tell us exactly why this person CANNOT be working for Chnlove.  


Call me sceptic but I have to agree with Scott on this one. There are more to this bloke than we know so far.
All I could say is if He/She wants to unveil their name and location? He/She will. Martin said it already, it's not coming from Hong Kong or Chnlove.
That is very familiar treatment I got from my Fushun "Lady", writing for 5 months and when I arrived I met someone else. The "lady" did not exist. Agency staff pretending (including emails).

Offline Proteus

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Quote from: 'Ronan' pid='4061' dateline='1243469944'

Have you ever read an emf from a chnlove member and thought that's completely the wrong response to write to the letter a lady just wrote him?, like maybe he misunderstood what the lady was saying?

Similarly, have you ever come across a situation where a guy has written an emf and the lady has misunderstood the context correctly of his emf?

Hi Ronan, thank you for asking.

I've come across rare cases where a lady and a gentleman misunderstand each other through emf correspondence. We not only translate letters for them but also communicate with the ladies frequently to answer their questions and give them advice. As long as the emf letters are through our translation, they'll be understood by their real meaning as much as possible. The difference of the service the ladies and you gentlemen enjoy lies in the existence of the agency. You come to this site as individuals but the ladies are orginazed and guided.

If you've experienced misunderstanding (perhaps because of bad translation) in your correspondence with the lady. I have two suggestions. One is to leave words to the translator. If the translator is alert and responsible enough, they will give you a response. The other is to use the "Rating System". It has five ranks, "Excellent" "Good" "Average" "Poor" "Bad". "Excellent" "Good" "Average" are positive rates and "Poor" "Bad" are negtive. When you rate a letter as "Poor" or "Bad", the chnlove staff will contact the agency and remind the agency to review their work and try to find the problem and solution.

Offline Proteus

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Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='4169' dateline='1243564020'

There has been many questions on the subject of communicating outside the EMF's. If the asking in a EMF of alternative communication is swept aside?

Hi Vince, thank you for asking.

If the letter is translated to the lady, all questions will be passed on. Besides, the English version of a gentleman's emf mail can only be sent to the lady in its complete content. They can be totally sent or hidden, but not partly sent. If in reply letter, the request to alternative communication is ignored, two possibilities come to my mind.

1. The lady concentrates more on questions and information exchanging background information of each other. She does not feel or understand your urgent need to switch to another way of communication.

2. Your request is too polite to arouse the lady's attention. "This is my email address XXX if you feel like to write me there." "I leave my email address here XXX in case you need it."

According to my limited experience, it is appropriate to talk about alternative communication as least after 5 pairs of letters. In that five pairs, you can ask the lady some polite quesions inquirying her English level. A request in the first letter usually leaves the lady an impression that the man is not sincere. There are three reasons.

1. A lady knows approximately the amout of money a man pays on each emf email. When you pay for something, you are serious. Besides, since the fee is paid by letters and a letter allows 6000 characters, a man is inclined to make full use of the space, therefore make a letter more meaningful and informative.

2. Because chnlove is expensive, a man should choose carefully whom to communicate with. In free communication, a lady worries how many woman the man is talking with.

3. When you leave email address of phone number in the very first letter, the lady might feel you are an old hand and you are trying to play game with her.

Vince G

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Thank you for the answers. I myself had a very smooth communication with my lady. There has been many assumptions on what happens on the receiving side. I am sure there will be other questions asked, so i hope you will frequent here to help with the answers. Thank you again.


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1. A lady knows approximately the amout of money a man pays on each emf email. When you pay for something, you are serious. Besides, since the fee is paid by letters and a letter allows 6000 characters, a man is inclined to make full use of the space, therefore make a letter more meaningful and informative.

Many men have complained (me as well) that they write 6000 character letters, and only get 3 or 4 lines returned to them.  Is there not anyone suggesting that the ladies write a little more...especially when the man is paying for those 3 or 4 lines?

Offline maxx

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Martan good point.I would also like to point out that my wife didn't know that I was paying for the letters.Untill she asked me how much the agency charged me.The translater jumped in and said it was 2.00.I told the translater is was closer to 6.00.

Guys theese answers look like regular Chnlove customer care answers.

Protus why don't you tell me something I don't already know.Like why doesn't Chnlove consolidate all of these different agencies.And make them all follow the same rules? Is there really women who the agency pays to just wirte letters to the men so that the men will waste there money?
« Last Edit: May 28, 2009, 11:41:32 pm by maxx »


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If you've experienced misunderstanding (perhaps because of bad translation) in your correspondence with the lady. I have two suggestions. One is to leave words to the translator. If the translator is alert and responsible enough, they will give you a response. The other is to use the "Rating System". It has five ranks, "Excellent" "Good" "Average" "Poor" "Bad". "Excellent" "Good" "Average" are positive rates and "Poor" "Bad" are negtive. When you rate a letter as "Poor" or "Bad", the chnlove staff will contact the agency and remind the agency to review their work and try to find the problem and solution.

I was lucky...I had a great translator!

Offline Proteus

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Quote from: 'Martin' pid='4175' dateline='1243567734'

1. A lady knows approximately the amout of money a man pays on each emf email. When you pay for something, you are serious. Besides, since the fee is paid by letters and a letter allows 6000 characters, a man is inclined to make full use of the space, therefore make a letter more meaningful and informative.

Many men have complained (me as well) that they write 6000 character letters, and only get 3 or 4 lines returned to them.  Is there not anyone suggesting that the ladies write a little more...especially when the man is paying for those 3 or 4 lines?

Hi Martin, thank you for asking.

As you may know, in some cases translators make suggestions to ladies or even modify their replies for a better effect. And that's all that we can do. If the lady truly shows no interest, a short reply is more honest than a longer one, don't you think so? The pursuit of love and marriage isn't a deal to be counted and judged by quantity. Length of the letter is itself a signal to be read and understood.

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Quote from: 'Proteus' pid='4207' dateline='1243580008'

As you may know, in some cases translators make suggestions to ladies or even modify their replies for a better effect. And that's all that we can do. If the lady truly shows no interest, a short reply is more honest than a longer one, don't you think so?

First of all, welcome. Do you work for ChnLove Customer Care Dept. ??? As 'Proteus' is an username, may we have your real name please ???  The core group of members here use our real names.

To your quote above ...  'modify their replies for a better effect', do you mean that translators write their own words on behalf of the ladies' feelings. Isn't that misleading the gentlemen ???

If the lady truly shows no interest, a short reply is more honest than a longer one, don't you think so? .... Sorry but I disagree, I believe that a reply to end the communication is more honest, wouldn't you think so ???